posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 11:54 AM
Well, YT user PatrioticUnderGround, formerly known as PatrioticSpace has released the goodies on Dutchsinse, and his partner in crime, bunker builder
Scott Bales. After watching the video, I was able to make some distinct connections in which Mike pointed out. It all makes perfect sense. Scott, and
dutch have devised a scheme in which Dutch "reports" natural disasters, and Scott profits from Dutch's so-called "reports"! In fact, Scott has
backed dutch financially throughout this entire time. From paying for Dutch's fraudulent "radiation reading" road trip, to building, and hosting
Dutch's dot com from back in Feb., long before Dutch was well known on YT!
I have watched DutchSinse from the beginning, so I know his tactics resemble the infamous "Problem, Reaction, Solution" techniques we're all so
familiar with. For example, after PS released the video about Dutch, he remained silent for an entire day, then the next video release was about
someone reporting him on the DHS website. This is a diversion tactic, one of which DutchSinse is well known for.
I highly recommend you watch Mikes first two videos explaining the situation on YouTube at his channel:
But MORE IMPORTANTLY, WATCH Mike put the spotlight on Dutch's fraudulent activities here:
After seeing this, it's easy to see what's really going on with Dutch, and where his agenda lies... $$$$