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American Jobs Act/what do you think?

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posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by deadpool84
by the time the president actually got to what the actual act was about he already lost me by saying we must pass this bill 8 times. almost 8 times in a row i felt like i was buying a used car.

Right.Didn't think of that.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:13 PM
It´s an ambitious plan and it certainly makes sense to help small business, that which employs most of the workforce. However, these tax cuts amount to almost 10% of current annual govt. revenues. I´m not sure they can afford such a big cut, given that the deficit is at over a trillion dollars (40% of revenues). But on the other hand they don´t seem to have any trouble at all financing that deficit since the price of govt. debt is currently at a 140-year high. No, that´s not a typo. The yield of the 10-year note is at 1.98%, it dipped almost to 2% in 1940 and that was a low since the 19th century.

The other provisions should help, can´t say how much. Again, if they can finance this it´s certainly worth trying.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Daedal
Don't know if anyone is listening to President Obama addressing Congress on his jobs plan.Sounds like a lot of tax incentives or tax breaks for small business.
Although he did mention rebuilding our transporataion infrastructure and reducing the deficit all at the same time.Cutting tax loopholes for billionaires or putting teachers back to work.He said this is not class warfare.The American jobs Act is an immediate relief for those seeking jobs.

Hogwash or possiblity?

edit on 8-9-2011 by Daedal because: (no reason given)

Can sum it all up in one word, wait, no make that two:
Toilet paper, but you know the cheap kind that really doesn't clean off all the S****.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:18 PM
so where can i actually find a copy of this bill to waste a few hours of my life reading? google yields nothing but blogs/reports of this speech.

i have a hunch him saying "no more earmarks" isnt as true as id like to believe

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:21 PM
The extra deduction for new equipment should only apply to American made equipment. Or is this a jobs plan for the Chinese?

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:24 PM
This chart shows the yield of the 10-year note since the 19th century.

It was at 2.19% on 8/26 and currently at 1.98%. Bonds trade at price and yield and price move in opposite directions. Thus, the price of these instruments is at over a 100-year high. It would seem that Uncle Sam can with confidence keep borrowing a few trillion more over the next years.


posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:27 PM
If you will notice, male members have been wearing purple tie's with greater than statistically natural. Some kind of message? Some sort of signal??? Check out scene's from the POTUS speech, Biden-purple tie. Obama-purple shade tie. Michelle Obama-purple dress. All in the audience, sullen,somber and sad. To me, it reeked of defeat. The stench of grand malevolent designs lifted. The announcement of glorious freedom! Beauty returns and Truth dash aside the vestages of all the Dark Forces. This speech was the unconditional surrender of all the forces of the Dark. Excuse me, "Forces" is no longer an accurate term to describe the currently descimated Dark Forces. See the ATS thread which reports Andromedan Council & Allied victory. The people of Earth have been freed from bondage. Prepare for disclosure. Prepare for the shift to a higher frequency. WE WON!

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by galdur

you linked..

_UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. If approved by Congress, the proposal would continue assistance to millions of people who are receiving extended benefits under emergency unemployment insurance set up during the recession. That program expired in November but Congress renewed it for 2011. If not renewed again, it would expire at the end of this year, leaving about 6 million jobless people at risk of losing benefits. The president also wants to spend extra money on states that help long-term unemployed workers though training programs. One model cited is a Georgia program that lets people receiving unemployment benefits obtain job training at a company at no cost to the employer. The estimated cost is $49 billion.

only problem i see. so far is..

these so called companies...

don't need anymore employee's..

lay-offs will be falling like leaves on a windy fall day soon..
edit on 8-9-2011 by baddmove because: added words

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by frkn8
I usually purposefully avoid speeches like these.... hearing it is just too depressing. The problem I have is knowing individuals at the top are not idiots, yet they pitch idiotic ideas assuming the average american IS an idiot and will eat it up. A couple of more stand out moronic ideas:

Spending more tax money will fix our economy

Increasing taxes (even if only for the rich) will fix economy

I'd love the idea of Ron Paul getting the nomination, getting elected, and changing the way our government works. But it will never happen. The system is WAY too rigged and even if in some miracle he gets the republican nomination, I would very honestly worry for his life. Rid the world of the FED!? Ditch income tax!? Base money on gold!? Give the middle finger to the bankers!? Create a society that governs itself!? Take the real power from the hands of the puppet-masters!? Sure sounds like a death wise to me.

I think all the rich have already jumped ship and found safe harbour else where.Think the Fed telling Gibson to take off may be a good idea,I think I would follow suite.The rich are about to get a heavy tax.But who cares I'm not rich.So eliminating the rest of the money will be easy by raising taxes and liquidating the middle class debt servants..And turning America into a welfare state while the curency is being manipulated to their interest and Americas image devalued.
North American Union here we come..
edit on 8-9-2011 by Daedal because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by baddmove

Yeah, unfortunately that is an important point.

What the 10-year note chart reflects is extreme forces of oversupply, oversaturated markets, overcapacity, stupendous technological advances and absolutely endless supply of dirt cheap labor. In other words, deflation. That is why the price of money (debt) is at a 100-year high. It makes no sense at all to accumulate anything that money buys, better to wait until prices (including prices of labor) drop.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by HUMBLEONE
If you will notice, male members have been wearing purple tie's with greater than statistically natural. Some kind of message? Some sort of signal??? Check out scene's from the POTUS speech, Biden-purple tie. Obama-purple shade tie. Michelle Obama-purple dress. All in the audience, sullen,somber and sad. To me, it reeked of defeat. The stench of grand malevolent designs lifted. The announcement of glorious freedom! Beauty returns and Truth dash aside the vestages of all the Dark Forces. This speech was the unconditional surrender of all the forces of the Dark. Excuse me, "Forces" is no longer an accurate term to describe the currently descimated Dark Forces. See the ATS thread which reports Andromedan Council & Allied victory. The people of Earth have been freed from bondage. Prepare for disclosure. Prepare for the shift to a higher frequency. WE WON!

I must say that the game is coming to a close.And the revelations are forth coming,but the battle is not yet over.Here in the states the slaves have been freed/debt-slaves.
It's all the same thing,just the illusion of freedom under the pretext of freedom.Let the dogs have their scraps.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by galdur

Guess another way to look at is,let's say that(hypothetically)10 years ago I could buy two humans to do a job.Now today I can buy 10 humans to a job with that same dollar.Cheap labor has devalued American currency especially to us citizens.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by Daedal

Technological advanceson all fronts over the last decades have much to do with it. This is a gigantic wave that will keep on rising for the next decades. Also, the deflationary wave from Asia will continue washing over us.

The big problem for western economies is that it was impossible to raise wages and purchasing power enough to absorb the mountains of cheap stuff from Asia. Yet it was absorbed and is being absorbed with ever increasing debt. At some point everything gets oversaturated, consumer debt included and people start repairing their balance sheets, that is saving more and spending less. This process started a few years ago.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:04 PM
Worth a shot. We've got to unite and do something. And it's what the vast majority of people what, I betcha.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:05 PM
The bickering continues.........

Both sides, both parties.

There is no fix.......Politics wins every time..............

I am not complaining. I am hired on probably due to the Illinois Jobs Now ACT.......But you guys do not want to hear about that now do you?

If they, we, us, them, whatever,,,,,spend.............we are screwed.....If they, we, us, them, whatever don't spend ........we are screwed.........

Keep up with the party bickering nonsense.......It is really helping this nation

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:32 PM
Maybe they should just throw 500 billion or so from helicopters. The deflationary forces are so extremely strong that this would probably lead to little or no increase in inflation.


posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by galdur
If they MUST do another "bailout", give the money directly to the taxpayers. Give each actual taxpayer(not those who just have money withheld, but get it all back) $100,000. The resulting responsible spending would actually help stimulate the economy. This crap they are talking about will only stimulate demonkratic voters.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:53 PM
A great tip from March 2009. Stocks then proceeded to go up by 100% to May 2011.


Obama: It's a Good Time to Buy Stocks

Published March 03, 2009


President Obama said Tuesday that now is a good time for investors to buy stocks if they focus on the big picture.

The Dow plunged Monday to its lowest level in 12 years. ......

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:15 AM
Sounds like austerity:

-Make cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
-Fix bridges and highways (ok...what about public transit retrofitting, or are we going to repeat the 20th century starting at the New Deal?)
-Bring manufacturing back to the US, but at this stage in the game, without strong unions, I don't see how that's anything more than promising that we are the next group of "off-shore" labor (as we already are in some parts of the South where "right to work" is entrenched).
-Make sure corporations and the wealthy pay "their fair share" whatever that abstract term means. It's never quantified and loopholes are discussed, but I'd like to see what exactly "their fair share" really means.

I can't remember what else I heard because I was rudely interrupted from listening. Though I think it was something to do with high speed internet in the classroom. Which is BS because we'd rather have a safe environment, quality education in the classroom, and job opportunities when they get out. High speed internet is not going to do all of that. It will just turn the kids into book-illiterate technophiles who are incapable of analytical thought and will be spoon-fed information from google and wikipedia.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776
reply to post by galdur
If they MUST do another "bailout", give the money directly to the taxpayers. Give each actual taxpayer(not those who just have money withheld, but get it all back) $100,000. The resulting responsible spending would actually help stimulate the economy. This crap they are talking about will only stimulate demonkratic voters.

I've never understood this. If every single American gets $100,000, won't their be "market" compensation, so things like gas, bread, milk, steak dinners, cars, and so forth go up? I mean, maybe you were being sarcastic, but if you suddenly had $100,000, you would flood the market with demand, supply would still be at the pace it was, factories and such might hire, but how many people are inclined to work for minimum wage (where you'd need about 10 years to net $100,000 - and with rent and bills, many more times that to actually accumulate it) if they already have 10 years of it in their hand.

I just see the price of everything going up because the wages would have to go up. Though it's a nice idea and I could use that money!
edit on 9-9-2011 by Sphota because: (no reason given)

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