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I'm worried, You should be too.

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posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 02:32 PM
I am 20 years old and I have yet to have an interest in voting. Many of you probably think the same in the UK, it just seems our votes do not get noticed and im not talking about age, I am just talking about votes in general.

Now just because I am 20, does not divide me from any lesser a view then someone older then myself.

So. What I want to say is that these past few years ive seen this country really change, from being very british and real, to a mash of cultures and loss of british true blood. I have no problem with different races but I do have a problem with loosing what this country is.

Other lands around the world do not welcome new comers in so easily then the uk does. They do not have such a huge amount of cultures around there land, they are kept together and not allowed to distress the real citizens of its country. Yet we seem to be welcoming the loss of our land and it is a loss.

I understand that many people worldwide travel and stay where they wish but there is a difference in the amount, in the UK it seems that things are getting out of hand. We do not have enough buildings to support more newcomers then the already stable british citizens. Its making younger generations getting a place impossible, one my brother has been through and now sees how bad it is. Jobs are also being given to lesser individuals because of pay differences and it seems nothing is being done about it. It seems those in power have no plans to change this.

Now I want to know from people here, if your ok with the current state of this country then your welcome to its collapse but if you are not, what would you do about it?

I understand I may have a young view here and may not be talking many real facts as such but you see my point.

BNP anyone? ( correction ) lol.
edit on 11-9-2011 by DenyStupidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 02:40 PM
firstly its the BNP. secondly this is happening to many european countries. the UK is not alone in this, there is little to worry about on this front imo, the country wont "collapse" for this reason alone.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by hrizn
firstly its the BNP. secondly this is happening to many european countries. the UK is not alone in this, there is little to worry about on this front imo, the country wont "collapse" for this reason alone.

Mis-type there, corrected, lol.

and I understand it isn't just here, most of europe is under this constant barrage but it would be a start to branch from here on out. Set a standard.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by DenyStupidity

I totally agree with you, the same exact thing is happening here in the USA.

I don't see any point in voting since it's not the public vote that gets counted, the electoral college is the handful of individuals that the nominees seek to sway, that control the outcome of the entire election. I believe that the Electoral College system needs to be done away with and allow the voting to be based on popular vote from the citizens.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Grace0f4babes
reply to post by DenyStupidity

I totally agree with you, the same exact thing is happening here in the USA.

I don't see any point in voting since it's not the public vote that gets counted, the electoral college is the handful of individuals that the nominees seek to sway, that control the outcome of the entire election. I believe that the Electoral College system needs to be done away with and allow the voting to be based on popular vote from the citizens.

Well I did not know about such systems and if that is the case then yes, it should be done away with because that totally undermines the entire point of voting.

and yes I see the same thing happening to the USA too, I do not understand why both here and there they do not wish to protect there land, instead there are prostituting it for cheap money or fast money from what they give the newcomers to this land and yours.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by DenyStupidity

The reason the government are doing nothing about it is because they are not the ones in power. It is the elite organizations who are controlling everything. And it's all done on purpose, divide and conquer. It was too late for us 20 years ago, we have gone way past the point of no return. Our fathers and grandfathers should have acted when we had more rights.
If you think about it, we have more CCTV cameras than any other country in the world yet crime continues to rise. It was never ment to reduce crime, it was ment so the elite can spy on us.
Even if you wanted to start a revolution they would infiltrate it and spread misinformation for the sheeple to lap up and start calling revolutionaries terrorists. Money and materialism has taken a grip on British society and there's no way we can change that.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 02:51 PM
I have to say, when I watch the news about the UK, it reminds me of a country that gave up and let the "idiots run the asylum" a long time ago. I blame your politicians for beings weak and giving into every special interest group that existed for the the last 30 years.

Canada, is finally and slowly starting to move away from all this multi-culturalism, fuzzy feel good 60's hippy children garbage that was hoisted upon us by a socialist fraud PM. We are not out of the woods by a long shot, but at least we are making progress.

The problem you have,like us,is that there are so many special interest benefiting from the status quo. They will scream, shriek, and name call when they are called out. So, it's a long path. I wish your country luck.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 02:55 PM
I'd love to know what British true blood is. Can you get that on the National Health ?

My mate Faisal, he's as British as jam and Jerusalem. But he's a darker shade of pale, Muslim too (in theory)(theory counts for nothing). Faisal's Granddad came over here in the 1950's, invited like, worked the buses.

I wonder ... does my mate Faisal have British true blood or would the OP ship him "home" ?

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by DoubtingThomas1

I couldn't care less what someone looks like. What I expect is they respect my country, get a job, become part of Canadian society, let their kids play with other kids, and inter mingle with the rest of us.

I also have issues with people coming hear and telling me how racist, and rotten we are (considering "their" heritage and political history in a lot of cases, its a bit rich to say the least).

That to me is a reasonable expectation.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 03:06 PM
It's screwed here in the uk,i've completley had enough and everyone i know feels the same.The place has turned into a joke,my solution is i'm emigrating this year.They can have it i'm off......

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 03:29 PM
the youth are lazy. Make excuses but it comes down to good old apathy. It's easy to sit around whine about how the world isn't fair and voting means nothing. It's easy surf the internet, go to parties, and waste all day playing videos games, but it seems impossible to get 18-25 years olds to get out of bed once every 4 years (in the USA) go down to the poll area, stand in line for 15 minutes and cast a vote. Voting doesn't matter? I can tell you from living in Ohio that my state is one of the many states that could have swung the past 3 elections, with the republicans winning by a couple percent. Yet despite the knowledge that these elections are going to be close how many 18 to 25 years old show up to vote? 8 stinking percent. Voting matters so much that if voters 18 to 25 would have showed up to vote in my state the outcome of the last 3 elections for president would have been different.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 03:36 PM
18-25 year old these days know that no matter who they vote for the end result is the same,they get screwed either way.They are of course lazy too but if they thought it would make a change they'd be more likley to vote...

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by DoubtingThomas1
I'd love to know what British true blood is. Can you get that on the National Health ?

My mate Faisal, he's as British as jam and Jerusalem. But he's a darker shade of pale, Muslim too (in theory)(theory counts for nothing). Faisal's Granddad came over here in the 1950's, invited like, worked the buses.

I wonder ... does my mate Faisal have British true blood or would the OP ship him "home" ?

You obviously don't have to deal with the darker side of British society today otherwise you wouldn't have made such a comment. Colour has nothing to do with it. When foreigners go to Italy, france, spain... they become part of the country. They may have more racism but they still have their culture. This country has no integration policy whatsoever. You get areas which are completely asian, black... This is not how to create a community, this is how you create separation.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Dezero

Originally posted by DoubtingThomas1
I'd love to know what British true blood is. Can you get that on the National Health ?

My mate Faisal, he's as British as jam and Jerusalem. But he's a darker shade of pale, Muslim too (in theory)(theory counts for nothing). Faisal's Granddad came over here in the 1950's, invited like, worked the buses.

I wonder ... does my mate Faisal have British true blood or would the OP ship him "home" ?

You obviously don't have to deal with the darker side of British society today otherwise you wouldn't have made such a comment. Colour has nothing to do with it. When foreigners go to Italy, france, spain... they become part of the country. They may have more racism but they still have their culture. This country has no integration policy whatsoever. You get areas which are completely asian, black... This is not how to create a community, this is how you create separation.

Very well put.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by DenyStupidity

I have to
as I say, Welcome to the American way of life. We have been going through this for some 40 plus years, ( 40 plus years is when the mass multi cultural change has been happening). We "So called Americans" stand in the back of the line when it come to business loans, scholarships, entitlements, work, the list is endless. Belive me young Locust/Jedi you and your country are not alone.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:34 PM
I'm not worried in the slightest.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:04 PM
Pandering to every minority that can be dreamed up is counter to democratic systems. Democracy is actually a heavy duty, hardcore system of "sink or swim" dynamics and we have been shamed into denying that reality, at great risk to our future.

An example of another highly principled system is ancient Sparta. While the goal was different (militarization) the underlying social principles were strikingly similar.

There was a goal, to create and maintaine a militaristic society filled with the most hardened and highly trained warriors in the world. To achieve this the desires of the individual were placed below the goal of the greater society.

At first blush this seems incompatible with modern democratic values, however the rule of majority is precisely the same preference for the greater good than for the appeasement of minority views.

The effort to fully represent every view and desire in modern western societies has put us into an infinite loop of entitlement and dissatisfaction.

As the saying goes, You can please some of the people most of the time, you can please most of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:42 PM
"Voting" is not enough,
young People need to be involved into the Politic.

Participate, look for a political Tendency you like,
go into the Basic Groups and try to articulate your Fear,
and try to developed your own Ideas,
this is what is needed!

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by DoubtingThomas1
I'd love to know what British true blood is. Can you get that on the National Health ?

My mate Faisal, he's as British as jam and Jerusalem. But he's a darker shade of pale, Muslim too (in theory)(theory counts for nothing). Faisal's Granddad came over here in the 1950's, invited like, worked the buses.

I wonder ... does my mate Faisal have British true blood or would the OP ship him "home" ?

British true blood: Someone whose ancestors go back a bit further than the after WW II
immigrant invasion. You could travel to Iran/Saudi Arabia/Afganistan/etc,
with him for a while and try out living under Sharia for fun.

Britain was? probably 98% white in 1940.

4. Islam commands its followers to create a government that supports it. This may be one of the most brilliant innovations in Islam. Islam is the only religion that uses it. Other groups of religious people have had political aspirations, but no other major religious group orders its followers — as a religious duty — to create a government that follows its own system of law. Islam has a system of law, called Shari'a, and all Muslims are obligated to continually work toward making their government — wherever they are — follow it. Because of some of the other memes added to Islam, you will see that this political addition to the memeplex has significant consequences. I think this is Islam's most brilliant innovation, and also the most terrifying to non-Muslims. 5. Permission to spread the memeplex by war. This is another brilliant innovation. Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines. Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the memeplex. The poor non-Muslims not living in an Islamic state need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't voluntarily change their laws to Shari'a, then it is the duty of Muslim warriors to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah.

News UK news UK whites will be minority by 2100 Special report: race issues in the UK reddit this Anthony Browne The Observer, Sunday 3 September 2000 Article history Whites will be an ethnic minority in Britain by the end of the century. Analysis of official figures indicate that, at current fertility rates and levels of immigration, there will be more non-whites than whites by 2100. It would be the first time in history that a major indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority, rather than through war, famine or disease. Whites will be a minority in London by 2010. In the early 1950s there were only a few tens of thousands of non-whites in the UK. By 1991 that had risen to 3 million - 6 per cent of the population. The population of ethnic minorities has been growing at between 2 and 4 per cent a year. Net immigration has been running at record levels, with 185,000 newcomers last year. Government forecasts suggest that immigration on its own will be responsible for half the growth of the British population over the next couple of decades. New immigrants, who are on average younger than the population at large, also tend to have higher fertility rates. In contrast, the population of white British citizens is static. Their fertility rate is very low - at under 2 children per woman - and there is overall emigration of British citizens. The analysis of the figures showed that if the population of ethnic minorities grows at 4 per cent a year, whites will become a minority before 2100. The demographer who made the calculation wished to remain anonymous for fear of accusations of racism.

White Britons a minority by ‘66 By GRAEME WILSON Published: 18 Nov 2010 Add a comment Add a comment (83) WHITE British people will be in a MINORITY in their own country by 2066, an expert warned last night. David Coleman, professor of demography at Oxford University, said they will make up less than HALF the population in just over 50 years. And soaring immigrant birthrates mean white British kids will be in a minority of youngsters in the UK even sooner. The dramatic decline will be fuelled by record-breaking levels of immigration, coupled with the departure of thousands of Brits for a better life abroad, the population analyst said.

edit on 12-9-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by RRokkyy

Another very well put reply.

Taking that statistic of 1940 98% white, really does settle in just how messed up this country has become since.

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