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Protestors burn American flag in London on 9/11 Moment of Silence

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:26 AM
I find it funny that these muslims hate us so much yet they like to live in our country living on our tax money and using our health and education system.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:28 AM
This is not directed at anyone in particular.

What i find fascinating is that non US citizens take enormous pleasure in
ridiculing/mocking the U.S of A. simply because their a major player in
our ultimate destiny.

Who would you prefer? The U.S , A fundamentally Christian nation rowing the boat.
or perhaps maybe you would prefer a Chinese socialist republic to be our pinnacle.

Islam is THE real threat to our way of life, not America.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:36 AM
Oh not MAC again (Muslims against crusaders), Britain's very own Westboro Baptist Church, religious trolling at it's finest. Always managing to get some headlines in the MSM.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:43 AM
I say grab a marshmallow and toast it up. It's football season. Let them burn whatever they want. Does it really matter?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 08:45 AM
It's not the flag burning that disgusts me.
It's not the anti-USA / UK sentiment that I feel disgust for.
It's the timing of their demonstration.
If they showed a little more respect for the innocent people who died that day then maybe people would be a little more understanding.
However, they deliberately choose such moments to stir up emotions and provoke reactions.
MAC are pure scum.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

Of course they deliberately chose the anniversary of 9.11! What better way to make a political statement than to do it on a day when the world's attention is on the subject?

All this whining about "insensitivity" is annoying. How sensitive has the USA been murdering tens or even hundreds of thousands directly over the past 10 years? How sensitive is it to bomb schools, churches, medicine factories, hospitals, etc? This isn't even counting the ongoing MURDERS that will occur due to deformities and cancers caused by DU munitions, lack of education or health care (because we bombed it), the total destruction of infrastructure, economy, jobs, etc..

I had a conversation with an Iraq VET - I complained that we don't care about the innocent lives we're taking in the Middle East. He claimed we do care - all Americans care, he said. Let me ask you all this: If bombs were falling on churches, schools, and homes in your neighborhood would you continue watching Dancing With the Stars, Southpark, and whatever other meaningless crap people fill their heads with? Would we still be going out to the movies? House parties? Would we still be worried about having the latest, coolest, shiniest thing? No. We would be out in the streets protesting, organizing, coming together to STOP the murders!

Or maybe we would get a bumper sticker ribbon to show the world that we care.. And that would be enough "activism."

So long as we all sit back and continue to enjoy our privileged, Western lives, without contributing anything to the betterment of the world, we have no right to complain about those who do get out to convey their frustrations. ESPECIALLY those who are justified in doing so. If you aren't active, shut up and stop complaining.

Talking on the internet where you are protected from the backlash of conveying your ideals does not count.
edit on 12-9-2011 by LuminiferousAether because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:09 AM
Does anyone remember the outcry from the US media when some little unknown church was going to burn some Koran's last year? You'd have though they were stringing them up and hanging them. Everyone was worried about inciting violence from those poor Muslims who no doubt can't control themselves. How is this burning of flags during a memorial not incite the same amount of hatred? What a bunch of hypocrites and half the replies on this thread are blatant hatred.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:11 AM
Yesterday was the day to remember 9-11. There were direct vicitims on that day. There have since been indirect victims, those we went to war with on the slightest pretense, our freedoms which have been compromised by the events of that day. Fairly much the entire world has been victims, we all have cause to reflect and perhaps react to that day.

What has not been adequately answered and in fact has been obscured by overwhelmingly powerful entities is WHO did the deed, WHY was it done? Very important also to consider is, WHAT has been the outcome?

edit on 12-9-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by NeoSpace
I find it funny that these muslims hate us so much yet they like to live in our country living on our tax money and using our health and education system.

And working and paying every other citizen.

And in case You missed it. The protest was in England.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by LuminiferousAether

Do you know anything about Muslims Against Crusades?

They are nothing but bigotted and repressive extremists who do nothing but stir up trouble at every opportunity and show nothing but contempt and hatred for the society that has welcomed them into the fold, fed them, sheltered them and treat them in every way as an equal to anyone else.

If they had the strength of their convictions and went to one of these places that they seem so concerned about and did something practical to help those 'affected' by 'western' policies instead of pretending to be so indignant and horrified whilst cashing their large giro's and living a life of luxury whilst contributing absolutely nothing to the society they are sponging off, then I may feel some sympathy and probably a grudging respect for them,
Until then I feel nothing but contempt and disgust for the hypocritical, barbaric scum bags they are!

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:27 AM
theres many people here in the UK who find burning the american flag disrespectful., especially on the anniversary of 9/11. i can only apologise to our american allies for this repulsive behaviour outside the US embassey in london. the same group of people burnt our poppy on armistice day last year. shame their quran didnt get burnt

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:39 AM

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by ladykay
theres many people here in the UK who find burning the american flag disrespectful., especially on the anniversary of 9/11. i can only apologise to our american allies for this repulsive behaviour outside the US embassey in london. the same group of people burnt our poppy on armistice day last year. shame their quran didnt get burnt

The same freedoms that permit the flag burning should also permit the Quran to be burned as well. Do you want to go there?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:53 AM
Those of you that are defending the actions of these alleged protesters should be ashamed of yourselves. Regardless of your political stance, the memorial was intended to honor the innocent lives lost on 9-11, which has no direct correlation to military exploits overseas.

If you look closely at the top picture of the protesters in the link provided, one of the signs being held up states "Islam will dominate the world". Yes, what a noble cause they represent and impeccable timing they have...

edit on 12-9-2011 by Humanity4Ever because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Huh? I never said We did before 9/11.

But they were protesting a 9/11 memorial, and you were apologizing for them. They're screwed up and you are too, if you "empathize" with that.

9/11 was a satanic ritual, an insurance fraud, a pretext for war (to the profit of the war suppliers), a destruction of evidence, a stealing of the gold, scheme created by individuals directly involved at the highest level of Our government. You sound as if You're going to haul in that tattered excuse of an explanation for 9/11 called the "OS."


Apologize for Them? Never. If there is anything to apologize for, that is on Them. Understand and empathize? Every time. That is why I can see that We should take the blame.


posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Humanity4Ever
Those of you that are defending the actions of these alleged protesters should be ashamed of yourselves. Regardless of your political stance, the memorial was intended to honor the innocent lives lost on 9-11, which has no direct correlation to military exploits overseas.

I would say there was a direct correlation. A lot of innocence was lost that day. We are all victims of 9-11 in some way or another. My opinion. Remember and memorialize who or what you will. I don't turn my back on the truth for this day, especially in this day. Believe who you will to be responsible, the truth of those events continues to be obscured.

If you look closely at the top picture of the protesters in the link provided, one of the signs being held up states "Islam will dominate the world". Yes, what a noble cause they represent and impeccable timing they have

They have a right to their opinion however far-fetched or as unlikely as it may seem to be. Perhaps this day I am more likely to celebrate the freedoms we have remaining and mourn the loss of those lost to these events.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. It is duly noted.

edit on 12-9-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

And the "picture of the towers," being a piece of paper, if They owned it and burnt it safely, They have every right. On any day of the year. And if I sound silly to You now, some day You will understand. Or not. Your choice.

This isn't about freedom of speech or whether they had earned their Smokey the Bear badges for fire safety.

It's easy for you to "empathize" with a mindset that can plunge a rusty knife into an innocent journalist's throat and then send the video to his pregnant wife, but not so easy for me.

Um... Wow. How do You know that the cloth-burners had anything at all to do with that incident? That would be as if I said You planned 9/11 because You, too, live in that country.

How do you know they didn't? Oh, an apologist, it doesn't matter because this is your attitude:
vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv

But, in fact, though it's not pleasant, nor do I promote thinking in that fashion, I can empathize with even the violent Ones. The cloth-burners were surely NOT the violent kind.

Oh no! Not your islamo-fascists! They would never do something like that!!

You're a funny guy, A.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by ooozy

cool post but your name is infamous here, lol!!

is that really you?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 11:27 AM
If they burn the Koran all hell will break loose.

There will be rioting in the streets.

There will be revenge killings, beheadings, etc.

Oh, $hit, wrong thread...this one is about the American Flag...carry on.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by LuminiferousAether

quote] Of course they deliberately chose the anniversary of 9.11! What better way to make a political statement than to do it on a day when the world's attention is on the subject?

granted, very effective and should draw a lot of sympathy for the cause.

All this whining about "insensitivity" is annoying. How sensitive has the USA been murdering tens or even hundreds of thousands directly over the past 10 years? How sensitive is it to bomb schools, churches, medicine factories, hospitals, etc? This isn't even counting the ongoing MURDERS that will occur due to deformities and cancers caused by DU munitions, lack of education or health care (because we bombed it), the total destruction of infrastructure, economy, jobs, etc..

well if they would not hide in those places they would be ok and we would not have to spend tons of money to rebuild them.

wish we would just walk away after....but.

besides, the total causalities are not on our hands, 80% are from other muslims.

especially the civilians. sunni/#e, whatever.

DU? don't eat it and you won't get lead poisoning. that's why they call it depleted.

I had a conversation with an Iraq VET - I complained that we don't care about the innocent lives we're taking in the Middle East. He claimed we do care - all Americans care, he said. Let me ask you all this: If bombs were falling on churches, schools, and homes in your neighborhood would you continue watching Dancing With the Stars, Southpark, and whatever other meaningless crap people fill their heads with? Would we still be going out to the movies? House parties? Would we still be worried about having the latest, coolest, shiniest thing? No. We would be out in the streets protesting, organizing, coming together to STOP the murders!

sorry dude, big fail on that one.

you blew his answer off and you'd be out protesting?

i'd be out shooting back.

Or maybe we would get a bumper sticker ribbon to show the world that we care.. And that would be enough "activism." So long as we all sit back and continue to enjoy our privileged, Western lives, without contributing anything to the betterment of the world, we have no right to complain about those who do get out to convey their frustrations. ESPECIALLY those who are justified in doing so. If you aren't active, shut up and stop complaining. Talking on the internet where you are protected from the backlash of conveying your ideals does not count.

i don't feel guilty, i will fight when i need to. vote, whatever.

you sound like you want to give up all your worldly goods and go fight for them.

maybe just give up your worldly goods and get that bumper sticker.

you have a nice day!

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