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Remembering the man who predicted 9/11: Bill Cooper

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:54 AM
Could someone give me a short summary of the Babylon to Christianity clip? I listened to about 15 minutes. It seems that he's going to say that Christianity is nothing more than a universal messiah cult used to enslave the people, but I thought Cooper was a Christian.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by AntoniusBlock
If 15 minutes is all you are willing to invest........

He is not going to say that but seriously I am pretty surprised that so many people here want to be spoon fed all the answers than do their own study

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Cinaed

I'm a graduate student with a wife and a baby on the way. Between trying to keep a normal life together, study, and spend free-time exploring and seeking truth I have limited time.

I'm sorry that that upsets you, but there are a millions things that I want to read and listen to, but life only hands you so much time.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 04:41 AM
Should remember this guy too Phil Schneider.

This guy got murdered for doing the same thing as Bill. Speaking out.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

This man's information is very interesting but I had to comment on how creepy it seems to me he very rarely blinks. He kinda looks hypnotized, when hypnotized people have their eyes open you often need to remind them to blink so their eyes don't dry too much because it can make them sore and irritated. I also notice he speaks kind of monotone so maybe it's normal for him. It isn't typical though. Most people blink pretty frequently.

Thanks for sharing, Im watching them all

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:28 AM
Looks like Liam Gallagher also predicted the attacks on America.

Here's a short clip from MTV I think in 2000.

Great Thread.
Never heard of William Cooper before, Thanks.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by benrl

I agree if you don't support the official story your labeled as a nut,no one here has any juice,if you were a percieved threat you would have been dealt with already

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by AntoniusBlock
Could someone give me a short summary of the Babylon to Christianity clip? I listened to about 15 minutes. It seems that he's going to say that Christianity is nothing more than a universal messiah cult used to enslave the people, but I thought Cooper was a Christian.

You'd be guessing wrong.

Mystery Babylon, as far as Cooper's series is concerned, is the same thing as the whore of Babylon. What is that? As Cooper explores it, the short version would be an ancient cult system that has spread and infested governments and other organizations of power the world over.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:54 AM
William Cooper changed my life - for the better I believe - and has even been a father figure to me for the last 6 years. His predictions are remarkable and he will surely go down in history of one one the all time greats who showed no fear standing up to the powers that be.

Via a White House Memo, WJ Clinton said Cooper "was the most dangerous radio host in America" which was the biggest compliment Bill said he'd ever received. Touché

Bill Cooper had many enemies and people who hated him but he always said the simplest thing to do was to write down all the nasty things anyone said or wrote about him (eg he was a drunk, a racist, a wife beater, a nutter, etc etc) and then check the factual information that he presented to see if anything said about him actually changed those facts. He would also mentioned that he enjoyed firing documented facts that could rarely if ever be refuted so he did not care less what people said or wrote about him as long as what he presented was the truth.

"Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless
you can prove it in your own research."

"When you tell the truth you piss everybody off!"

RIP Milton William Cooper (1943-2001)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:06 AM
Liam Gallagher video is nice. Star for You.

IMO Bill Cooper was inconsistent, and pretty much belittled or besmirched anyone who didnt agree with his agenda.
However, he did still think outside the box. Im down with that.
Star for you aswell.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

While I do appreciate the work done by Mr. Cooper, I think he gives the Lodge entirely too much credit for being more powerful than it is.

Our difference in opinion on this isnt enough to make me discount everything else. He has some good points.

Changed my life? Nah. I did that on my on.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:34 AM
Whether he was a loony or not, when I was introduced to Behold A Pale Horse almost 15 years ago it changed my life. It's the reason why I have the passion that I do for this field of information. At the very least I owe him that.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:56 AM
Not another 9/11 trueth idiot.....


More BS from the site that is made of of BS and is full of BS......

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:08 AM
i listened to your clip and i didn't hear him say "OBL will have 2 planes flow into the World Trade Center, causing their collapse on 9/11/2001."

so where did he say that at cause i'd love to hear the prediction.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by tom1701
Not another 9/11 trueth idiot.....


More BS from the site that is made of of BS and is full of BS......

My irony glands just exploded

But in all seriousness excellent thread OP

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by TheSandMansExecutioner

What was his agenda? truth, justices, and the so called American way?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by AntoniusBlock
reply to post by Cinaed

I'm a graduate student with a wife and a baby on the way. Between trying to keep a normal life together, study, and spend free-time exploring and seeking truth I have limited time.

I'm sorry that that upsets you, but there are a millions things that I want to read and listen to, but life only hands you so much time.

well as a graduate student, you should be able to understand this with stunning clarity.

the title of the post reads, in part, "...the man who predicted 9/11"

I have not encountered a single instance in which he said "I predict that on 9/11/2001, OBL (or terrorists or the NWO) will have 2 planes flow into the WTC buildings causing their collapse." I just couldn't find that prediction made by him or anyone else anywhere on the interwebs.

so you can draw your own conclusions on the topic.
edit on 12-9-2011 by lkpuede because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-9-2011 by lkpuede because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by ArcAngel
Funny how this topic comes up about every 6 months.

Please research and I don't mean youtube videos.

The man was crazy and a hard core alcoholic who shot at someone in front of his house. He then shot a cop. He is not the innocent lamb.

so as it turns out the "man who predicted 9/11" turns out to be mentally unstable individual who was also alcoholic and fired a weapon at an passerby at his home, as well as a law enforcement official.

not to mention the fact that he never made any prediction about 9/11.


posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:52 AM
I'm sorry but there's one thing that makes me question this individual although he correctly predicted that Osama Bin Laden would become the scapegoat of 9/11. In this video he claims to have read about the JFK assassination while working in the government.

Bill Cooper exposes the assassination of JFK

The documentation clearly said that assassin was the driver, in the car which he was driving in Dallas that day. And it was plainly visible in a film withheld from the public.

The weapon is an electrically operated gas powered assassination pistol built especially for this central intelligent agency. etc, etc.

This is false, you can clearly see in variants of the zapruder film on youtube that the supposed "gun" is just the reflection of the scalp of the man sitting beside the driver. Copper must have read some disinformation information while in the government. Or he's making it up.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Cauthion
I'm sorry but there's one thing that makes me question this individual although he correctly predicted that Osama Bin Laden would become the scapegoat of 9/11. In this video he claims to have read about the JFK assassination while working in the government.

Bill Cooper exposes the assassination of JFK

The documentation clearly said that assassin was the driver, in the car which he was driving in Dallas that day. And it was plainly visible in a film withheld from the public.

The weapon is an electrically operated gas powered assassination pistol built especially for this central intelligent agency. etc, etc.

This is false, you can clearly see in variants of the zapruder film on youtube that the supposed "gun" is just the reflection of the scalp of the man sitting beside the driver. Copper must have read some disinformation information while in the government. Or he's making it up.

can you please, before my head explodes, cite where he said "on the morning of September 11, 2001, the governement will have planes flown into the WTC causing their collapse, and OBL will be made the scapegoat." i just can't find that.

and I'd sure like to believe in the conspiracy theories that fly around here at ATS, but it always seems upon the most cursory of investigation, these theories fall apart.

so please clarify this for me so i can believe what you are saying. i cannot find a credible citation anywhere.

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