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9/11: Blueprint for Truth. The Scientifically Disproven Official Story.

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:11 AM
Seeing the video about the squibs on WTC building 7 made me notice these two rather suspicious ones on the south tower collapse video


They happen right around 7 seconds into the video, they happen together almost instantly, and seem to be in fairly odd places for me to consider them pressure escaping at the same time.

This may have been pointed out already, and although it seems like there should be more squibs if it was a controlled demolition I thought I would share this.
edit on 12-9-2011 by A-Dub because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by Maslo

Dude please tell me you're joking.
A collapse of some shelves?

Care to address the fact-filled posts that disprove the official story?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by stainlesssteelrat

Nah National Geographic is just your typical controlled outlet, they lied to the public on that show.

Here's Nat. Geo being proven wrong on all levels:

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:22 AM
I don't buy the thermite story.... the potassium garbage is also used in water treatment, which means it could have been on the planes (treating on board water supplies) and would most likely be used in the buildings to treat the water between floors.

EPA Potassium P. FAQ

Also Firefighter Joe Torrillo watched it all happen, and was claiming that the towers were going to collapse before they did.... He had studied structural engineering and his focus was the WTC towers.... He knew that they were not built as well as the other towers

“When I was there, believe it or not, other than the fire and the smoke, it was almost very desolated around the perimeter of the World Trade Center…it was almost like complete silence.”

As Torrillo ran toward Ground Zero, his mind was filled with thoughts about the dangers ahead. But rather than worrying about his own safety, he was thinking about how save others.

“As [I was] running toward the North Tower, hoping to get up to the upper levels, one of things [I was] saying to myself [was] that these buildings [were] going to collapse and that [I had] to let a lot of people know about it.”

Of course, there were many individuals who didn’t believe that such a prospect was possible. Sure, the Towers had been attacked, but was it truly possible for the massive structures to come down?

“I started [telling people] and [they] started looking at me crosseyed wondering ‘How the hell are two buildings going to collapse?,’” he explains.

Torrillo had extra insight, though, having studied structural engineering during his college years. One of his professors had worked on the World Trade Center. This educator, who managed the placement of concrete during the Towers’ construction, brought Torrillo and his classmates to the buildings to analyze them in detail.

It was during this time — years before the horrific terror attack — that the brave firefighter says he learned that the Towers, though mighty in terms of their size, were flimsier than some of Manhattan’s other skyscrapers.

“It was very obvious to me that those buildings were going to collapse…I was positive,” he says. “My biggest fear was that we were going to lose a lot of people that day.”

Torrillo told everyone, even other emergency workers who were trying to setup a triage, that they needed to get out. Again, he was met with resistance.

“They asked, ‘Who are you? We don’t work for you.’ They were very hesitant. But I was adament about getting them out.”

Luckily, they inevitably listened. Just as the last crew drove four or five blocks away he says he heard “a loud boom.” He was outside, directly below the buildings.

“I looked up, and the building was starting to collapse. And I said to myself, ‘You idiot — you‘re the one who said this building’s going to collapse and you put yourself right underneath it!’”

This guy survived not only being trapped in the first tower collapse, but also the second tower collapse as they were trying to get him to the hospital.

edit on 12-9-2011 by longtermproject because: Truther's never prosper

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by captainnotsoobvious

I see you're still posting 911 threads with false info.
Yeah I guess the information is so false that you don't even need to debunk it! :shk:

Why not ask this: of all the buildings built like the Twin Towers, in the whole world, how many of them were hit by jets? What percentage of those hit by jets then collapsed? The answer is that there were only ever two buildings built like the twin towers. Both were hit by jets and 100% of then collapsed.
You left out a big one: the 47 story skyscraper that wasn't hit by an airplane.

Why not then ask the 99.99% of Engineers that DID NOT SIGN the petition why they didn't. Are they not capable, of using the scientific method?
An accurate scientific investigation is more important than a popularity contest. How about you call up an engineer and ask him to show us how this information is inaccurate? Just type in Engineer into switchboard, there's what, a 99.99% chance that he'll be on your side?

This thread is just more dishonesty from the Truther camp.
And your complete lack of addressing even a single thing from the 7 pages of evidence really adds credibility to your arguments.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by A-Dub

I would like to say about the squibs...Squibs that are seen in most CD's are quite readily seen...and i believe there is a reason that gets rather over looked by many people...this was not a normal controlled demolition was it...

Now i ask myself how would a normal CD be done...HEALTH AND SAFETY would be a big factor involved i would imagine...Would you?

now i could be wrong i know i have been on occasion and even have to admit it sometimes....(hangs head in shame).

but i point out windows.....not the operating system...but actual windows.....i believe a great many squibs would not even rear their ugly little head in this case as there is no place for them to almsot all CD's i have seen real and video they take weeks to months to prepare and part of that preparation is removal of possible debris which could be dangerous to structures and people in and around the vincinity.

windows are removed.

Now before i get attacked...not saying it is the case in all demolitions as i am sure it would be called a truther lie then....but look at as many as you like and you will see a trend with few exceptions, but, guessing here...i would think that most around people or structures or on the blast floors would be taken out

Squibs can be seen as they take the path yet again of least resistance....I am not sure but does this make sense to you?

edit on 093030p://f38Monday by plube because: decided to add a vid for pure enjoyment

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:38 AM
this is another conspiracy i want to believe but makes no sense upon close examination.

the conspiracy theory can be boiled down thusly:

Bush/Clinton/Bush/New World Order planned the downing of the WTC buildings in order to start a war in the Middle East. They planted bombs in the WTC buildings and then hired the men who would fly the planes into the buildings. once the men did so, the buildings would be collapsed.

but for what? there has to be some motivation for killing thousands of your own citizens and destroying the most iconic buildings in your country.

considering that The United States alone has some of the largest reserves of (untapped) oil in the world, is friends with Saudi Arabia, who has some of the largest oil reserves in the world, receives by far the most of it's oil in use not from the Middle East, but from Canada, and Mexico, and now is friends with Brazil, who has been found to have some the largest oil fields in the world...there must be some reason.

but i can see none. seems to me that the leaders of the New World Order should be hunt down and shot and then strung up for everybody to see since they have accomplished nothing useful. and if they have been running the world for however long, they are really quite useless. they have not improved life for anybody, including the super rich, because the super rich, in this economy, are losing more money then most of us can even imagine. and the super rich, if nothing else, are only interested in only one thing: becoming richer.

so i just don't see it.
edit on 12-9-2011 by lkpuede because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-9-2011 by lkpuede because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:43 AM
Or, the things were just completely shoddily built. Corners cut, inferior steel and concrete used, proper testing not conducted during construction. Maybe the buildings as designed could withstand impacts with planes but a construction project of this magnitude, in everyone-on-the-take New York resulted in these house of cards.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by sprtpilot
Or, the things were just completely shoddily built. Corners cut, inferior steel and concrete used, proper testing not conducted during construction. Maybe the buildings as designed could withstand impacts with planes but a construction project of this magnitude, in everyone-on-the-take New York resulted in these house of cards.

that sounds more like common sense. but i really dont think that common sense has anything to do with this form of logic. i think a great very many people enjoy the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Cheney logic than actually figuring out what happened. sure the governement made a great very many stoopid mistakes while in pursuit of OBL. Clinton made the biggest mistakes. he had ample opportunity to get his hands on OBL, but screwed up time after time. So did the CIA. So did the FBI. the whole lot of them woefully miscalculated what OBL could accomplish with a few people that would just follow anything that came out of his mouth, and gave their lives for a thug. and in the end, all they did was unite the American people in hatred against the people they swore they were protecting.

but to suggest that the government willfuly planned the whole thing...i'm just not seeing it. and i just can't see the profit that can be gotten from doing such a foolhardy thing.
edit on 12-9-2011 by lkpuede because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-9-2011 by lkpuede because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:52 AM
Best thread ever!

On the subject anyway! Amazing.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:01 AM
You can't accurately compare any previous building fires or collapses with the Twin Towers. They were not the same size, structure, nor did they have jumbo jets fly into them. You can't compare airplane crashes into buildings and compare it to a jet flying into a hardened stucture as it did with the Pentagon.

Unique circumstances for those crashes on 9/11 are completely ignored for some reason.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
You can't accurately compare any previous building fires or collapses with the Twin Towers. They were not the same size, structure, nor did they have jumbo jets fly into them. You can't compare airplane crashes into buildings and compare it to a jet flying into a hardened stucture as it did with the Pentagon.

Unique circumstances for those crashes on 9/11 are completely ignored for some reason.

Happens the same with real world physics, completely ignored or unnefective that day.
For those that cant see what the profit was, or motives, I dont your friggin eyes?educate yourselfs on why is the USofA is engaged in few direct wars and proxy wars too?

BTW, no jumbo hit the twin towers, or the pentagon, if there ever was a plane(at the pentagon).

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:17 AM
Nice work on your research.
I had watched the documetary when it first came out. Im suprised more people havent seen it. There were no different versions like Loose Change. They made sure they had it right the first time. The thing with the 2 Pentagon Police on there just put another nail in the coffin.
The Blueprint just brings up to many questions that only can be answered by, it had to have been some inside workin going on. I mean how do u make billions off of a Terror attack? I dont know, but alot of people in the US did.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Luckily, they inevitably listened. Just as the last crew drove four or five blocks away he says he heard “a loud boom.” He was outside, directly below the buildings.

“I looked up, and the building was starting to collapse. And I said to myself, ‘You idiot — you‘re the one who said this building’s going to collapse and you put yourself right underneath it!’”

This guy survived not only being trapped in the first tower collapse, but also the second tower collapse as they were trying to get him to the hospital.

edit on 12-9-2011 by longtermproject because: Truther's never prosper

So u dont buy the thermite story. What about the bombs in the buildings. This guy heard a loud boom right before they came down. What was the BOOM?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:25 AM
I know NIST even reported building 7 came down at free fall speed for the first 8 stories. That means the building went from motionless to free fall instantly. For that to happen, the bottom 8 floors would have had to been removed instantly. No scenario of office fires is capable of producing that result, it is impossible.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
You can't accurately compare any previous building fires or collapses with the Twin Towers. They were not the same size, structure, nor did they have jumbo jets fly into them. You can't compare airplane crashes into buildings and compare it to a jet flying into a hardened stucture as it did with the Pentagon.

Unique circumstances for those crashes on 9/11 are completely ignored for some reason.

i might even be safe to assume that since no airplanes (jumbo or other types) were ever flown in buildings of this size (or any other size as far as i know), the outcome of such a collision would have unknown affects.

but it has had the clear and unmistakable effect of the theory arising that it was a deliberate action of the Governement for unknown reasons. even in imagination, one (this one, anyway) cannot reach a logical conclusion as to why such an action would be undertook.

but then as i've written above, i'm pretty sure any attempt to apply logic to this event will be promptly and forcefully rejected by those who have invested themselves in this form of logic.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Merlin Lawndart
I know NIST even reported building 7 came down at free fall speed for the first 8 stories. That means the building went from motionless to free fall instantly. For that to happen, the bottom 8 floors would have had to been removed instantly. No scenario of office fires is capable of producing that result, it is impossible.

but this was not an office fire. it was a jet flown into the WTC centers. did the NIST address this fact in it's report?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by TupacShakur

Thanks TupacShakur

Now to Add my Contribution

The Word PULL in Demolition Slang

as Larry Silverstein they Guy With the Keys ( Ownership Handler of the WTC Buildings )


as Some People Think hes Referring to the Firemen to PULL ((( Out )))) out of Building 7

WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

alternate Silverstein WTC7 pull it comment

Well According to this that Slang for Pull it is Real

Pull It? ( 12 seconds in We are getting ready to pull building 6 )

And they say there's no Contractor's that ever say PULL

Explosion !

9/11 WTC 7 Firefighters "Keep Your Eye on that Building, It's Coming Down"

He said Explosion ! at 47 sec !

and was interrupted deliberately

Pull it Demolition Slang Pull Out Fireman/Military Evacuation Slang

Silverstein said Pull it

9/11 WTC 7 Prior Knowledge - Firefighters Said 'Imminent Collapse' ... It Has Happened WCBS Live

I have tried to find the video of the Firefighter evacuation of building 7 The PULL OUT!!

I can not remember what it was called it does Exist and one fireman said they were told to
Pull out of the building


Bomb in the building start clearing out ???

The Firemen and Larry silverstein who knew that Bombs were Implanted in WTC 7 before its

9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC lobby

FDNY describe the bombs planted in the World Trade Center

I think the NYFD would know what they are talking about ...
edit on 12-9-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:28 AM
Great thread. there is so much evidence indicating a cover-up on 9/11/01 that it's hard to believe that people think some guy in a cave did it!. apparently the folks at ATS didn't read the thread and went ahead and put up some wierd osama did it back ground???

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by OG_SWAGGA_KING

Demo via explosion requires dozens of visible and audible timed explosions. NO witnesses reported that. So a loud boom isn't proof of anything other than a large boom.

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