posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 11:51 AM
Hello ATS,
it feels good to be official! I guess I'll start at the beginning:
I'm 25, was raised in an extremely conservative Christian household (3-5 times/week at church) and held to these beliefs until I was 20. I softened
my viewpoints a little after being in college a few years and sat in a complacent time (as most 20-somethings do) for a few years. Then something BIG
happened- my best friend from high school died in a car wreck.
So I started researching death which led me to the pineal gland and '___' production
which led me to lucid dreaming/astral projection
which led me to re-examining questions that I'd always had about the cosmos and creation of the universe that my spiritual elders could only answer
with "faith" and creationism
which led me to UFOs, environmental considerations, and higher-level global economic impacts
which led me here!
Since I've been lurking I've used the AWESOME threads and the supporting/countering viewpoints to springboard my own personal research into a myriad
of matters. I'm the only person I know who researches such topics with such voracity and passion. This is not a fad thing for me- in fact, I can't
share any of my findings with 95% of the people I know because they somehow connect back to my parent's church or spiritual community and I would get
a bombardment of "I'm praying for you!"s for even mentioning questioning the existence of "God" as they know "him" and the NIV bible. Not that
I don't enjoy my few material comforts, but I'd go as far as to say as it is one of my major purposes in life- to sort this out, to uncover the
shroud of ignorance and negativity that is plaguing this world.
Personally, I am a musician (used to run a recording studio for a few years), a photographer, and just recently finished my degree in accounting. I
understand things like logic, accuracy, verifiability, and plausibility- but I am also creative and enjoy the human aspect of these topics.
I probably won't create any new threads for a while, but decided it was finally time to become a member. Partly because sometimes I want SO bad to
reply to some threads, but also the flagging function alone will keep 10+ tabs off my browser at any given time!
Thanks to all the ATS members that have already aided my quest for knowledge, and also those provide much needed skepticism when I'm awe-struck at
new notions.