posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:37 AM
President Obama is suprisingly typical for a president of the United States of America.Jimmy Carter was atypical,and things went poorly for him as a
result.Their is such a thing as the legacy of the office itself,which is part of the checks and balances system.Anyone who wants vast and radical
change to the core of what the country is,and always has been, finds things difficult.The president hasn't undone a whole lot that he inherited,and
whoever replaces him in 2012 or 2016 won't radically undo what he has done.Just because the whole thing is flopping and failing is not reason enough
to change course.We have had adversity before,just not in the lifetimes of anyone under 45.It's a 50-50 shot.Either the country survives,or it