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What Happens When TSHTF And ATS Goes Down?

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posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:35 AM
Over the past few days, we've all been the victims of a DOS attack that has caused more than a bit of consternation among not only the membership here at ATS, but I'm sure among the owners as well. I was just reading that Skeptic Overlord marshaled the defenses late last night, effectively crushing the attackers. GOOD JOB!

Still that got me thinking, "What do we do if ATS goes offline permanently?" And I'm not talking about just ATS; but about GLP, Liveleak, and other similar sites I'm sure we all enjoy from time to time (or hour to hour
) as well.

Many, if not most, of us have a healthy sense of skepticism when it comes to the pablum being spoon-fed to us by the LSM. We've seen through their lies and deceptive practices many times, so many in fact that I have a hard time believing much of what they broadcast anymore.

I get nearly ALL of my news here first: as a newshound, one of the things I appreciate most about ATS is watching breaking news appear here, in many cases many hours before the news is broadcast by the LSM if it is broadcast at all. Then, the analysis and debate that usually ensues is informative in it's own right. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a video and thought it was one thing, and then when somebody else pointed out something I had missed, I say, "Oh yeah! Now I see it." ATS is like a big brain and each of us are the individual cells that make it up. Given enough time and enough facts, I believe we can get to the truth of any story - together.

But what happens if it all goes away? If Obama hits the Internet Kill Switch affecting parts of or even the entire Internet, how are we supposed to get unbiased, unfiltered, and uncontaminated news? Unless there is an underground internet (and by underground I mean surreptitious and hidden) I fear that the only news we will ever hear over the radio and TV would be only what "They" want you to hear.

I'm not a computer programmer by any stretch of the imagination, I consider myself lucky when I can turn it on; but surely there has to be a way for us to be able to communicate with one another if ATS goes down. Wasn't the internet designed to survive a nuclear war by being excessively redundant when it comes to communication pathway alternatives?

Even with my very limited knowledge, I've set up an Intranet in my home that connects the five computers and the Xbox together, so surely the computer nerds (said with love, respect, and awe for being able to easily do things at which I struggle) here at ATS can cobble together something that doesn't rely on "teh interwebz," as everyone knows it, for support. We may be limited to dial-up as I'm pretty sure that any "kill switch" would work at choke points for data traffic like a hub, or a node, or whatever you call it. I doubt very seriously that "they" would cut off regular phone lines though, so we could still use those to get messages through.

If TS does HTF in a major way, I assure you that the last thing I'm going to be doing is sitting around on my computer; I intend to have my secondary location up and running within a few hours; but it could be critical to our survival - yours too - to have access to the truth in the ensuing days, weeks, and months. Assuming the aliens don't just eat us all right away.

So, what do you say my dear fellow ATSers? Is it possible to create a secondary, underground "internet" that "they" - whoever "they" may be, the gubmint or Anon - can't shut off? Does one already exist? If it does, can I get an invite?

I look forward to your replies with bated breath.

Peace Out - OC

ETA: The use of Bated vs Baited. Many thanks to schuyler for straightening me out.

edit on 9/9/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:37 AM
Most of the people that frequent this website won't be prepared or knowledgeable enough to live in an emergency or wilderness environment.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:41 AM
There wont be riots on the street until we know why ATS is down.

If it's government censorship then run riot on the street.

If its because a grandma accidently dug a hole in the wrong spot and severed the internet, then no riot, But who would believe that grandma nonsense about this website, noone, thus riots in the street.

Sorry about the spelling and sentencing of my sentences. i'm a bad performer in english.
edit on 9-9-2011 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Drezden

Most of the people that frequent this website won't be prepared or knowledgeable enough to live in an emergency or wilderness environment.

hmm you might be correct, the majority of users, going by attitude in their posts, would probably be the first to perish. But a good large chunk here are into the survivalist type stuff. I know I could keep myself and my wife going for a good while but I really need to grab that field surgeons guide.

My tough in cheek answer to the OPs question is simple.

Go looking elsewhere for someone who will tell me which days are going to be the "end of the world" events, and probably look for a non digital method of keeping track as my calendar is already full.

To think, as sad is it would be to see ATS go away, I'd never have to hear about elenin and nibiru again? It's almost worth it.

I'm not a computer programmer by any stretch of the imagination, I consider myself lucky when I can turn it on; but surely there has to be a way for us to be able to communicate with one another if ATS goes down. Wasn't the internet designed to survive a nuclear war by being excessively redundant when it comes to communication pathway alternatives?

Yes and no. The internet as we know it requires the phone line infrastructure in the united states and canada, as well as the undersea fiber links to other continents. Some internet satellite play is involved on a smaller scale.

This is why we, mistakenly, refer to the internet as "the web". It's not, the internet is the network that allows the "web" to exist. Because of the ability to route traffic, nodes in the network can go down, but not take the entire network with it. Areas would still be without access, but the entire network is still alive and kicking.


for any of this to work we need a few things. first, unless you can memorize an IP address ( you need DNS servers. These DNS servers require (I think it's 13) route hint servers. If those go down, DNS is unable to resolve host names so won't work.

But, of course, if you know the IP you don't need dns. Sites not listed via DNS are considered part of the "dark net" or "deep web" as unless you know the IP directly, you simply can't find that site, it's not there.

So even if we lost the DNS root hint servers, we could still work around it.


This all requires ELECTRICITY and that's the first thing to go in a nuclear attack, and the most costly and time consuming thing to repair. A loss of power on the eastern sea board part of the grid (as we saw in the NY to blackout a few years back) takes down that entire area, so traffic must be routed around those areas causing congestion. the more areas taken down, the harder it becomes to have a stable network and it will start to fragment.

The internet was design by the military to be a redundant system so no 1 target could break the lines of communication. It's not invincible, indeed, a single grandmother can affect the access to an entire continent.
edit on 9-9-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:43 AM
I was playing with the idea of setting up an ATS ham net. With so many members surely we could keep it all together across the globe.

The trouble I ran into with the few participants who were on board is that once you know a call sign you know everything about that person. That lack of a personal buffer isnt too comforting for quite a few.

Suddenly all those weirdos who have been reading your opinions for better or worse know you full name and address and contact information.

I've experienced enough fringe stalking in my life to know inviting more isn't appealing and I'm not alone on that.

Though, it remains a possibility.

An entirely wireless BBS system can be supported via amateur radio.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

This is just a stab in the dark, but here goes. When the SHTF, it will inevitable spread out in a nonsensical pattern. At some point all of said "poop" will come to a resting spot, depending on point of impact and the form that it holds after impact.

As far as ATS going down... This is a much trickier subject.. I am going to go out on a limb, assuming that you are speaking of site closure. If site closure occurs, a person will no longer be able to access the index file that once was. This will most probably cause some sort of 404 error.

I hope this helps. If I can be of assistance, feel free to PM me.


posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:46 AM
Well, we'll have a few moments of peace from claims that aliens sucked my baby's soul to "Have I been cursed" to "Bigfoot meets Mothra" and "Y'all are a bunch of disinfo agents." and "Ron Paul WINS another stuffed poll!" Once in awhile there is a real gem here, which is why I keep coming back. If you are depending on ATS as your only source of news I think you are seriously short-changing yourself. If there was a real emergency, the last people I would want to keep in contact with are a bunch who see conspiracies behind every blade of grass.

You're gonna hate me for this so apologies in advance: It's "bated breath." I know, just sayin' Found it out recently myself. Sorry.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by OldCorp


I think you know as well as I do that ATS is only as good as the powersystem in which we find ourselves. Once the SHF we are all on our own. We need to learn as much as we can about reality while we have the chance, about the reasons and the scenarios for survival.

Once ATS is gone and any other non BigSYS communications we need to be able to communicate with those around us. With our physical communities. All those people some here are so fond of calling Sheeple,(not me) will be our support systems. Once the SHF and all of us are cut off from not only ATS but all the MSM, those with a deeper understanding of what has happened will be needed, here, there and everywhere, to help people focus on the job of survival and reviving our local villages.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:47 AM
What happens? We don't have a place to bitch about the govt anymore lol. Well just have to sport our tinfoil hats in public.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:48 AM
I think when things get real bad, the only way to communicate might be through two-way radio. I have an emergency two-way that can also run on hand-cranked power, no batteries needed. It may become an invaluable asset to my emergency storage. It's certainly something we should be thinking about. Good post! S&F

p.s.(off subject) OP you bear a remarkable resemblance to my brother.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by Drezden

Most of the people that frequent this website won't be prepared or knowledgeable enough to live in an emergency or wilderness environment.

hmm you might be correct, the majority of users, going by attitude in their posts, would probably be the first to perish. But a good large chunk here are into the survivalist type stuff. I know I could keep myself and my wife going for a good while but I really need to grab that field surgeons guide.

My tough in cheek answer to the OPs question is simple.

Go looking elsewhere for someone who will tell me which days are going to be the "end of the world" events, and probably look for a non digital method of keeping track as my calendar is already full.

To think, as sad is it would be to see ATS go away, I'd never have to hear about elenin and nibiru again? It's almost worth it.

I am with ya brother... elenin, Nibiru, Light beings, holographic planes, planted demolitions, and imaginary rockets..POOF Gone!!!

omg, would that be a great day!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

thats not a bad idea but really I think only respectable people would be on such a network. More so if there was abuse like that I am sure the moderators could find a way to reprimand that person from the site. You should elaborate on your idea.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

Personally, my answer is simple. Throw the B.O.B. in my antique F250 and off I and my roommate go. I wonder what real freedom will feel like.

Second poster pointed out how tough it would be. Yeah, you're right, but not as tough as letting myself go into an internment camp. If the going gets too tough I have a straight razor that has never been used, I will just use it rather than turn myself in for food.

Call me crazy, but that is a plan I can live, or die with.

Remember the words of the Sioux; Hoka Hey!

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:58 AM
Excellent post and I am looking forward to the ATS solutions to this imminent problem. I use ATS daily to find out what is (or isn't) going on in the world. Pinches of salt for most topics and opinions but many important issues surface here before anywhere else IMHO.
I have lost all trust in the MSM and I fear that we are so dependent on easily choked technology that society is in real trouble if cellphones and the internet go down whether orchestrated or due to unforseen circumstances.

You made a great point about dial up being a useful backup if TSHTF and I think that its something that all serious ATS'ers should look into as part of their survival backup plan. So much happening at the moment that we are in info overload mode, whether you follow volcanic, seismic, solar, economic or political/social issues we seem to be in a state of flux and something has got to give, and I believe its coming soon. The economic situation here in Europe is dire and on a knife edge, but the MSM here is generally just full of sport, misinformation and other distractions.
Hopefully many decent people will survive the upheaval I believe is coming and hopefully we can all access ATS for some intreresting opinions and like to realise that there exists some minded individuals across this bubbling quaking spinning and very vulnerable sphere that we need to live on.
Peace (but I frankly doubt it!) to all.
great post OP and count me in if someone comes up with a solution.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

What's going to happen is you, me, and a few others are going to find Janky, Kitlanti and a few of them and finally have it out.

Ala Road Warrior.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
Well, we'll have a few moments of peace from claims that aliens sucked my baby's soul to "Have I been cursed" to "Bigfoot meets Mothra" and "Y'all are a bunch of disinfo agents." and "Ron Paul WINS another stuffed poll!" Once in awhile there is a real gem here, which is why I keep coming back. If you are depending on ATS as your only source of news I think you are seriously short-changing yourself. If there was a real emergency, the last people I would want to keep in contact with are a bunch who see conspiracies behind every blade of grass.

You're gonna hate me for this so apologies in advance: It's "bated breath." I know, just sayin' Found it out recently myself. Sorry.

I don't hate you brother, not at all. In fact, I THANK you for clearing this up. I remember a thread not long ago entitled, "Why is it so hard for people to admit when they are wrong?" I don't know the answer to that question, because I don't have that problem. I welcome folks who present information of which I was previously ignorant, even if it means I have to issue a mea culpa.

But when I say I get all of my news from ATS, I simply meant that ATS is my starting point. Here, on this website, I get knowledge from news sources all over the world; from countries such as Pakistan, Iraq, Russia, Libya, and Israel, and from a wide variety of sources such as the New York Times and RT. Then once I know what I'm looking for, I can search the web for relevant information that will back up or disprove the story.

I would never put all of my eggs into one basket, no matter how much I trust the source. I've made that mistake before and got served hard.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by MitchL61
I think when things get real bad, the only way to communicate might be through two-way radio. I have an emergency two-way that can also run on hand-cranked power, no batteries needed. It may become an invaluable asset to my emergency storage. It's certainly something we should be thinking about. Good post! S&F

p.s.(off subject) OP you bear a remarkable resemblance to my brother.

Yes, we have those "Family radios" as well. I also have a hand-cranked AM/FM/Weather/SW receiver; but they won't be much use outside of 10 mile radius (except for the SW receiver.)

P.S. Tell your brother, he's a devastatingly handsome man.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:13 PM
I found out last night during the big power outage.

I like the rest of my neighbors had to do it old school.

We met nearby people we never talked to before.

It was a very "Festive Event".

However, If it would of been a real disaster.

I could see it going bad very quickly.

If it was truly a "TSHTF" scenario...

My family would have been in deep trouble.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:16 PM
For me, if-when the fan becomes covered in poo, one of the last things that I will be worried about will be logging on to ATS. There will be far more important things to accomplish in that scenario imo.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters

But, of course, if you know the IP you don't need dns. Sites not listed via DNS are considered part of the "dark net" or "deep web" as unless you know the IP directly, you simply can't find that site, it's not there.

So even if we lost the DNS root hint servers, we could still work around it.


This all requires ELECTRICITY and that's the first thing to go in a nuclear attack, and the most costly and time consuming thing to repair.

Writing down a list of IPs wouldn't be that difficult, and you'd only have to do it once; after the initial login, you should be able to bookmark the page. As far as electricity goes, I have a gasoline powered genny; and when the gas runs out, I can always hook up a bike to generate my own electricity.

Or I can train a bunch of hamsters to run on a wheel.

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