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Why God is Everything and Nothing

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posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Among the 6 transcendent natures of ultimate being there is one known as: The Transcendent Adamic nature. This nature embodies the reality of the applied and existential sciences or science. In other words as we can see and witness in our life: everything is within a science. Indeed cause belli or cause & effect is something observable by all.

This reality ( Transcendent Adam) appears in embodied form from time to time such as a Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, etc. These are embodiments of the Transcendent Adamic nature or divine archetype.

They come to teach us particularly about the science of religion in order so humans can return to their lost inner essence. These embodiments will always appear as long as humans are bereft of their inner lost nature, and this is so because they are the healing, knowledge and guidance that the sick organism calls for.

The over concentration of the western world on the Transcendent Adamic Jesus Archetype and his physical body is the explanation for their explosive gain in material scientific knowledge. . . . This over concentration has produced this imbalance because the Jesus Transcendent Adamic archetype is one that reflects the science of the Mystical Master or simply put: the teacher archetype. Unfortunately, it is this imbalance and over concentration on this nature ( transcendent Teacher archetype) that has and will be the direct cause-effect of the world’s destruction.

Humans were not meant to overly concentrate on any one of the natures ( Transcendent Adam archetypes) but look at them holistically and see them as a whole not parts.

So in that sense it is to see God as either nothing or everything and not put one thing or entity as God and the others as not God. . . . It is better to not even deal with the God concept, if it becomes imbalanced and exclusionary, as Buddha taught. And not to associate any one particular thing as God, as Muhammad taught, these two ideals keeps the balance as much as possible.

So for true spiritual health one has to look at God as either everything or nothing.

The Transcendent Adam archetype is 1 of 6 of them; the seventh is the holistic self that includes the 6.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by inforeal

I definitely agree with you but only up the point where people start killing each other over who is right and wrong.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 02:57 PM
Our concept of god is flawed.

God is just the natural order of the universe. Its not an invisible man in the sky. It can't directly or purposely interfere in our daily affairs. It is beyond our understanding and has little to do with us. To worship it is pointless to understand it is key but only if it is for scientific or philosophical reasons and if it benefits humanity as a whole.

Institutions that maintain an authority or hierarchy on the subject are false.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 02:57 PM
God is the all in everything.

All these words, and ideas to explain a simple concept.

God is the all in everything.

Try and understand this rather then dismiss it.

Humans were not meant to overly concentrate on any one of the natures ( Transcendent Adam archetypes) but look at them holistically and see them as a whole not parts.

Lets pretend for a second that you have no idea how to objectively analyze creation enough to know and understand what humans are meant for or to do.

So in that sense it is to see God as either nothing or everything and not put one thing or entity as God and the others as not God

God isn't nothing or everything. He is both. They both fundamentally exist as an entire whole unto themselves. They are non-dualistic in nature.

So for true spiritual health one has to look at God as either everything or nothing.

What is spiritual health? What is true? This is total nonsense. Nice attempt at wordplay at best.
edit on 10-9-2011 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Humans aren't meant to do anything except to simply exist as all other things do. The thought that we are special somehow has lead to our current notions of god and our vulnerability to be taken in by those who claim to he the authority on it.

All is one. If god is the all in everything then we are a part of that too.

Its the nature of the universe. There is an order to it we just haven't scientifically proven what that is yet.

One thing is for certain. The matter that we as humans are composed of once belonged to the planet which once belonged to the universe. All is one.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 03:12 PM
whats with all these threads?

Please............make the bad man stop...........

Spiritual awakening is great, but.........woweeee

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

The purpose of these threads are the same purpose that has plagued man since forever. What is god? We all have questions regarding the nature of our existence, and the purpose.

As Christianity dies a slow death you will see much more of this sort of thing.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

All is one. If god is the all in everything then we are a part of that too.

I don't know if i believe that all is one. I believe that within everything exist the all. This is different. This is different because this would imply that i am an all. You are an all, and so on and so forth.

I am not a bible thumper but i would like to reference the use of the words , "Complete in the lord". Take from it what you will...
edit on 10-9-2011 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by inforeal

My friend, science and religion are NEVER to be mixed. Buddha and all the great religious leaders taught spirituality. Not religion. Their followers documented their teachings as a religion.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 04:06 PM
God is everything and nothing because he is the creator of everything but also not a thing in itself, so he is nothing, and everything.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by filosophia

if he's nothing and everything (zero) then why even call it god? all there is is the universe and the laws of nature. i guess people HAVE to believe in the supernatural. why? i have no clue.

ps all this praise to mr jesus is religious nonsense. as if some guy was the son of god... how arrogant.
edit on 10-9-2011 by vjr1113 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

The purpose of these threads are the same purpose that has plagued man since forever. What is god? We all have questions regarding the nature of our existence, and the purpose.

As Christianity dies a slow death you will see much more of this sort of thing.

Christianity huh? Arent you leaving out a multitude of monothiestic religions? Or is that just the one you have a bone with

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by inforeal

The way I see it, we start at our essence. This is information. We can observe all answers from nature. An acorn has the oak tree enfolded into it. The substance of the oak tree comes form the substance in the soil, but the expression and transmutation of the soil is the direct result of the information in the acorn. Humans are the same. The key is the information. This can be saved, lost or added to.

This is the root of consciousness. At our essence, we are information that is aware. This is the consciousness that God used as His name--I AM. From this root of understanding, I can then look out and divide what I do for myself to live and what is done for me. I can then weigh each and determine the facts of what I sense from nature. When we get to the root of what we do to live, we only do two things. We think and we move. Movement comes from thinking so we only think. That's it. Our hair grows, our eyes activate the cones and rods for vision, the sun shines and the earth rotates. We do none of it. It is all there for one reason. It is there to allow us to sense the world as a story told to develop sentience. Our body is a vehicle. It is artificial to our consciousness and we are aware of this fact.

Now I have more information to reason the existence of God. Since I did not do any of this to live, I must reason the obvious. There is a source of everything outside of my consciousness. This is obvious. The source seems to govern by set laws that are tuned. This is also obvious. I further have the ability to improve the information of my essence. Learning and growing represent something my thinking and movement can accomplish. It would be impossible for me to build this mechanism myself, so I must assume there is a caring God outside of me that is making it all happen for my benefit. I have no needs outside of the mechanism of movement and thoughts. Nature is abundant. Any problem I encounter was either caused by me or by others. Since the mechanism itself is abounding with opportunity and potential, I must assume that the provider allows me free will in using my thoughts and actions within limits.

Every one of my actions have a reaction that self-corrects any negative that I can produce. Negative adds to negative or is cancelled by positive. In the end, I have no free will outside of this process if my actions are countered by nature. My only act of free will is my reasoning of my source. From my perspective, reality is the process of finding the hidden God. Finding God means salvation from the process. The key is finding love for others. God is found in service to others in love.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 05:01 PM
God is everything literally, and nothing in the sense that he is irrelevant to man’s regaining his essence, or Buddha nature, in which he has lost.

He is only relevant in terms of the scientific guidance that is revealed by the nature of being that has to do with the guide and roadmap of return to that lost nature.

But when we concentrate on worship and idolatry we easily get lost in ignorance and forget the essence of the goal of spirituality—the return of our inner lost nature as the Buddhist say, or our essence, as the Sufis say.

The OP is about metaphysical science and the harm of over-concentration on A SINGLE ARCHETYPE to the exclusion of others.

The goal in the path to truth is to concentrate on the essence of the way not any parts of the essence.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 05:53 PM
Again, this nothingness bs...

I don't understand why people continue to perpetrate this aberration.

Something can't come out of nothing.

edit on 10-9-2011 by D1ss1dent because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by D1ss1dent

You are nothing cosmically.

This is a simple fundamental principle.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

I agree! Christianity and other religions will phaze out...why...for what purpose...enlightenment, is so convoluted...there must be a truth!

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

I come from an area with tons of catholics, different types. I was raised non religious but had alot of Catholicism. Rammed down my throat by friends parents and whatnot. My Presbyterian grandparents also try to push their beliefs on me. Not so bad really.
I don't have anything against religion, don't get me wrong. I just think its eventual demise is inevitable. Though a painful process for many it is and will be.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

Parents died young...grew up Catholic...went to Catholic school......don't will be alright! Look beyond...Peace!

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:31 PM
Pictures or it didn't happen

Sorry bud, I had to.

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