posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 11:15 AM
* I would be interested whether other people remember this.
I the days and week(s) *before* 9/11, i clearly remember that i read on the news that there was some trial planned in NY for a highly ranked Al Quada
member. I am almost sure that this trial was actually set on or about 9/11 2001.
This was also one reason that i immediately "knew" it was a terrorist/revenge attack when i heard about the planes hitting the tower on 9/11 - and
thinking about this also makes it clear that the attacks on this date were no coincidence.
I would just personally want to know whether someone remembers those days pre-dating 9/11 and remembers seeing and hearing in the news about this
planned trial in NY.
* Survivors of 9/11
We know that about 3000 people died in the attacks, but i always wondered that i NEVER read or heard detailled stories about WTC attacks survivors,
eg. people in the areas below the plane impact..describing the impact and the chaos and how they escaped the WTC.
Don't get me wrong, 3000 deaths and all the horror of the attacks, but this also means that many more thousands have escaped..and i simply don't
understand there is so little on the net to read about people who survived.
In fact, i don't think i read ONE SINGLE personal account of a person who was in the WTC at that day who escaped, describing the terror and horror but
ultimately made it out alive.
edit on 11-9-2011 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)