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E-Verify says Obama not eligible for employment in the United States

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by jpbianchi
In other words, the word 'Kenya' itself was not even known in 1961,

Google Books is a great resource for determining approximately when a word entered the English lexicon. A search for Kenya between 1901 and 1960 yields 294,000 results.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:42 PM
Just based on his personal relationships both current and past, Obama would not even qualify to work for the very agency that is charged to protect his very life and the life of his family. For some reason he landed the job to sit in the Oval Office. IF the MSM had properly vetted him and published all that is known about him he never would have been "elected" in the first place. Evidence, relationships and friendships were ignored and he got a free pass.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:35 PM
In time he will be as they say "thrown under the bus".Obama is NOT president,he is the CEO and does NOT have to qualify as president under the constitution! People stop falling for all this crap,do your homework,all this in-fighting is just another red herring to get us to look the other way!

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 07:27 PM
I don't know or really care where Obama was born. I've heard radio interviews with his relatives in Kenya say he was born there. I've got his story that he was born in Hawaii. And yet another that says he was born in Seattle I think, it was a while ago, something about his mom being seen there days after the reported birth.

As much as I'd like to trust the Obama Corp. I've been lied to too many times to just buy it in the face of the evidence against.

But the issue of his past troubles me much more, we only know what he has reported, and some of that is contridictory.

For starters, how does an admitted C- student go from a 3rd rate college to getting into Columbia in one year?

I had friends with 4.0's apply there and not get in.

And how did a child of humble means (his words) afford an Ivy League education without an academic or athletic scholarship? Not just Columbia but Harvard also.

And how could he afford all the international travel during this time?

Why is it that CBS and Dan Rather were willing to go forward with Bush documents they knew to be fake, and not one MSM reporter asks any of these questions?

I have a million more questions about his relationships back in the windy city, but that's a whole different thread.

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