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9/11 Propaganda & Fear-Mongering Curriculum Being Taught to Children in Schools Nationwide

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posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 11:18 PM
"How can we make this world so that future post-9/11 generations can live in the same fear?" apparently, teachers are developing entire 9/11 curriculum and per the video below, children are readily learning "What a terrorist looks like" by their lovely, caring teachers.

gosh, where is the outrage? would you guys allow your kids (or future kids) to learn this stuff in school? all it takes is any teachers with a streak of bigottry and sensationalism to abuse their responsibility and power as a leader of youth, into perpetualizing this complete disinformation. the greatest story even told, of how the people with oil (and apparently, turban) that we never did anything too keep coming across the glove to fly planes into buildings and blow bombs up. these teaches in the vid look so dumb like they dont have a mind of their own, they're just packaging a child-appealing story in a sweet voice and have their kids regurgitate the same balogna.

break time, line up to drink your clean fresh tasting nyc tap water from the hallway fountain, class!

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 11:21 PM
Lucky they don't do that in my school, mostly they focus on college and other sorts of stuff

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by ignant

Best way to "catapult the propaganda" is to launch it at kids.

They don't know any better, and they'll go on for most of their lives believing what they have been told by authority figures (teachers, preachers, etc.).

It is your duty as a parent to stop the indoctrination. Find out what they are learning, and correct as necessary. Or just teach them yourself?

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by ignant

They have to keep the fear going to bring in their one world government. I'm mean they put so much planning into the attacks...they have to keep the fear going. Not to mention there Hitleresc if you see something, say on your each other....they are following Hitler's footsteps.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 11:59 PM
This doesn't alarm me too much considering that the 'tactic' (if it could be called one) is still based in traditional information propagation. As the next generation gets older, they will learn access to other ways of gaining information and potentially make there own decisions. Remember, this type of 'propaganda' is also offset by political correctness.

Also, don't forget that there are many areas in the media that highlight the dangers of everything and everyone at any given point. It's reactionary thought that is the issue hear...not a specific 'curriculum'.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by ignant

Each generation teaches a truth to it's children. Generation after generation.
For a long long time.
Tribes embellish the prowess of their heroes and vilify the actions of the vanquished.
Through history the children died or grew into adulthood and lived within the story they were told.
This is history in a nutshell.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by ignant

My 9 year old son knows the truth of the 9/11 'attacks', although this doesn't
go down too well with relations.
He knows that there were No Terrorists-No Planes and Few If Any Real Victims,
most being computer generated entities with no real existence.
He knows that most of the 9/11 footage released was computer generated imagery
and he knows not to trust the Main Stream Media who are owned and complicit
in selling ALL the lies of the world.

And I love my son and would not lie to him.

9/11 Media Fakery
Extents Of Media Fakery

What is happening in schools to the children of America is an abomination!
Parents. Rise.

edit on 9-9-2011 by pshea38 because: spelling error

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by MemoryShock

IA and they are not teaching about 9-11 at my kids school(s).

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:34 AM
coming soon to a pre-K near you!

yes 'they' have to ensure the next generation is even more dumbed down, malleable, drug-dependent, & controlled. but what i dont get is seeing all these teachers so boldly teaching their kids patriotic theory as fact and not just that but adding strong element of profiling/discrimination (ie the question about what do terrorists look like. even if they answer is anything, it still is suggestive to children, in its wording from the get-go)

so i think the reason this type of curriculum may be appealing to teachers among the masses nationwide is they are already caught up in the delusion. they absorb whatever CNN, FOX report like sponges despite knowing better as teachers. ie minutes after 9/11's 1st plane MSM were already reporting it is al-Quaida and suggesting Osama (both of which are obviously cia operatives but not to the masses because its not convenient to believe the truth, it's conspiratory. so i conclude even they (teachers) take the mainstream theory and package it as truth.

they probably also see changes in the country and blame it on more recent immigrants (mexicans, mideasterns, etc). so we often hear that American's not really a melting pot but a boiling caldron. and that immigrants are the reason 20% of america is unemployed. theres a sense of anger that will be instilled in these kids at a young age and by adulthood they will fit the NWO mold for sheeple.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 01:27 AM
History is the most important subject in any society it establishes authority and mindset for the rest of persons life, by shaping the way a human being interpret and understand a societies structure; they’re position within it plus the position of groups and sub-groups as well as the reinforcing bias towards other individuals or groups/sub-groups, both outside and inside the social network making up they’re world.
History is always best comprehended from present to past with every historical event having a reason(s) behind its outcome.

When you start school, the story of history starts at the beginning, like any piece fiction of literature does, the impressionable young minds are told about ideas and theories of what may have happened long long ago despite being far removed from the present world because the closer to the present one is the more in-depth and credible the facts become making the ability to comprehend and question the story being told easier and the ability to shadow the true harder.
In school this is effectively is makes history just background noise since the information they are basically being told is the most boring and albeit (to a child's mind at least) irrelevant story to them except for the fact they have to pass a test on the subject like the Renaissance which to a both the kid whose being Punked at lunch and the one Punking him have in common is that they don't care about what happened 500 year ago compared to what they will do when the lunch bell rings

In public K-12 education you are trained to write about you're point by finding all the facts that support it and ignoring those that don't.This effectively limits how most choose to perceive reality not just in the classroom, but also on social structure in peer groupings structure and sub-structure, which over those 13 year shape who people become how they adapt and change,
This in mind looking back i can best equate as a semi-prison or quasi-prison like atmosphere. Especially in grade schools that force children to be together in small room packed with other kids doing things boring repetitive tasks that they may or may not understand serving to frustrate those who fall behind as teachers hastily move on without a few kids being ready (usually one less Intelligent future HS Line Backer) with miss placed aggression that gets released onto others at recess, lunch and sometimes after-school, which similar to a prison yard where there is limited or are otherwise unsupervised interaction where unlike the classroom intelligence is not rewarded only strength (both physical and more importantly inner strength) is. Allowing for children to be animalistic but also extremely manipulative in the ways they find to dominate and belittle others (that often are smarter then those making fun but fail to protect themselves by trying to use reason and logic against someone who may not know their timetables but understands how to make someone feel insecure by making other laugh at them) leading children as they mature into teens to find safety in a group that both provides to protect from predatory behavior and that allowed them to feel safe to share things and feeling about themselves that they often hide out of fear of ridicule.

That unfortunately for society or at least everyone not at the top of it helps reenforce willful blindness and the basic ideas of what authority is on young impressionable minds, which in a schools social structuring, the supreme authority the faculty have the most power but also the least amount of influence in comparison to peer groups that more effectively force people to fall in line and choose their path of willful blindness to achieve acceptance. Further defining established hierarchy and the view of ones place within it much in the same way society is structured and how groups function with some actively trying to gain a position higher in the groups anyway possible because if they don't someone else will move ahead.

Great quote "No plan survives first contact with the enemy” the smartest people never allow anything to limit their way of thinking or ability to adapt to new information. Always keeping option open by and putting adversaries to a decision this gives the aggressor options based on what is chosen and to degree control of the situation. Thus giving an advantage so long as one never lets anything go unplanned or unaccounted for

I may loath the Global Elite, Illuminate or whatever you want to call the wealthy powerful group of people, who for generations now have manipulated events, by giving other predefine choices that no matter what way anyone person, group or nation decides do there it must either choose between the lesser of two evils or take a opposing positions that work against a solution by polarizing the other side. Essentially using soft power to play the rest of world’s population for fools without most being aware of it,

That being said I respect them for being incredibly smart and intelligent. Through using the established divisions and subdivisions so prevalent throughout history in all human cultures like race, religion, class in addition to any other idea or belief they can influence or corrupt (i.e. , nationalism to divide up and maintain power over the world, without being known or held accountable, similar to corporate structure where CEOs can be vilified and replaced so to can a nation states leaders or government take the fall to appease discontent. To achieve this is amazing because if you understanding that those with wealth are the most invested in society and its continuation because wealth seeks power in order to protect itself, you know anyone would choose to protect what they have, But to do it in a way that where the majority of people never know you have it is a stroke genius, No matter how misguided it is.

Hindsight is 20/20

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 01:27 AM
History is the most important subject in any society it establishes authority and mindset for the rest of persons life, by shaping the way a human being interpret and understand a societies structure; they’re position within it plus the position of groups and sub-groups as well as the reinforcing bias towards other individuals or groups/sub-groups, both outside and inside the social network making up they’re world.
History is always best comprehended from present to past with every historical event having a reason(s) behind its outcome.

When you start school, the story of history starts at the beginning, like any piece fiction of literature does, the impressionable young minds are told about ideas and theories of what may have happened long long ago despite being far removed from the present world because the closer to the present one is the more in-depth and credible the facts become making the ability to comprehend and question the story being told easier and the ability to shadow the true harder.
In school this is effectively is makes history just background noise since the information they are basically being told is the most boring and albeit (to a child's mind at least) irrelevant story to them except for the fact they have to pass a test on the subject like the Renaissance which to a both the kid whose being Punked at lunch and the one Punking him have in common is that they don't care about what happened 500 year ago compared to what they will do when the lunch bell rings

In public K-12 education you are trained to write about you're point by finding all the facts that support it and ignoring those that don't.This effectively limits how most choose to perceive reality not just in the classroom, but also on social structure in peer groupings structure and sub-structure, which over those 13 year shape who people become how they adapt and change,
This in mind looking back i can best equate as a semi-prison or quasi-prison like atmosphere. Especially in grade schools that force children to be together in small room packed with other kids doing things boring repetitive tasks that they may or may not understand serving to frustrate those who fall behind as teachers hastily move on without a few kids being ready (usually one less Intelligent future HS Line Backer) with miss placed aggression that gets released onto others at recess, lunch and sometimes after-school, which similar to a prison yard where there is limited or are otherwise unsupervised interaction where unlike the classroom intelligence is not rewarded only strength (both physical and more importantly inner strength) is. Allowing for children to be animalistic but also extremely manipulative in the ways they find to dominate and belittle others (that often are smarter then those making fun but fail to protect themselves by trying to use reason and logic against someone who may not know their timetables but understands how to make someone feel insecure by making other laugh at them) leading children as they mature into teens to find safety in a group that both provides to protect from predatory behavior and that allowed them to feel safe to share things and feeling about themselves that they often hide out of fear of ridicule.

That unfortunately for society or at least everyone not at the top of it helps reenforce willful blindness and the basic ideas of what authority is on young impressionable minds, which in a schools social structuring, the supreme authority the faculty have the most power but also the least amount of influence in comparison to peer groups that more effectively force people to fall in line and choose their path of willful blindness to achieve acceptance. Further defining established hierarchy and the view of ones place within it much in the same way society is structured and how groups function with some actively trying to gain a position higher in the groups anyway possible because if they don't someone else will move ahead.

Great quote "No plan survives first contact with the enemy” the smartest people never allow anything to limit their way of thinking or ability to adapt to new information. Always keeping option open by and putting adversaries to a decision this gives the aggressor options based on what is chosen and to degree control of the situation. Thus giving an advantage so long as one never lets anything go unplanned or unaccounted for

I may loath the Global Elite, Illuminate or whatever you want to call the wealthy powerful group of people, who for generations now have manipulated events, by giving other predefine choices that no matter what way anyone person, group or nation decides do there it must either choose between the lesser of two evils or take a opposing positions that work against a solution by polarizing the other side. Essentially using soft power to play the rest of world’s population for fools without most being aware of it,

That being said I respect them for being incredibly smart and intelligent. Through using the established divisions and subdivisions so prevalent throughout history in all human cultures like race, religion, class in addition to any other idea or belief they can influence or corrupt (i.e. , nationalism to divide up and maintain power over the world, without being known or held accountable, similar to corporate structure where CEOs can be vilified and replaced so to can a nation states leaders or government take the fall to appease discontent. To achieve this is amazing because if you understanding that those with wealth are the most invested in society and its continuation because wealth seeks power in order to protect itself, you know anyone would choose to protect what they have, But to do it in a way that where the majority of people never know you have it is a stroke genius, No matter how misguided it is.

Hindsight is 20/20

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 01:38 AM
OP, I know what you mean....

At my daughter's school a couple of years ago, they started having "Terry Drills." The name is apparently short for "terrorist," according to my daughter. The principal comes over the loudspeaker and states, "Terry alert" several times and the kids are supposed to get under their desks.

I don't have a problem with them conducting these drills for natural disasters or in case some loon comes to the school and starts shooting people as we've seen in the past, but to call it a "Terry Drill" and to tell the kids they're practicing in case there's a "terrorist attack" pisses me off.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 02:23 AM
The more children will learn about it, the more will hear the other side of the story. Do not expect 911 to be taught on a large scale.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 09:59 AM
I do not have 20 reply's yet..otherwise I would have started a post of my own last night.

I am shocked at what my daughter delivered to me over dinner last night. She said, "Dad, tomorrow our science teacher is going to teach us about 9/11." My first thought was, "science teacher before civics or social studies teacher?". Anyway, my daughter and I talked more about what was said about the lesson that was to come. This is when I almost fell off of my chair. My daughter's teacher explained to the class, "I will be teaching about the attacks of 9/11 so that you all understand what REALLY happened." I have two issues here. Does anyone REALLY know what happened? I don't care what side of the argument you fall on...neither side has proof that has "shut up" the masses and caused us all to stop and say..."wow, now I get it". Anyway, I suspect that everyone has formed such strong opinions about this day in history that most would be reluctant to change their opinions. Seems to be human nature. With that being said, our educators just keep making the same mistakes over and over. An example of this is that we still teach our kids about "the hero" Christopher Columbus was rather than the fact that he was a slave-driver and a cold-blooded killer. You get my point.

I think that I said that I had two issues here. Yep...I did. Second issue is this; a teacher stating anything as fact that supports the government's story on this would be done with a blatant disregard to the education process itself. Unfortunately, there are no laws that would stop this teacher from doing that. I spent hours last evening helping my daughter understand what the confusion was all about. I can, at the every least, show her the many "sides" to this day in history. Today when she comes home, she will have with her, an audio recording of the class. I am very curious. If it contains what I think it will, then I will be off to her school to discuss this matter further.

I do not need her educators to agree with my opinion...I just need them to understand how irresponsible it is to present anything as fact...other than the fact that this was one of the worst days in human history. I remember it well. I have formed a very strong opinion over the last 10 years and I have to say that it becomes more apparent to me as each new day passes. It's funny that it is her science teacher that is presenting the "REAL" story. I should invite her to review scientific is what I used to come to my conclusions; coupled with common sense.

Scientific Method: Ask A Question, Do Background Research, Construct A Hypothesis, Test Your Hypothesis With Experimentation, Analyze The Data And Draw Conclusions, (ask final questions of the process) does the hypothesis support the data? and does the data support the hypothesis?

If you can not answer "yes" to the last two questions, then you start over with a different hypothesis.

Sorry for ranting...It's just that this is my child who has to walk out into this world that is being built or destroyed at the moment and I have to know that I will not always be able to protect her...BUT I will deliver on my responsibilities and promise of the TRUTH to her. These will be some of the tools that she will need for a successful future.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 10:13 AM
The more b.s. they teach the kids, the more it is ingrained into their subconscious, the bigger the backlash will be when they finally realize the truth, and the more they will distrust the system for lying to them. Karma

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
OP, I know what you mean....

At my daughter's school a couple of years ago, they started having "Terry Drills." The name is apparently short for "terrorist," according to my daughter. The principal comes over the loudspeaker and states, "Terry alert" several times and the kids are supposed to get under their desks.

I don't have a problem with them conducting these drills for natural disasters or in case some loon comes to the school and starts shooting people as we've seen in the past, but to call it a "Terry Drill" and to tell the kids they're practicing in case there's a "terrorist attack" pisses me off.

FFS nightgypsy. This is exactly what they did in the 60's with the constant threats of
nuclear armageddon and school drills. And that was all a hoax too. Keeping the
populice terrified while they get on with their dark schemes unhindered.
What a F*ing bunch of inhuman nothings. Now they are doing exactly the same
to your kids. Can you see more now how 9/11 was a complete scam/hoax, as i have
asserted in our previous meetings. I live in Ireland, so my child is not subject to
such drills and lying 9/11 propaganda, I think that if he was, I would remove him quicksmart.
But it is all over the television.
I am so sick of all this faked BS, from 9/11 to 7/7 to Madrid to Bali to Mumbai to
Tucson to Oslo and Utoya and on and on and on.
And we, for the most part, remain none the wiser.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 04:44 PM
Get 'em while they're young, eh? Here's a great story from James Clavell - the Shogun author - called The Children's Story. I consider it must reading for ATS'rs and it fits very nicely with this topic. It's a very short read but chilling nonetheless.

The Children's Story

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by TheLoony
Get 'em while they're young, eh? Here's a great story from James Clavell - the Shogun author - called The Children's Story. I consider it must reading for ATS'rs and it fits very nicely with this topic. It's a very short read but chilling nonetheless.

The Children's Story

i wish there were more we could do. the children are our future, and the pattern we're seeing in their upbringing, is the authorities - be it their preachful preK teacher, bigshot Bloomberg MSM monopoly & mayor, 'nukular' bush, or Osama's latest sponsor Obama, they are all miserable with themselves and want to blame an outsider. chrildren in early development are even more easy to instill fear of a common enemy with, than the general population thru msm and gov-backed false intel propaganda.

so, a nuclear drill gets conveniently changed to a Terrorist drill. if theres 2 words being thrown around at even toddlers today, its likely Nukular and Terry. they (bush, teachers) make fun of the words intentionally because it's a joke to them on the inside. they are self-destructive and want someone to blame for committing suicide.

that way they can nuke anywhere, even their country's own children and instantly the kids associate it with yet another act of terror by some turban-clad Muslim descendent of Osama and/or Obama.
edit on 9-9-2011 by ignant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by MightyQuincunx
I do not have 20 reply's yet..otherwise I would have started a post of my own last night.

I am shocked at what my daughter delivered to me over dinner last night. She said, "Dad, tomorrow our science teacher is going to teach us about 9/11." My first thought was, "science teacher before civics or social studies teacher?". Anyway, my daughter and I talked more about what was said about the lesson that was to come. This is when I almost fell off of my chair. My daughter's teacher explained to the class, "I will be teaching about the attacks of 9/11 so that you all understand what REALLY happened." I have two issues here. Does anyone REALLY know what happened? I don't care what side of the argument you fall on...neither side has proof that has "shut up" the masses and caused us all to stop and say..."wow, now I get it". Anyway, I suspect that everyone has formed such strong opinions about this day in history that most would be reluctant to change their opinions. Seems to be human nature. With that being said, our educators just keep making the same mistakes over and over. An example of this is that we still teach our kids about "the hero" Christopher Columbus was rather than the fact that he was a slave-driver and a cold-blooded killer. You get my point.

I think that I said that I had two issues here. Yep...I did. Second issue is this; a teacher stating anything as fact that supports the government's story on this would be done with a blatant disregard to the education process itself. Unfortunately, there are no laws that would stop this teacher from doing that. I spent hours last evening helping my daughter understand what the confusion was all about. I can, at the every least, show her the many "sides" to this day in history. Today when she comes home, she will have with her, an audio recording of the class. I am very curious. If it contains what I think it will, then I will be off to her school to discuss this matter further.

I do not need her educators to agree with my opinion...I just need them to understand how irresponsible it is to present anything as fact...other than the fact that this was one of the worst days in human history. I remember it well. I have formed a very strong opinion over the last 10 years and I have to say that it becomes more apparent to me as each new day passes. It's funny that it is her science teacher that is presenting the "REAL" story. I should invite her to review scientific is what I used to come to my conclusions; coupled with common sense.

Scientific Method: Ask A Question, Do Background Research, Construct A Hypothesis, Test Your Hypothesis With Experimentation, Analyze The Data And Draw Conclusions, (ask final questions of the process) does the hypothesis support the data? and does the data support the hypothesis?

If you can not answer "yes" to the last two questions, then you start over with a different hypothesis.

Sorry for ranting...It's just that this is my child who has to walk out into this world that is being built or destroyed at the moment and I have to know that I will not always be able to protect her...BUT I will deliver on my responsibilities and promise of the TRUTH to her. These will be some of the tools that she will need for a successful future.

Do yourself and your daughter a huge favour and go thru everything in the links
below with a fine tooth comb and in a critical and scientific manner.
There is more truth here than she (or you or me) will get from a lifetime of official schooling.

9/11 Media Fakery
Extents Of Media Fakery


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