posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:43 AM
This is my first thread, so if I screwed anything up, please let me know.
A friend of mine brought this to my attention. If you go to the website and click the link for News, you will be directed to a page
where it basically lays out the front pages of about 13 different newspapers.
I think 10 of them are American, 1 is from the UK, one from the UAE, and 1 (Haaretz) is an Israeli paper.
All of these papers have stories about 9/11 on the front page EXCEPT for the Israeli one. I don't understand why we keep supporting Israel, it seems
they would easily turn their backs on us.
Anyway, there's the info. I know it's only a small sampling of papers, but some of you ATSers can probably get more in-depth into this...whatever
"this" is, like find more examples of Israeli papers or something.
EDIT: Forgot to mention the webpage I am talking about didn't work in Opera Browser, so I used Mozilla.
edit on 12-9-2011 by upgrayeddc310t
because: because