posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by inforeal
The way I see it, we start at our essence. This is information. We can observe all answers from nature. An acorn has the oak tree enfolded into it.
The substance of the oak tree comes form the substance in the soil, but the expression and transmutation of the soil is the direct result of the
information in the acorn. Humans are the same. The key is the information. This can be saved, lost or added to.
This is the root of consciousness. At our essence, we are information that is aware. This is the consciousness that God used as His name--I AM.
From this root of understanding, I can then look out and divide what I do for myself to live and what is done for me. I can then weigh each and
determine the facts of what I sense from nature. When we get to the root of what we do to live, we only do two things. We think and we move.
Movement comes from thinking so we only think. That's it. Our hair grows, our eyes activate the cones and rods for vision, the sun shines and the
earth rotates. We do none of it. It is all there for one reason. It is there to allow us to sense the world as a story told to develop sentience.
Our body is a vehicle. It is artificial to our consciousness and we are aware of this fact.
Now I have more information to reason the existence of God. Since I did not do any of this to live, I must reason the obvious. There is a source of
everything outside of my consciousness. This is obvious. The source seems to govern by set laws that are tuned. This is also obvious. I further
have the ability to improve the information of my essence. Learning and growing represent something my thinking and movement can accomplish. It
would be impossible for me to build this mechanism myself, so I must assume there is a caring God outside of me that is making it all happen for my
benefit. I have no needs outside of the mechanism of movement and thoughts. Nature is abundant. Any problem I encounter was either caused by me or
by others. Since the mechanism itself is abounding with opportunity and potential, I must assume that the provider allows me free will in using my
thoughts and actions within limits.
Every one of my actions have a reaction that self-corrects any negative that I can produce. Negative adds to negative or is cancelled by positive.
In the end, I have no free will outside of this process if my actions are countered by nature. My only act of free will is my reasoning of my source.
From my perspective, reality is the process of finding the hidden God. Finding God means salvation from the process. The key is finding love for
others. God is found in service to others in love.