posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:01 PM
I was just browsing on twitter and I follow TFM along with several other news and informative people on twitter. While I know TFM is college
life/drinking/partying, which to many people especially christian seems like an extremely unmoral way to live. I my self am a christian, but I think
that these people who yell out of cars "repent, REPENT! you are immoral!" just give Christians and the way of life they live a bad name.
Im not going to get into what I think is moral and immoral, I just wanted to post this video of some christian radicals preaching to college students
partying on a football game day, also known as tailgating. I just think its an interesting video.
The link is above. What bothers me most about this is that the Christians are judging the people that party and almost be-little them like they are
better than them. I was born and raised chrisitian but its the attitude that is expressed in this video which turns me off to it. And if your a
conspiracy theorist im sure you know enough to incite/turn off your christian faith with information that does not add up and fallacies.
I just wanted to see what everyone thought of the video and the image it puts on Christians.
PS: The video is sorta long, feel free to skip around a little, you'll get the jist.
Thanks for reading!
edit on 12-9-2011 by jward01 because: Typos and grammer edits