posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 02:44 PM
I don't think we should forget, to do so would be to forget all the first responders that didn't/did lose their lives, and of the loved ones who
were lost. Having said that, Since 9/11, it seems the country has gone the PTSD, and never recovered. Since mostly no one went to seek help, (Read:
On a mass scale people didn't go seek mental help) and have raised children with PTSD like symptoms, the children have been raised in a household of
PTSD symptoms. The reason I say this is because since the attacks, our country has severely split amongst itself. Political beliefs are now angered
beliefs, children are mobbing older people for no reason, violence has been growing among our youth, parents seem to be either disturbed or
uninvolved. Understanding the economic crisis that has been going on, I realize parents sometimes have to work more than two jobs to make ends meet.
But overall, Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party members, the Black Caucus and your everyday Joe are always arguing. You hardly hear about people doing
good deeds for each other or neighbors looking out for one another. And every year we rip off the band aid and memorialize those lost, and for one
day or one morning we all tell each other to never forget.
The selfless acts of those 343 first responders running in buildings to save lives should in my opinion be what we never forget. How the next couple
days after 9/11 we were all more open to help our fellow man/woman.
I think right around the time the DHS was formed was right around the time this wound started festering.
Since 9/11 we have had major corruption scandals on Wall Street and in the private business sector, perceived corruption at the highest levels of our
government ( I have no actual proof of government corruption, just ideas) a housing crisis, a couple economic crisis', two wars and more conflicts,
bailouts for too big to fail companies that turned out to be other countries (whoops! There's a bit of corruption at the Federal Reserve) and a
congress and Presidential staff on both sides of the aisle that continue to push us apart from one another. (See something, say something)
So I guess after all this, how do we end it? By forgetting the good deeds that should have set the tone for all of us to follow? Or do we continue to
bicker amongst each other and tear the country farther apart?
None of the past major events split up this country, this too shall pass. I just hope I live to see it pass. Sorry for the long post, I just think
we have all come a long way through turd alley, and would love to see a country that we can all be proud of.