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Current Christian Prophecy--Local Status Check Requested

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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by colbe

I believe that's a very timely exhortation.

Thanks much.

Folks--even many Christians and certanily "Christians" in name only . . . are just not paying attention much at all. I don't know how much of it is denial and how much of it is clueless rebellion.

Much of it may be wishful thinking--hoping against hope that we aren't really in the END TIMES.


FOLKS NEED to wake up--urgently NEED to wake up!

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by colbe

I think that cross in the sky that was prophecied already happened 1700+ years ago during Caesar Constantine's reign...

The bible actually says that God will send a strong delusion in the Last Days so that those not fit for his kingdom will believe the lie. Hence why all the hype about "aliens" and why people can believe in aliens when they can't believe in God. Yahweh is going to weed out the goats from amoung the sheep and each will be rewarded according to their works.

He has already sent his strong delusion, which is why you cannot sway people like atheists and agnostics, they have been given over to the repribate spirit (Satan) and do not even care and go out of their way to decry the Lord and say he does not exist in order to drag more to hell with them.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by colbe

I think that cross in the sky that was prophecied already happened 1700+ years ago during Caesar Constantine's reign...

The bible actually says that God will send a strong delusion in the Last Days so that those not fit for his kingdom will believe the lie. Hence why all the hype about "aliens" and why people can believe in aliens when they can't believe in God. Yahweh is going to weed out the goats from amoung the sheep and each will be rewarded according to their works.

He has already sent his strong delusion, which is why you cannot sway people like atheists and agnostics, they have been given over to the repribate spirit (Satan) and do not even care and go out of their way to decry the Lord and say he does not exist in order to drag more to hell with them.

Lonewolf, I must ask you.

Explain how words given the messenger in 07 match the words in Revelation 6:12-17? Don't you imagine
an NDE type life review would cause many to wish to hide, hey, myself included.

That same message in 07, God speaks of repentance for our sins repeatedly. We will see our sins but will not feel
the pain of "CONFESSED" sins at the time of the Great Warning. To prepare for the Warning, examine your
life if it's been a long time since you confessed your sins to God. Read through an examine your conscience website, it helps, the 10 Commandments are listed to go through.

Repent with true contrition, your mortal sins to God. Catholics, go to Confession. Look at the world, not venial sin, so many mortal sins are denied as even being sins now!

Confession and prayer. Confession and prayer.

p.s. Jesus is clear in the messages from Heaven, it's not a "cross" seen previously.

Take care.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by colbe

I think that cross in the sky that was prophecied already happened 1700+ years ago during Caesar Constantine's reign...

Had rather not disagree. However, I am just convinced . . . in my gut? in my spirit? that there's something else coming in the not distant future of a global 'sign' nature--probably in the sky as well.

The bible actually says that God will send a strong delusion in the Last Days so that those not fit for his kingdom will believe the lie. Hence why all the hype about "aliens" and why people can believe in aliens when they can't believe in God. Yahweh is going to weed out the goats from amoung the sheep and each will be rewarded according to their works.

I think you have much Biblical wisdom in that paragraph. There's almost a perverse or is literally a perverse compulsion to believe almost ANY even off the wall thing as long as it's in some sort of 'logical' opposition to the God of the Bible--regardless of how preposterous. And the 'ET' stuff certainly seems to skillfully push a lot of the buttons the 'super rationalists' feed on in their rush to trash the God of the Bible.

He has already sent his strong delusion, which is why you cannot sway people like atheists and agnostics, they have been given over to the repribate spirit (Satan) and do not even care and go out of their way to decry the Lord and say he does not exist in order to drag more to hell with them.

Yup. Sadly. Very sadly. I still believe the Scripture about THOSE WHO [earnestly genuinely] SEEK ME, SHALL FIND ME is quite true.

I think Richardson's? ETERNITY IN THEIR HEARTS documents a lot of God's faithfulness to make Himself known even to remote tribal folks never hearing of the Bible or Israel or any such.

Nevertheless, those who are perversely arrogant, self-willed, rebellious--will frightfully get to hold onto their priorities . . . all the way to their own imploding eternal darkness.

Thankfully, for those who truly seek LIFE and LIFE ABUNDANT, there is another CHOICE. THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS who paid the ULTIMATE PRICE for WHOSOEVER WILL.

Thanks for your interesting and kind replies on this thread.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by colbe

Explain how words given the messenger in 07 match the words in Revelation 6:12-17? Don't you imagine
an NDE type life review would cause many to wish to hide, hey, myself included.

Butting in here . . .

My understanding is that when Christ is standing beside one during the rapid fire life review . . . and one is experiencing every thought, feeling, action, communication from one's own being AS WELL AS EVERY THOUGHT, FEELING, ACTION, COMMUNICATION etc. from those responding to one's self . . . as though one were that other person . . .

Christ's OVERWHELMING LOVE and the abiding questions:


What did you learn about love and loving?


I will note, though, that the life review next to Christ's purity . . . is still an awesome thing to contemplate. Thankfully, it's evidently quickly over--done at super rapid playback speed.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Hey BO, just checking in over here and got to relay this. Things here in my neck of the woods have gone quiet, as in "you're ready, now stand down and rest before the final push" quiet.

While the message and the intensity of it's necessity haven't changed, the attitude has changed dramatically. We're still seeing souls saved, at a rate of one or two a week now, but the focus now is on preparing for departure.

As for prophets, I'm seeing a lot of false prophets popping up now but very little in the way of actual Scripturally correct true prophets. I'm not terribly alarmed at this, as we were told to expect this and for that reason it's actually kind of reassuring, but it's still time consuming to weed out all the false prophets while still listening for a true one.

I'll let you know if things change, but right now we're in a holding pattern.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Paladin1dcs

Interesting. Thanks Bro.

Am beginning to think that maybe we'll escape the purported SEPT dramas . . . we'll see.

The Canary Islands thing is sobering . . . if that thing goes, the Eastern Seaboard will be in a WORLD OF HURT.

4,200 quakes the last 5 weeks is way above average for that region. Therefore what, I don't know.

Am certainly ready in my human sensibilities, to blow this popsickle stand.


posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Paladin1dcs
reply to post by BO XIAN

Hey BO, just checking in over here and got to relay this. Things here in my neck of the woods have gone quiet, as in "you're ready, now stand down and rest before the final push" quiet.

While the message and the intensity of it's necessity haven't changed, the attitude has changed dramatically. We're still seeing souls saved, at a rate of one or two a week now, but the focus now is on preparing for departure.

As for prophets, I'm seeing a lot of false prophets popping up now but very little in the way of actual Scripturally correct true prophets. I'm not terribly alarmed at this, as we were told to expect this and for that reason it's actually kind of reassuring, but it's still time consuming to weed out all the false prophets while still listening for a true one.

I'll let you know if things change, but right now we're in a holding pattern.

You don''t need much scripture knowledge. Focus on the Lord, the Holy Spirit will teach you about Him if you listen. I read the bible but i asked the Lord to show me more of himself and i learn things about him everyday without having to crack open my bible. You should learn the scripture ofcourse but he will show you who he really is and what he is about if you ask him.

I was just the atypical go to church, worship, hear the sermon and go home christian. Then one day i had an experience with the Holy Spirit and the Lord called me to work, since then i can't get enough of his work. It's like he lit a fire in my spirit that overflows with the desire to do his works.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

. . . Focus on the Lord, the Holy Spirit will teach you about Him if you listen. I read the bible but i asked the Lord to show me more of himself and i learn things about him everyday . . . You should learn the scripture ofcourse but he will show you who he really is and what he is about if you ask him.

I was just the atypical go to church, worship, hear the sermon and go home christian. Then one day i had an experience with the Holy Spirit and the Lord called me to work, since then i can't get enough of his work. It's like he lit a fire in my spirit that overflows with the desire to do his works.

Thanks for your testimony and experiences.

1. I'm curious what the 3 most dramatic supernatural experiences have been in your life since that transormation?

2. What do you sense/'see' in your spirit/ feel re the next 3 months Nationally and internationally?

3. How have your relationships improved since the transformation in your walk with God?

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

. . . Focus on the Lord, the Holy Spirit will teach you about Him if you listen. I read the bible but i asked the Lord to show me more of himself and i learn things about him everyday . . . You should learn the scripture ofcourse but he will show you who he really is and what he is about if you ask him.

I was just the atypical go to church, worship, hear the sermon and go home christian. Then one day i had an experience with the Holy Spirit and the Lord called me to work, since then i can't get enough of his work. It's like he lit a fire in my spirit that overflows with the desire to do his works.

Thanks for your testimony and experiences.

1. I'm curious what the 3 most dramatic supernatural experiences have been in your life since that transormation?

2. What do you sense/'see' in your spirit/ feel re the next 3 months Nationally and internationally?

3. How have your relationships improved since the transformation in your walk with God?

Hm, dramatic? I'd say the first one was when i was sitting at home alone the week after i recieved the Holy Spirit, and i was listening to the worship song called "Savior King" by Hillsong United, and all of a sudden i just broke down crying and told the Lord i'd be his preacher, prophet, healer, or martyr and that i put his will before mine. Then i asked Him to teach me how to pray correctly, and i heard Him literally say in my thoughts and not with my voice "Do not pray for selfish reasons, pray for others because when i saved you, you are taken care of forever more, but those who are not taken care of, it is they who need your prayers". Since then i do not pray for myself, not for finances or for health and healing, none of it and now i pray for those who need my prayers more than me.

The second experience is when the desire to do his work came over me. Since then i have been volunteering my time at my church with our free events as we open our bowling alley and skating rink to the public for free. We don't have a church with a steeple, we meet in an old bowling alley/skating rink that we use for evangelical purposes to bring people to the Lord so he can save them. I've also volunteered to start a food bank in my church for needy families that i fund with my own money, and any others that wish to volunteer to help and i'm currently trying to put together a "coats for kids program" for needy families this winter that cannot afford coats and other winter clothing.

As for what i see spiritually concerning the U.S., we are in dark times, i think the U.S. is the whore of babylon and the beast she rides is the democracy created by the greeks and roman's and that said best is spreading across the globe and is now trying to gain a foothold in the middle east. I think Israel's days are numbered and that we live in the beginnings of the tribulation. Particularly since my transformation my attention to the Book of Revelation is constantly being called, everyday the Holy Spirit tells me something more. The end of Israel bcomes more and more apparent with each passing day as its allies depart one after the other and that soon the U.S. will no longer be Israel's ally. Zecharia's prophecy is playing out right before our eyes.

My relationships were never bad before my transformation, but since then i have tried to help my sister who has fallen into a rut and doesn't care. She is an alcoholic in denial and doesn't care for anyone but herself anymore, she was a christian once but she has turned her back on the Lord in her bitterness and hate, she cannot forgive nor can she love. She has become selfish, and the only time she calls any of the family is when she wants something from them, which is usually money. The Lord laid it on my heart to reach out to her and so i have, but she refuses to stop living in rebellion and she commits adultery with married men and she has lost all morals. I planted the seed the Lord bid me to plant and its up to him to make it grow and bring her out of darkness. I can't understand how someone who used to love the Lord can turn their back on him and return to wickedness. She told me she has never experienced the Holy Spirit, but she has dreamed of Him. He tries to reach out to her but she cannot hear Him until she stops her wicked ways.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000


I do believe that God is removing all other protectors of Israel except for HIMSELF.


I do not believe Israel will ever again cease to exist or be obliterated.

Praise God for His faithfulness.

And for your ministry to the poor.

Thanks for your great reply.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Hello BOX IAN,

Thank you for your words about being in the end times, we sure are...

On the NDE like, life review to happen during the Great Warning, the messages for so long have said pray
for conversions at the time of the Great Warning and for souls who will die during the Warning.

Today, the 14th of September is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Appropriate to this Feast Day, another revelation about the Great Warning. A powerful message from Our Lord, all He has done and soon to do.

Everyone, not just Christians, the best preparation, repent with true contrition and confess the serious (mortal) sins of your life to God and from this day forward if you don't already, speak to God (pray)...pray, pray, pray, take time each day.

God Speaks Will You Listen


...The situation in your world today is similar to the pagan world of my day. Once again mankind needs a redeemer. The redeemer has already come and redemption has been won. But Satan has deceived the majority of mankind not to believe in me or even know I exist. My church is my light and presence on this earth. Now, many in my church are not spreading my gospel of salvation. As a result, many souls are in danger of hell fire. The time is soon when the head of the church will reveal himself to all mankind. Read John 12:32. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself. Read John 3:14,15. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. That whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting. Apocalypse 1:7. Behold he cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see him: and they also that pierced him. My son, I was lifted up on the cross and suffered, died, and was buried to atone for the sins of all my children. My son, I am lifted up again during the Holy mass at the consecration of the bread and wine. My son, I will be lifted up again, during the warning or the illumination of conscience. During the warning, all of mankind will know I exist and that I am the Son of God. Matthew 27:54. When I died the centurion remarked: Indeed this was the Son of God. At the warning, every soul will know I am the Son of God and I am the redeemer of all mankind. The sign of the cross will once again be lifted up for all mankind to see. My people will see all the sins which pierced me and caused my suffering. This event will take place soon in your measurement of time. I do not give exact dates to my people. If my people knew the date., many would become lazy, lukewarm, and continue to live in sin, until that day. My word says in II Corinthians 6:2. Behold now is the acceptable time: behold now is the day of salvation. Do not wait until that day. You have no guarantee you will live until that time. You may stand before me in judgment now or today. The rich man said in Luke 12:19,20. And I will say to my soul: Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thy rest: eat, drink, make good cheer. But God said to him: Thou fool. This night do they require thy soul of thee. Is your soul right with the Lord? My people use the means of salvation provided by me. Do not wait for an extraordinary event by almighty God. Be baptized and converted. Frequent the sacraments, especially confession and reception of the Holy Eucharist. These are the means established by myself and my church for salvation. The warning is a re-enactment of my sufferings on the cross to wake up a sinful world. If you have not made peace with God before the warning, will you survive the warning? Do not wait to answer this question. At that time it may be too late for you. The event will happen in my time, not yours or Satan's. Continue to pray for my mercy and be a disciple of my mercy in this hour of mercy. Many people scoff and suggest the warning will not happen. But like the flood of Noah's day, it will happen. Many saints and recent messengers have prophesied this event. Take heed. Despise not prophecies I Thessalonians 5:20. The greatest prophet of your time is my blessed Mother Mary. She has repeatedly prophesied through many messages about the times you are living in. St Faustina, St. Anna Marie Taigi, and many modern day messengers have prophesied of this event. You ignore, these warnings at your own folly. Wake up my people. I am using many methods to try and wake up my people. The justice of God will soon wake up this sinful generation. Just as in my day, some people scoffed at my crucifixtion and some people believed and were converted. This will happen again. Some will ignore my warning endangering their soul to eternal damnation. Some will accept my warning and obtain eternal life. But no person will be able to say, I did not know the truth. Prepare yourself today for your judgment or tomorrow may be too late. These are words of the Lord.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by colbe

You lost me when you threw in a couple of traditions of the Roman Catholic church.

I would tread the waters very carefully when claiming to have the words of Jesus Christ for the masses.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by colbe

And P.S......I suggest you go back to the scriptures and learn the true way of salvation.

You are leading people astray with the traditions of the Catholic church

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by radpetey
reply to post by colbe

And P.S......I suggest you go back to the scriptures and learn the true way of salvation.

You are leading people astray with the traditions of the Catholic church

I am not leading anyone astray.

Radpetey, hi there,

Non-Catholic Christians are hearing in prophecy the Great Warning of Revelation 6 referred to as the "awakening."

I can't convince you even though messages from Heaven are word for word the same verses 12-17 in Revelation
Chapter 6.

Keep these very specific messages about the Great Warning on your heart, remember, it is very soon.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Thanks for your kind reply.

Certainly confession, repentance, FORGIVING ALL INCLUDING SELF and even 'forgiving' God for not running the universe and our lives to our prescriptions can all be crucial.

Let me try and help with the paragraphing. Folks simply won't read a mass of text and it can almost be painful for those of us with aging eyes.

Originally posted by colbe
reply to post by BO XIAN

God Speaks Will You Listen


...The situation in your world today is similar to the pagan world of my day. Once again mankind needs a redeemer. The redeemer has already come and redemption has been won.

But Satan has deceived the majority of mankind not to believe in me or even know I exist. My church is my light and presence on this earth. Now, many in my church are not spreading my gospel of salvation. As a result, many souls are in danger of hell fire.

The time is soon when the head of the church will reveal himself to all mankind. Read John 12:32. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself. Read John 3:14,15. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. That whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting.

Apocalypse 1:7. Behold he cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see him: and they also that pierced him. My son, I was lifted up on the cross and suffered, died, and was buried to atone for the sins of all my children.

. . . My son, I will be lifted up again, during the warning or the illumination of conscience. During the warning, all of mankind will know I exist and that I am the Son of God. Matthew 27:54. When I died the centurion remarked: Indeed this was the Son of God.

At the warning, every soul will know I am the Son of God and I am the redeemer of all mankind. The sign of the cross will once again be lifted up for all mankind to see. My people will see all the sins which pierced me and caused my suffering.

This event will take place soon in your measurement of time. I do not give exact dates to my people. If my people knew the date., many would become lazy, lukewarm, and continue to live in sin, until that day. My word says in II Corinthians 6:2. Behold now is the acceptable time: behold now is the day of salvation.

Do not wait until that day. You have no guarantee you will live until that time. You may stand before me in judgment now or today.

The rich man said in Luke 12:19,20. And I will say to my soul: Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thy rest: eat, drink, make good cheer. But God said to him: Thou fool. This night do they require thy soul of thee.

Is your soul right with the Lord? My people use the means of salvation provided by me. Do not wait for an extraordinary event by almighty God. Be baptized and converted.

. . . .

The warning is a re-enactment of my sufferings on the cross to wake up a sinful world. If you have not made peace with God before the warning, will you survive the warning? Do not wait to answer this question. At that time it may be too late for you. The event will happen in my time, not yours or Satan's.

Continue to pray for my mercy and be a disciple of my mercy in this hour of mercy. Many people scoff and suggest the warning will not happen. But like the flood of Noah's day, it will happen. Many saints and recent messengers have prophesied this event. Take heed. Despise not prophecies I Thessalonians 5:20.

. . .

You ignore, these warnings at your own folly. Wake up my people. I am using many methods to try and wake up my people. The justice of God will soon wake up this sinful generation. Just as in my day, some people scoffed at my crucifixtion and some people believed and were converted. This will happen again.

Some will ignore my warning endangering their soul to eternal damnation. Some will accept my warning and obtain eternal life. But no person will be able to say, I did not know the truth. Prepare yourself today for your judgment or tomorrow may be too late. The

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
Thanks for your kind reply.

Certainly confession, repentance, FORGIVING ALL INCLUDING SELF and even 'forgiving' God for not running the universe and our lives to our prescriptions can all be crucial.

Let me try and help with the paragraphing. Folks simply won't read a mass of text and it can almost be painful for those of us with aging eyes.

Originally posted by colbe
reply to post by BO XIAN

God Speaks Will You Listen


...The situation in your world today is similar to the pagan world of my day. Once again mankind needs a redeemer. The redeemer has already come and redemption has been won.

But Satan has deceived the majority of mankind not to believe in me or even know I exist. My church is my light and presence on this earth. Now, many in my church are not spreading my gospel of salvation. As a result, many souls are in danger of hell fire.

The time is soon when the head of the church will reveal himself to all mankind. Read John 12:32. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself. Read John 3:14,15. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. That whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting.

Apocalypse 1:7. Behold he cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see him: and they also that pierced him. My son, I was lifted up on the cross and suffered, died, and was buried to atone for the sins of all my children.

. . . My son, I will be lifted up again, during the warning or the illumination of conscience. During the warning, all of mankind will know I exist and that I am the Son of God. Matthew 27:54. When I died the centurion remarked: Indeed this was the Son of God.

At the warning, every soul will know I am the Son of God and I am the redeemer of all mankind. The sign of the cross will once again be lifted up for all mankind to see. My people will see all the sins which pierced me and caused my suffering.

This event will take place soon in your measurement of time. I do not give exact dates to my people. If my people knew the date., many would become lazy, lukewarm, and continue to live in sin, until that day. My word says in II Corinthians 6:2. Behold now is the acceptable time: behold now is the day of salvation.

Do not wait until that day. You have no guarantee you will live until that time. You may stand before me in judgment now or today.

The rich man said in Luke 12:19,20. And I will say to my soul: Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thy rest: eat, drink, make good cheer. But God said to him: Thou fool. This night do they require thy soul of thee.

Is your soul right with the Lord? My people use the means of salvation provided by me. Do not wait for an extraordinary event by almighty God. Be baptized and converted.

. . . .

The warning is a re-enactment of my sufferings on the cross to wake up a sinful world. If you have not made peace with God before the warning, will you survive the warning? Do not wait to answer this question. At that time it may be too late for you. The event will happen in my time, not yours or Satan's.

Continue to pray for my mercy and be a disciple of my mercy in this hour of mercy. Many people scoff and suggest the warning will not happen. But like the flood of Noah's day, it will happen. Many saints and recent messengers have prophesied this event. Take heed. Despise not prophecies I Thessalonians 5:20.

. . .

You ignore, these warnings at your own folly. Wake up my people. I am using many methods to try and wake up my people. The justice of God will soon wake up this sinful generation. Just as in my day, some people scoffed at my crucifixion and some people believed and were converted. This will happen again.

Some will ignore my warning endangering their soul to eternal damnation. Some will accept my warning and obtain eternal life. But no person will be able to say, I did not know the truth. Prepare yourself today for your judgment or tomorrow may be too late. The

Oh my, the paragraphing did help, thanks BO XIAN!

Today not meaning to, I came across another prophetic with the words in Revelation 6 referring to the Great Warning. It was a very old message. God has to keep repeating cause we're disbelieving, I mean all of us sometimes and you see the messages from Heaven make explicit God's Word. I'll have to post the message.

Only a few minutes left to this Feast Day, one remembers the "cross" lifted up.

...At the warning, every soul will know I am the Son of God and I am the redeemer of all mankind. The sign of the cross will once again be lifted up for all mankind to see. My people will see all the sins which pierced me and caused my suffering.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by colbe

Thanks for your kind reply.

I'm far from Roman Catholic.

However, I recognize that some RC's earnestly seek and maintain a genuine relationship with Jesus.

And, I even believe that some of the prophetic stuff coming out of the RCC have some validity. I believe a lot don't.

In any case, I don't have any desire to be too heavy handed about folks claiming to be Christians and offering prophetic input on this thread. Let all who wish to do so in good faith, do so.

Let God confirm what HE chooses to confirm.

Thanks again.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:26 AM
It's been a few days, if you remember, I shared there is another message from Heaven
with the words from Revelation 6:12-17 describing the Great Warning.

An excerpt in a message given to an Eastern Rite seer ~

Vassula Ryden

September 19, 2011

...I solemnly tell you, that when that Day of Purification comes, many will be sorrowful to the point of death for not having allowed My Holy Spirit of Truth to enter their house, but have welcomed in His place the Viper, the Abomination of the desolation, and shared their meal side by side with My enemy; they welcomed inside their house the one who apes the Holy One, they worshiped the Deceiver, who taught them to misconceive My Holy Spirit:

My Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life
and The Inner Power of their soul

He who breathed an active soul into them and inspired a living spirit;

- I tell you solemnly, My Fire will descend in this world quicker than you expect it to come, so that those without sight of their sins may suddenly see their guilt; it is in My Power to bring this Day forward and it is again within My Power to shorten this Hour, for this Hour will bring so much distress that many would curse the hour of their birth; they would want the valleys to open and swallow them, the mountains to fall on them and cover them, the vulture to devastate them quickly, they would want to dash themselves to pieces; but no one will escape from this Hour;

those that truly love Me will suffer only for not having done more for Me; they too will be cleansed; but woe to those who rejected Me and refused to recognize Me, they have their judge already; the Truth that was given to them will be their judge on that Day;

- you heard Me say many times from My mouthpieces that

"the Day of the Lord is at hand"

and that My Return is imminent; if you love Me you would be glad to know that My Holy Spirit will come upon you in all His force and in all His glory; if you love Me you will continue to pray for the conversion of all My children who are unaware and still live under Satan's power; if anyone loves Me as I love you all, he will listen to Me and will remain faithful up to the end of his ministry;

My little children, if you loved Me, you would perform even greater works than those I performed while on earth, but no one has performed anything greater yet because of the so little faith you have in Me, and the ever so little love you have for one another; no one yet has loved Me as much as I love you; but on the Day of Purification you will understand how little you have done because I will show My Holy Face in you;

- you hear those Footsteps? they are Mine; you hear the sound of My Breath already? it is the sweet sound of My Holy Spirit blowing through your wilderness and your aridity; you felt a Breath slide over your face? do not fear; like the Dove's wings, My Holy Spirit touched you slightly while hovering above you;

O come! come to Me and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, I too will lift your soul up to Me and revive you! as I was lifted up in Heaven you too will be lifted up to Me to be nursed on My Breast; O come to Me! get thirsty again, thirst for My Everlasting Wells, thirst to be with Me, your God! I will without hesitation offer you to drink and turn My Water into a spring inside you, welling up to eternal life, for from My Breast flow fountains of living water, an inexhaustible Source; O come to Me! hunger again for My Bread, and you will not die! today, as yesterday, I stand up and cry out:

"if any man is thirsty, let him come to Me!
let the man come and drink who believes in Me!"

My forbearance is great, and although I know you are sinners and you have polluted the earth with innocent blood, if you come to Me repentant, I will forgive your guilt and your crime; I am an Abyss of Grace; do not be afraid .... do not fear Me, fear rather the Hour if it finds you unaware and asleep;

- this is the Voice of your Father; this is the Voice of the Sublime Source of Love; this is the Voice of He who once said:

"Let there be light!"

and there was light; come to Me and I shall give you My Spirit without reserve; do not be like the soldiers who shared out My clothing and cast lots for them at the foot of My Cross; come to Me with John's spirit, come to Me out of love; come to Me to console Me and be with Me;

- the Hour is coming when the world will find itself only in distress and darkness, the blackness of anguish and will see nothing but night; bewildered, they will call out to Me, but I shall not reply, I shall not listen to their cry; frenzied, they will blaspheme My Revelation, Wisdom and the Truth; the whole world will be inundated by distress upon seeing the

Ark of the Covenant, My Law;

many will fall and be broken, rocked and shaken because of their lawlessness;
- when the heavens will tear open, like a curtain ripped in half, showing them how they flung My Glory for a worthless imitation, like stars that fall from heaven...

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:32 AM
I mistyped the year. So sorry, the message to Vassula was given in 1991

September 19, 1991

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