posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 02:26 AM
Here is a thread for musicians to post up their rigs/axes/instruments of choice so we can all share in our music geekery and gear flaunting. I will
start with my axe:
It is a 2008 Gibson les paul studio, I really like it because it's bottom end is very prevalent although it can also cry like an angel. Another reason
I am very fond of it/les pauls is that it is an incredibly reliable guitar and I can always count it when I need to get down to business. I currently
rock it through an Orange rockerverb 50, all tube combo. Great vintage tones.
I am also currently in the market for an Epiphone casino so I can get some more sparkly tones though, I just love the sound of them and being a big
beatles man I'm sure you guys can understand.
So post up your axes guys and girls! Let's have a look and share our passion for awesome music gear. Can't wait to see some of the guitars you
Americans have, 52 telecasters and the such.
edit on 9-9-2011 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)