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55 minutes of Rare Ground Zero Footage

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posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Starts just after WTC2 collapse, on West St... Dust... then moving to WTC7, goes inside building at escalator (stopped), alarm siren, talks with Secret Service OST Bennette, male camera operator talks to FDNY - fireman trapped? .. then onto street after dust settles ... best shot of WTC3 before WTC1 collapse - U TURN sign, Marriott crushed, debris, looks up at WTC1 , smashed ambulance on its side, looks up at WTC1 burning, zooms in - Interviews man in blue shirt with shoulder bag, helped carry woman in wheelchair down stairs from floor 68 - Mike Benfante - worked at Network Plus communications company on 81st floor of 1 WTC... bathroom blown out he says . At 18:20 WTC1 collapse with dusty lens, wipes lens clean, Mike runs past, cloud hits and people fall - blackness, with constant audio of choking and small gravel-rubble raining down... flash of TV colors at 21:22 with text title: "CBSLAGANGA" (Mark LaGanga) no audio interruption, light returns through dust covered lens around 21:30, wipes lens at 21:51 - man in dust answers cameraman's question "What happened?" with "It collapsed. The top floors collapsed down. I saw it blow and then ran like hell. Thank God. I'm 69 but I can still run. There's gotta be firemen trapped back there, though." -- At 23:00 a bird on the sidewalk walking... dusty streets, firemen's safety alarm going off, shuts it off - man helps fireman walk.... kids leaving Stuyvesant High School, Police collecting water bottles ... LaGanga ends at 29:05

29:30 - cut to WTC1 collapse beginning of "BBC MotionGallery" shot (also release 14, CBS-Net Dub3 38 - from West St., with 2x lens extender removed for wide shot .. forced to move camera at 30:15, gunshot at 30:39, shot of dust cloud, dust-covered people getting water poured on face -- 38:23 fireman at open fire hydrant -- walking toward Ground Zero, papers all over West St. - 43:00 FDNY pulling lines of hose from truck, dusty streets. 45:30 cut to female reporter interviewing man with bloody knee (Bolivar Arellano of New York Post), who speaks Spanish to camera operator describing explosions - (also release 14, CBS-Net Dub3 70)

48:00 - end footage, begin long shot (also release 14, CBS-Net Dub3 76), shaky view of towers burning from North - WTC2 collapse at 51:16, initiation missed, zoom out to catch shaky shot of core crumbling -

Lots of great footage of ground zero. Its amazing the guts this kid has.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Blundo
55 minutes of Rare Ground Zero Footage

Exactly what makes this "rare"?
Its available on youtube to anyone who wants to watch it, and thousands have already.

It also starts after WTC2 collapse, at a time when BILLIONS of cameras were recording anything to do with the area around the buildings..

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