posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 11:25 PM
Are we a "community" ? Or just a "messageboard?"
Sometimes I feel one way, sometimes the other. But its an important question to answer because of the OP's question. If there is a "conspiracy
theory community" then you can begin to talk about accountability. But if there is no social contract along those lines to begin with, the question
of accountability goes out the window.
I really WANT us to be a "community." But I don't think we are all the way there yet. I'm hoping in another 3-5 years this "thing" we are
building here might start to stand up and walk of its own accord. But we aren't there yet.
When a fully-fledged "conspiracy community" takes shape at last, I will be there right on the front-lines as accountable as you please. But that day
isn't here yet...