posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 04:39 AM
Osama Bin Laden ? Where is this picture so at last we all can calm down and... "finally he is dead"....
But no we just hear "WORDS" from MSM and it`s all "American Dream" All over again with beautiful colors from the "Free American Flag" ...
10 years and "WORDS" from MSM still keeps us calm .. WTC 7 and Twin Towers fell like house of cards ...
But no we just listen for new "WORDS" to chew on and discuss on ...
JFK And the people just stands there and watch it like a TV show and oh!.. that's bullocks ... but still keep moving on.. chewing on those Trustet
Corrupt CEO´s who hide their sorry ass behind set of rules that makes them immune cause their Factory, Corporation.. takes the fall as a "PERSON"
... and they leave with a Bonus! and probably killed several thousand maybe hundred thousands people in a poor country without statistics ...
False Flags through out history .. several hundreds of years maybe longer ... Vietnam , WW2 WW1 was full of it...
but guess what! we still chew on patriotic "WORDS" from MSM back in the day... and fight for "WORDS" they give out so we can feel good about what
we do...
Every election year we see our leader change.. putting on their kind faces and promising words..
But still we get our hope up again ... Even if Ron Paul would win ... you all will see.
The good ones always die young, those with real change in their heart a vision of something great ... they get ripped of from this world, only
changing so much ...
It cost´s more to be "free" than really free..
You can fill in more questions yourself that would be the question that really could had changed us and really done something...
We still chew on MSM updates daily... so our fear is controlled and harvested correctly when they need us all in Panic ones again...