Please leave a comment saying how well you remember what you were doing and thinking when you learned of the 9/11/2001 attacks, and especially leave
one if you have forgotten. I suppose 99 of 100 of us who were adults at the time know, but will ask everyone here that question to get a better idea
of the odds.
Here is what George Bush remembered:
I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and
I said, "There's one terrible pilot." And I said, "It must have been a horrible accident.
The account was repeated again about a month later:
when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on. And you know, I thought it was pilot
error and I was amazed that anybody could make such a terrible mistake. And something was wrong with the plane, or -- anyway
George Bush
January 5, 2002
Cached Copy of the press release:
George Bush inadvertently admitted he participated in the 9/11 attacks in some way in the single most damning piece of evidence there is in existence
that 9/11 is an inside job. Its a commonly well established fact that while the second plane was shown on TV flying into the second tower, no news
outlets showed what was going on on when the first plane flew into the first tower on camera.
Since first of all everyone very clearly remembers what happened on 9/11, and second of all you wouldn't purposely tell people you are a terrorist,
George Bush Jr really did see the first plane on TV flying into the first tower, WTC Tower 1. The only reasonable way such a thing happened is that
whatever twisted and sick organisation Bush was a part of was streaming to his limo a live version of events.
George Bush just a few days ago, 'changed his mind' about what happened when he said this:
"I had been notified that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. At first I had though it was a light aircraft. And my reaction was, man it it...
either the weather was bad or something extraordinary happened to the pilot."
George Bush
August 28, 2011
National Geographic Interview, Skip to 1:34 to 2:14
Personally I very clearly remember that morning. Shortly after getting up, my mother told me "(my name here), America is under attack!", which I most
certainly did not believe. I then went to the TV and almost immediately saw video of one of the WTC towers collapsing. I almost loudly swore which
would have been embarrassing given the people who were nearby, but didn't. My emotions were more or less a combination of extreme sorrow for the loss
and extreme rage it was not prevented from happening. The towers collapsed in a way that made zero sense to me at all, but I certainly was not
questioning whether it was really a demolision. I was just enraged over how it made so little sense the way it happened. I was extremely furious that
something like that was able to happen given our "magnificent military" but it was more of an after-thought. The idea that I would ten years later
think... oh wait a second... I actually heard that on the radio and didn't learn of it first on TV is well beyond preposterous!
edit on
11-9-2011 by seachange because: (no reason given)
Sadly, I was terribly hungover that day and sleeping when I got a call from my brother asking, "are you watching this?!?!? (Turning to a co-worker)
They hit the Pentagon too?"
Went to turn on the TV and could not believe what was unfolding. The amount of rage was like nothing I had ever felt in my life.
When I got a call from my mother later, I assured her I was ready to re-enlist (even though I was too old to do so) and make these b#st#rds pay
Ten years later I cannot help but believe this was the greatest scam of perhaps all time.
Like so many others, I feel used and abused nowadays.
If memory serves correctly, wasn't Bush in the classroom reading a book to the children supposedly? or was that the original OS? seem to remember it
striking me as odd that he went back to reading instead of being concerned about the attacks. But 10 years is a long time for my memory.
This has been touted as "proof" for ages. But if someone should me the outline of a plane where it had crashed into a building, and told me "a plane
crashed into a building" when I repeated the story, I would say I saw video of the plane that crashed into the building.
Crashed or crashing, "hit the tower"... no matter what GW said, it's not like he had great grammar to begin with...
edit on 11-9-2011 by boncho
because: (no reason given)
He indicates that he was concerned about the attacks. In his Nat Geo interview that recently aired, he indicated that he wanted project a sense of
calmness versus jumping up in front of a bunch of children and running out of the room.
I cannot recall which other special, as there are a ton on 9/11, but one showed one of his head staffers being interviewed and he stated that he wrote
on the back of a legal pad, "Don't say anything yet" and held it up so that Bush could see while he was still in the classroom with the children
I find it interesting that this information wasn't covered when Bush talked about the classroom situation.
Bush was sat in the classroom, when one of his advisors informed him of what was unfolding. I remember watching this when I got home later that day.
The absence of emotion on his face was strange, I remember thinking
Whether he was infromed at that particular time of the second plane going into the South Tower, I can't be sure. If that was the case then he may
well have had a live stream in his Limo, because the second plane went in at 9.03. The first plane hit the North Tower at 8.46 and there was no live
coverage of that.
What time does schools start in the U.S? I know in the U.K they usually start between 8.50 a.m and 9.00.
Of course Bush is a born liar, he comes from a family of them. Therefore he could have made all of this up to sound like he was with everyone that
day, from the outset.
Either way, the OP is correct. You never forget where you were or what you were doing when you first heard of the unfolding tragedy.
Originally posted by seachange
Please leave a comment saying how well you remember what you were doing and thinking when you learned of the 9/11/2001 attacks
The issue is that... here we are 10years on and there is stil a large, though ignored and ridiculed segment of the population, who simply do not buy
into the Official Story to one degree or the next.
What does that say? That some large portion of Americans are absolutely unAmerica? Or that these people have used their heads and hearts to arrive at
a most uncomfortable place because it just doesn't make sense any other way?
Nobody who disbelieves the OS does so because it is popular or because it will get them anywhere in life. To be honest, it is the exact opposite.
Those who are labeled as 9.11 'truthers' will be hobbled in life because they dared to speak their beliefs.
George Bush was not smart enough to be a part of this. He was a tool, at best. This is something that he will have to live with... a cross that he
will bear for his entire life.
But... to be absolutely sure, let's remember other dates, like December 7'th, 1941... a date that was to live in infamy. But 10 years later in 1951,
there was but a note of the date in most newspapers and nothing at all in the newsreels that preceded television.
Unlike 9.11, we were able to move on from Pearl Harbor because we were never intended to live in eternal fear.
Please don't take offense to my previous reply. I agree, without hearing about any additional details (which can we really prove them either way)
his reaction seems nothing short of odd at first.
As for Dubya, what did you expect? His father couldn't remember where he was the day JFK was assassinated (sure, I believe THAT), did you really
expect any better from his son?
It's actually a rhetorical question as there truly is no need to answer. He's a politician,so we know he's lying because his mouth is open and
sounds are coming from it.
Amazing, he did say it! I would love to see someone should ask him about that today. He would most likely say he didn't remember that! But who
doesn't remember that day.....
Originally posted by boncho
...if someone should me the outline of a plane where it had crashed into a building, and told me "a plane crashed into a building", when I repeated
the story, I would say I saw video of the plane that crashed into the building.
I think you may have missed some of the post. George Bush was not attempting to describe what was going on on on 9/11 as the day went by. Bush was
describing *what his day was like* as he was learning of what's going on.
Its one thing to say "I saw the plane going into the building" when you've seen that only on TV at a later time. Its a whole different story to say 'I
first learned of the incident when I was watching TV', but then later change your story to first learning of the incident by being told directly by a
messenger. The story now is that Bush was apparently relayed a message about what happened in order to find out about it. The story told twice before
was that Bush was watching TV and learned about it from the TV.
But there is another a very important change in his story from then to now. The first time he told his story, he describes only a "terrible pilot".
But now he describes 'either bad weather or a terrible pilot'. That is a huge difference, for the reason that if you were watching it on TV to learn
about it, then you already know the weather was clear and therefore was not a factor. Bush was a pilot, and therefore would remember that better than
an average person.
Bush didn't have to wonder about the weather in his original honest story because he was watching the NYC weather on TV. So, Bush changed two parts of
his story. He now claims learning of the incident via messenger instead of watching TV. But he also claims that he was wondering about whether or not
bad weather was a factor. If George Bush saw the first plane fly into the first tower, then he saw the clear day in the background. And, his first
remarks reflect exactly that. But now he has changed his story to wonder about the weather as well. And again, as I said in the OP, who can't remember
the experience of first learning of the 9/11 attacks?
The way the story changed is very obviously a patch-work job covering up lies.
edit on 11-9-2011 by seachange because: (no reason
If it was from chaneys mouth Id say youd have something.
So, *everyone* with the sole exception of idiot executives remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they learned of 9/11? Is
that what you're saying? Okay then you tell me what the odds are an idiot executive is going to forget where he was when he learned of the 9/11 news?
I cant tell you exactly what I was doing, I know I woke up, listened to Stern, and went to work, I remember watching some coverage not all.
Details? I don't remember exact ones, Not like he was not immediately more concerned with how he had to respond to the situation.
Unlike many of us Bush didn't have the luxury of pouring over tv coverage, he was busy that day, I think I could give him a pass on being confused
about the first moments of it all.
Hell he was probably more concerned about how what he was saying would make him look to the american people other than what he actually did.
Originally posted by redoubt
George Bush was not smart enough to be a part of this. He was a tool, at best. This is something that he will have to live with... a cross that he
will bear for his entire life.
you're kidding right?
its that mindset which has enabled the perps to get away this lie for so long.
Anyone who believes georgie boy wasn't smart enough to be a part of something his entire family PIONEERED and own father flat out admitted was
involved with of on SEPTEMBER 11th 1991, either hasn't done enough research, is in denial, or not smart enough to understand they're the exact type
of people this lie was targeted to. a LIE so BIG , NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE IT.
the facts just based on common sense alone, are overwhelming that he not only KNEW, but played active role from start to finish.
THE MAN IS PURE EVIL and should be on trial for high treason and crimes against humanity.
Not even the most heinous murderer could sink as low as Bush and his family... no one except his the cold- blooded reptilian master CHENEY.
The way the story changed is very obviously a patch-work job covering up lies.
Yes, because everything politicians say is truthful, except for that one time when Bush was covering.
They have script writers, and if one told him to tell the story with a kid tugging on his waist saying, "What happened Mr. President?" He would have
added that into the story...