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500 Longshoremen Storm a Government Building, Take Hostages (Longview, Washington)

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posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

So I guess my conversation with you has resolved to one of insults, so move along son, I am done with you.

reply to post by FallenWun

I guess you should go see an optometrist since you are having troubles with your vision.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

If you think that, then you haven't read anything I've written. I believe in entrepreneurship and small business advancement. I think that our country should limit union power AND implement controls to prevent slave wages of other countries making it unprofitable for our companies to pay fair wages. That's why we gave them the power to implement import tariffs.

They should enforce the laws against ALL forms of monopoly and support local small business.

It may affect our world standing but it would make for a much more liberty friendly country which is what this country was founded on.


edit on 13-9-2011 by Masterjaden because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Masterjaden
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

Yeah because the acorn rep didn't help the pimp out in that video, it was a setup....That's it....


Yes, that is EXACTLY what I'm saying. The "Fox News Acorn 'Pimp'" piece was proven to be an absolute fraud.

The original "uncut" video, shows that the "undercover reporter" was not wearing a pimp outfit when he went in the interview -- he also never mentioned to the ACORN worker that he was a pimp -- instead, introducing himself as a boyfriend who was concerned for her welfare.

This same "team" has a member with a CIA background, and was caught breaking in and trying to add listening devices to a senator's office who was engaged in a committee to investigate the "Christmas Shoe Bomber."

Despite almost ALL incidents of fraudulent voter registration coming from ACORN themselves -- nothing systemic, and there were no actual incidents of a voter they registered voting "illegally" despite many resources spent on an effort to find some.

IN FACT, after spending over $10 million trying to FIND incidents of Voter fraud in Ohio, only 4 people were "caught" -- by Federal Prosecutors. In every situation, it was likely a simple mistake where a student moved, or an immigrant didn't understand the custom or language and failed to "deregister" elsewhere. LINK

If ACORN were actually effecting elections and enabling voter fraud, you would have MORE than 4 voters double-listed in a state, wouldn't you think?

I have to look at all the other 501C groups that have committed actual fraud -- some bribing Supreme Court Justices -- and it looks pretty arbitrary.

But what Fox News and the Republicans want to destroy, usually gets destroyed one way or another.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Masterjaden
reply to post by hlang

You have absolutely no idea what I have done "JACKASS" I have worked menial labor many times and I worked hard at developing a skill to not have to.

I worked for a construction company fifteen hours a day, sometimes six or seven days a week dumping 55 gallon drums of tar into a plant. I would have to wash my hair in diesel fuel to get the tar out of it at the end of the day.

Don't presume to know me or what I've done.

There was nothing arrogant about what I posted.

Your attitude and others like yours is what has aided in ruining this country and taking it from what it was meant to be.


So SOMEHOW you think that company would give a rats a** about you more than a union would?? FAT CHANCE.

Unions aren't perfect, nobody has said they are, union jobs can also be toilsome and you may be treated like a little bitch... but that is MOST JOBS!!! That's how our economy of wage-slavery goes. SO... unions exist to AT THE VERY LEAST get some token benefits, protections, and generous pay raises (no, not 35 cents a year) for workers.

We should not be looking at unions and saying, "THEY MAKE MORE THAN I DO! THEY SHOULD MAKE LESS!" we should rather be saying, "THEY MAKE MORE THAN I DO! I SHOULD BE MAKING MORE IF MY COMPANY IS RAKING IN MASS PROFITS OFF OF MY LABORS, MAYBE I SHOULD START A UNION!" Only a duped slave or lackey fights his fellow workers instead of higher-ups and top-down systems of power/capital.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

"This same "team" has a member with a CIA background, and was caught breaking in and trying to add listening devices to a senator's office who was engaged in a committee to investigate the "Christmas Shoe Bomber."

Wow, you got that about 100% incorrect.

1. Please cite me any link that shows the "team" was caught "breaking in"

2. Please cite me any link that shows they were trying to "add listening devices"

This is one story i am very familar with as the truth is almost always twisted about, usually by liberals.

Just as you did here.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst

This story would NEVER be about the Tea Party;

1) They were fighting against a group with POWER and not FOR A GROUP WITH POWER.

2) A verb like "storming" was used. If it were the Tea Party, it would be a "heavily panting men attempted to jog from their SUVs to the office doors, but gave up the attempt, and settled on waving misspelled signs at the foot of the stairs."

3) "Hundreds of" -- if it were the Tea Party, the Media would quake in their high quality loafers and a dozen would be "Thousands of" -- no Tea Party gaggle goes on, without at LEAST a ten-fold multiplication in their astro-turf might.

4) Charges were filed....

>> PEOPLE fighting for the environment, an end to occupations and warfare, ministers protesting the training of assassins at the "School of the Americas" in Southern Georgia get prison time, or to keep their jobs ends up getting punished.

But the Tea Party is unscathed. Some guy brings a gun to a town hall meeting and shouts everyone down -- kid gloves. Some reporter asks a non-scripted question at a Tea Party Republican meeting however, gets tasered and carted off.

>> The Tea Party is ONLY being persecuted by sane and rational people -- but not the government, big business, or the media. Take your persecution fantasy elsewhere.


It's sorta like comparing a neo-nazi rally to an anti-racist/fascist rally...

When neo-nazis rally... the cops PROTECT them and practically march alongside them.

When leftists rally/protest... NO MATTER HOW PEACEFUL IT IS, the cops target it with violence and offensive and/or unconstitutional breaches of rights and personal safety of protesters.

You know who the real resistance fighters are when the system TRULY attacks them. I've not seen this happen to the tea-party... the tea-party have become nauseating little darlings to the mainstream media and the powers that be when compared to leftist activists.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:28 PM
Longshoremen are not your average union, they hold MEGA power because they control ALL of the work that's done on the port, The port is vital & essential to the industries and to the economy.

Making 100K as a Longshoremen is NOT rare. While at the same time the grunts (its a senority system) don't get as many hours but still make the same wage. Morning/Afternoon/Graveyard shifts all increasing($) in the base amount depending on which one you work.M:$35,A:$45,G:$55.

-The POV I'm giving is from the Vancouver,BC Port. I expect the Ports in USA pay a killing too.

So very easily alot of the folk fall into the wrong paths after making so much cash, and have drug problems ect.
Ive had a Port Foremen tell me he's seen a worker get canned on site for drinking while driving trucks on the port, Also stories about Dock Gantry Operators (The big huge mega cranes that unload containers off ships) being high on coke while working. Im adding this because of the buffoon who came out and antagonized the TV crew, looks like the typical alcoholic.

I'm not a longshoremen BTW
edit on 13-9-2011 by mkultracanuck because: Added to Paragraph

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by NoHierarchy

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst

This story would NEVER be about the Tea Party;

1) They were fighting against a group with POWER and not FOR A GROUP WITH POWER.

2) A verb like "storming" was used. If it were the Tea Party, it would be a "heavily panting men attempted to jog from their SUVs to the office doors, but gave up the attempt, and settled on waving misspelled signs at the foot of the stairs."

3) "Hundreds of" -- if it were the Tea Party, the Media would quake in their high quality loafers and a dozen would be "Thousands of" -- no Tea Party gaggle goes on, without at LEAST a ten-fold multiplication in their astro-turf might.

4) Charges were filed....

>> PEOPLE fighting for the environment, an end to occupations and warfare, ministers protesting the training of assassins at the "School of the Americas" in Southern Georgia get prison time, or to keep their jobs ends up getting punished.

But the Tea Party is unscathed. Some guy brings a gun to a town hall meeting and shouts everyone down -- kid gloves. Some reporter asks a non-scripted question at a Tea Party Republican meeting however, gets tasered and carted off.

>> The Tea Party is ONLY being persecuted by sane and rational people -- but not the government, big business, or the media. Take your persecution fantasy elsewhere.


It's sorta like comparing a neo-nazi rally to an anti-racist/fascist rally...

When neo-nazis rally... the cops PROTECT them and practically march alongside them.

When leftists rally/protest... NO MATTER HOW PEACEFUL IT IS, the cops target it with violence and offensive and/or unconstitutional breaches of rights and personal safety of protesters.

You know who the real resistance fighters are when the system TRULY attacks them. I've not seen this happen to the tea-party... the tea-party have become nauseating little darlings to the mainstream media and the powers that be when compared to leftist activists.

>> The ONLY dangerous "leftist group" that I've heard about is "The Weathermen" -- all the way back during the Vietnam War. Boy does Rush Limbaugh and the wingnuts LOVE to talk about Obama having been on a school board with one of the guys from that group.

Well, for one thing; When did the Vietnam War become something we should have done? When was this a "good thing"? The OTHER thing -- is The Weathermen were careful to blow up buildings that were un-occupied, they just wanted to make the war COST something in terms of dollars for its endorsers.

Without protests, and the BEGINNING of violence from the left -- would the Vietnam war have ever ended? Can we actually say it has with something like 20,000 troops still in South Vietnam?

>> The Equivalency of "violence" just isn't there -- nor is the TREATMENT of Left protestors vs. the kid gloves on Right Wing protestors. Could you imagine what would happen if Greenpeace, or an organization trying to smuggle food to Palestinians got weaponized like some of these Militia groups?

The Equivalence of PURPOSE just isn't there. Fighting to enforce your standards on others, vs. fighting to GIVE rights to others. If you think Slavery, Wars for Profit, Pollution, and not allowing Gays service in the military or marriage, women the right to vote, and the end to "Poll Taxes" were bad ideas -- well, then you'd be with the Right wing groups and the Women's Temperance Movement.

>> When did Archie Bunker become cool again? I can watch the old movie "Animal House" and marvel that all the Cool Anti-Establishment people would fit right in, and be taking their lives in their hands trying to prank the up-tight fascists of today. The members of Animal House would all end up in GitMo.

>> And I want to say; maybe the good guys need to ACT UP and quit pretending the other side is going to respond to principles, nonviolence, "fairness", calls to investigate corruption, or mercy. We are run by Psychopaths who think God is Good because God is good to THEM. Never before have they been so callous, self-centered, ignorant, and self-righteous.

Just look at the current "Republican Debate" and listen to the cheers for "let em' die." The Phony moralists like Rick Perry (who used to be a Democrat when it was convenient) and that Faith Healer wacko lady -- I don't know if I'm looking at the 700 Club during sweeps week, or the end of the Union.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by mkultracanuck
Longshoremen are not your average union, they hold MEGA power because they control ALL of the work that's done on the port, The port is vital & essential to the industries and to the economy.

Making 100K as a Longshoremen is NOT rare. While at the same time the grunts (its a senority system) don't get as many hours but still make the same wage. Morning/Afternoon/Graveyard shifts all increasing($) in the base amount depending on which one you work.M:$35,A:$45,G:$55.

-The POV I'm giving is from the Vancouver,BC Port. I expect the Ports in USA pay a killing too.

So very easily alot of the folk fall into the wrong paths after making so much cash, and have drug problems ect.
Ive had a Port Foremen tell me he's seen a worker get canned on site for drinking while driving trucks on the port, Also stories about Dock Gantry Operators (The big huge mega cranes that unload containers off ships) being high on coke while working. Im adding this because of the buffoon who came out and antagonized the TV crew, looks like the typical alcoholic.

I'm not a longshoremen BTW
edit on 13-9-2011 by mkultracanuck because: Added to Paragraph

>> There are NEVER any "good unions" when the Union Busters start their PR campaigns.

We've got Wall STreet chock full of embezzlers, liars, cheats, banksters and missing trillions -- yet THESE financial services companies are still operating. IMAGINE if some Longshoreman ONCE stole a Billion Dollars! Even ONCE! It would never leave the headlines.

I'm not an expert on the "rightness or wrongness" of the Longshoreman's union -- however, I'm happy they are there because SO FAR, we haven't had bombs and nukes reach our shores.

.... did you know? George Bush tried to sell a lot of the Ports to Dubai to manage the shipping in an effort to break the unions. How comfortable would you feel if someone with NO FAMILY in the United States, no identity here, were to take over the "gateways to the USA"?

Seriously -- I don't fricken' care how CORRUPT the Longshoreman may or may not be -- I expect it's going to be exaggerated. The LAST thing we need to do is get rid of another bunch of protected jobs while NOBODY is getting new ones or even raises. Why don't we have a moratorium on ANY Union Busting until we've got a handle on all the corruption, lack of investment, and offshoring of jobs?

At least the people unloading the boats importing goods cannot have jobs shipped overseas.

Do we have a track record of things getting better by Privatization? All I know is my "private" utility bills are all quadruple what they were, Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots are overworked and breaking at the seams, and I get ripped off by ALL SORTS OF LARGE COMPANIES -- while my local news station only finds corruption by independent mechanics and city workers -- no advertisers need worry.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Twilights-passing
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

"This same "team" has a member with a CIA background, and was caught breaking in and trying to add listening devices to a senator's office who was engaged in a committee to investigate the "Christmas Shoe Bomber."

Wow, you got that about 100% incorrect.

1. Please cite me any link that shows the "team" was caught "breaking in"

2. Please cite me any link that shows they were trying to "add listening devices"

This is one story i am very familar with as the truth is almost always twisted about, usually by liberals.

Just as you did here.

OK, you wanted a "citation" here goes;
Fox News "ACORN Pimp" team caught breaking into Senators office to plant listening devices

You know what needs a citation? Your idea of Liberals twisting the truth.

>> If you NEED any more James OKeefe is a Douche references -- I can give you a stack of them. He's probably part of the "Ollie North weasel mentorship program." Probably was an understudy with Reagan when he was reporting "un-American activities" amongst Hollywood actors.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Unions get away with murder. This is a perfect example. It's state-sanctioned terrorism.

This is probably the number #1 reason we can't pay our budget. Unions and pork.

I saw this happen to a local business. The union here killed em. They ran off to greener pastures and now there's NO work and NO union. That's what Unions will do if you let them.

If you want a better job go back to school. Stop asking for insane wages/benefits. Do you think people in china or india get those same kinds of wages/benefits? NO. It's NOT economical.

This country is killing itself. The funny thing is, it's willingly doing so.
edit on 14-9-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by TruePatriot1685

You must have a job. You sleeping on the job? Did you notice we've lost millions of jobs? Where do you think they went? You think people deserve more entitlements? Puh-lease.

Why should a company come here in the US and pay higher taxes and higher wages for the same output they can get somewhere else? It's not economical. That's why we're losing jobs.

I really think most democraps (big union supporters) would fail MTH 60 and ECO 101.

Your want your Utopia? I'm afraid we may actually get it. And you'll regret ever being so dumb.

Protesting in China or India would be more effective. Until wages and benefits start exploding over there and regulators get their gummy hands in it and whatnot, good luck with your utopia!

FACT is, the world is coming back into balance. The US is being forced to confront reality. We're NOT worth nearly what we think we're. We're self-entitled spoiled overdone warmongering idiots.

Wages will come down. Quality of living will come down. Rest of the world will rise up. We'll relearn some of hte things our grandparents knew about self-sustenance. Relearn what work is.

In time, we'll all recover. Our world will be much MUCH stronger for it. We can't have everything NOW. There're a trillion trillion things you and me will never see. Our grandparents saw engines and computers and some saw us land on the moon and even lived to see a black president. And now we face our future with uncertain terms and will face many of hte same challenges that they did. We're just one link in a long chain of links that make up our shared human destiny. No need to despair over things. There's much to live for even in the smallest most humble things.

We will learn as we go.
edit on 14-9-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by newcovenant

No... you didn't just say ...

"I have worked menial labor many times" ...

"move along.... I am done with you."

Menial labor? Move along?
I am getting it now.
You think we're the help.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

This is probably the number #1 reason we can't pay our budget. Unions and pork.

Unions and Pork????

(and those are 2 reasons but who's counting - clearly NOT you)

We had 9 trillion dollars in surplus and George Bush gave his millionaire friends a tax cut, (which we can't seem to get back now) he funded a prescription drug plan for seniors and started 2 wars.

That is why we have no money. There is no "probably" about it.

How long are we going to blame this economy on George?
How long are those nagging pensioners going to blame poor Bernie Madoff?

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by newcovenant

So I guess my conversation with you has resolved to one of insults, so move along son, I am done with you.

reply to post by FallenWun

I guess you should go see an optometrist since you are having troubles with your vision.

Did you seriously just berate someone for resorting to insults and then turn right around and insult me? All I did was ask you for information. I feel badly now that I took you seriously in your claim and actually believed you might be able to provide at least some evidence of it. All I get is an insult? How high and mighty are you.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by FallenWun

Not really, just stating simple facts - is it very hard to type in Tea Party in the search engine?
edit on 16-9-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:26 PM
This is what Adam Smith foresaw :

In order to bring the point to a speedy decision, they have always recourse to the loudest clamour, and sometimes to the most shocking violence and outrage. They are desperate, and act with folly and extravagance of desperate men, who must either starve, or frighten their masters into an immediate compliance with their demands.

Unions are one giant parasite to society. Instances such as this make me think that unions act as uncontrollable mini-monopolies left unregulated that often resort to making their own set of laws. In other areas, such as education department, members have placed profit for themselves first rather than productive work for society.
•the union must inform you that you have the right to be a nonmember;
•the union must inform you that nonmembers have the right to object to paying for union activities not germane to the union's duties as bargaining agent and to obtain a reduction in fees for those activities;
•the union must give you sufficient information to enable you to intelligently decide to object;
•the union must tell you about its procedures for filing objections; and,
if you object, the union must tell you the percentage of the reduction, the basis for the calculation, and that you have the right to challenge these figures.

National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation Inc.

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