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The Death Penalty: Hypocritical or justifiable?

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posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth
Faimly members are victims you know what I ment.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Tarzan the apeman.
Society itself is a victim when someone murders another, everyone loses fellow workers friends,etc etc.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Griffo
If a serious offence is committed (murder) then I think that the person should be sent to prison proportional to their crime. They should then be rehabilitated and try to be reintegrated into society. If that fails then send them back to prison until they are. (Again, this depends on the circumstances - self defence vs. cold blooded murder)

So what you're saying is if the dude kills again, then they go back to prison. Well, thanks for allowing two people to be killed so that one scumbag can live. Nice math.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Tarzan the apeman.
reply to post by gimme_some_truth
Faimly members are victims you know what I ment.

No, I did not. I don't play around, if I had known what you meant, I would not have said what I did.

So you meant the family of the victim. Okay.

Well, the legal system does not work like that. It is not up to them. Is that what you think should happen? It should be up to the family of the victim?

edit on 9-9-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 04:17 PM
until there is a better justice system then I will allways be against the death penalty.

I was summoned to attend the high court in UK for a rape trial. Most of the other people on the jury were idiots. 4 women talked about TV and 3 others couldnt process the evidence in the case...I mean they werent paying attention and could not recall what was discussed. 1 old geezer sat there shaking and I thought he was going to die.

If this were my jury and I was in the docks for a crime I didnt commit and there was a possability of the death sentence then I would be kissing my sorry ass goodbye!

innocent people get convicted, what you going to do? digg them up and appologize if new evidence clears them?

get real people!
edit on 9-9-2011 by Scott495 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
What do you guys think?

I dont like death cult societies.
Promote life.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by FoosM

If everyone started promoting life though,would that not be cult like,under your definition?
edit on 9-9-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth
There is a big difference between murder and killing, and people are funny when it comes to this,killing is for perservation, like when someone is going to kill you, murder is heartless. Murder is the lowest of low. Its simple if someone is going to take your life just for the sake of taking your life doesnt deserve to live. If they take a life for what you have,dont deserve to live. Think of the death penalty as a way of putting the murderer out of his misery if murderers even feel remorse.
And yes Im talking of murder in the first degree not manslaughter or second degree.Basically society is killing the murderer to preserve itself. And if your not for the death penalty get involved somewhere in your town or state and work on getting it abolished. Also if you live in a state where the death penalty is illegal then what heck do you care what someone else is doing in there state, just be thankful you live where you live.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 05:47 PM
After you put it like that. I am against the death penalty. It is hypocritical.

I think suffering in prison is worse anyways. Unless you happen to be homosexual and addicted to poor hygene and crap food.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 05:51 PM
it's the definition of hypocrisy, but it sure feels good


I always condemn parents who hit their kids to teach them not to hit, and this is the same thing, only a little more permanent

it is neither an effective preventative measure, nor is it a money saver

in my mind, no truly civilized society would have a death penalty

edit on 9-9-2011 by syrinx high priest because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

I think kids need a little smack now and again. in the UK we see kids out of control to an epademic proportion with no respect or sense of punishment for right or wrong. Your are not teaching your kids to hit in fact I would say kids that dont get hit often hit others because they cannot sympathise to what they are doing (they dont know what it feels like).

just my opinion and im not talking about smaking your kids about!

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 06:35 AM
Our desire to murder a murderer is a product of emotion. Emotions get us into a lot of trouble. They start fights, break hearts, and drive us to madness. I suggest we get control of our emotions. Any emotion that cannot be turned off upon experience, should be funneled into joy. Different levels of joy should be our emotion. We will then see that we should be caretakers of even those driven to murder.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Tarzan the apeman.
reply to post by gimme_some_truth
There is a big difference between murder and killing, and people are funny when it comes to this,killing is for perservation, like when someone is going to kill you, murder is heartless. Murder is the lowest of low. Its simple if someone is going to take your life just for the sake of taking your life doesnt deserve to live. If they take a life for what you have,dont deserve to live. Think of the death penalty as a way of putting the murderer out of his misery if murderers even feel remorse.
And yes Im talking of murder in the first degree not manslaughter or second degree.Basically society is killing the murderer to preserve itself. And if your not for the death penalty get involved somewhere in your town or state and work on getting it abolished. Also if you live in a state where the death penalty is illegal then what heck do you care what someone else is doing in there state, just be thankful you live where you live.

yes I agree. Killing and murder are two different things. Or, they can be. You might kill an animal for food.... Or murder some one out of anger. Big difference.

As for where I live, I live in Texas. We do have the Death penalty here. But for those who live in a state where it is illegal, they should care because their state is a part of this Country.

Thanks for your words

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by gentledissident
Our desire to murder a murderer is a product of emotion. Emotions get us into a lot of trouble. They start fights, break hearts, and drive us to madness. I suggest we get control of our emotions. Any emotion that cannot be turned off upon experience, should be funneled into joy. Different levels of joy should be our emotion. We will then see that we should be caretakers of even those driven to murder.

But are we able to get control of our emotions? Humans are very emotional creatures. Emotional to the point of Insanity, even.

How to you suggest we "turn off" emotions such as anger, sadness etc?

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
How to you suggest we "turn off" emotions such as anger, sadness etc?

If you are not able to control your emotions yet, try channeling them into joy. Both processes are intuitive.

You may be able to divert emotion by immediately finding some sort of humor in the situation. There are many types of humor like exasperated, ironic, dark, and confused humor that could work.

Meditation is a great way to discover how your brain works. It's important we confront any memories we usually repress due to the emotions they bring with them. We need to fully examine these memories until all emotions but joy are removed from them.

Joy is not the only option. You may find it more appropriate to experience no emotion. It will take introspection and exercise to accomplish either option.
edit on 10-9-2011 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by gossipnancy
After you put it like that. I am against the death penalty. It is hypocritical.

I think suffering in prison is worse anyways. Unless you happen to be homosexual and addicted to poor hygene and crap food.

Right, because homosexuals enjoy rape. Just like women. Heck, why not throw animals and children in there, too.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
I guess I am of more cruel bent. I think that anyone given a life sentence with no possibility of parole should be given solitary confinement, with no windows or contact with the outside world.

Except that, from your perspective, the actual result of solitary isn't what you might want.

I'm guessing that you'd like a scenario where a person in solitary had to spend the rest of their existence, lucid and conscious of said isolation. That doesn't happen. They generally end up insane, in reasonably short order. Their minds simply can't take it.

Additionally, the reason why I would consider this hypocritical, is because I think it is a very safe bet that this is not a punishment that you would want for yourself if convicted of a crime; irrespective of what the crime was. Wrongful conviction for crimes often happens, as well.

It isn't ethically justifiable, to advocate punishments for others, on the basis of relying on the fact that it will always be others who are subjected to them, rather than yourself.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 12:42 PM
This is a hard topic to be diplomatic.
With or without the death penalty, it'd still cost a lot i reckon.

An eye for an eye i say...
If someone punches you, u wanna punch em back right?
If someone killed one of my friends or a member of my family, given the choice i would like to 'off' the offending person in any manner i see fit. This may act as a deterrent for future offenders knowing what the consequences are. Granted there are too many grey areas regarding whether a punishment fits the crime i.e. if person A, punches person B and person B dies as a result then this most probably isn't premeditated murder so Judge and Jury can still decide.

Or..... i prefer to look at this from a different perspective.
Perhaps the prison population in general should be used for medical experiments. The have forfeit their freedoms in anycase for having committed crimes so why not be put to good use for the benefit of science. Let the big pharma companies foot the bill in looking after them instead of us the tax payers. Pharma companies pay big $$$ for persons willing to be experimented on in any case. Maybe this way is can be cheaper for them? Possibly making medicines cheaper in future? i dunno....

For those that are serving life penalties, they can undergo the more dangerous experiments.

Am i being Harsh?
Sorry if i offend anyone but i am being asked my opinion am i not.

edit to note: I volunteered for a drug trial in Japan way back in 2001.
Got 30,000 yen ($3,000 back then or close to $4,500 if you were an Aussie) for Friday & Saturday.
Wasn't gonna do it unless i was sure it was safe so waited a few weeks to see how others reacted before saying yes.
They wanted foreigners to trial against Japanese to be 100% sure the american pharma companies weren't dodging their stats.
edit on 17/9/2011 by convinceme because: wanted to justify my thoughts why pharma companies pay big $$$

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by petrus4

I know there are a lot of pages to this post. But I did acknowledge that the individual would soon go insane...possibibly and probably. That's part of the punishment.

It's a given that I have no problem with.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

I don't know...there are some true animals out there. I have thought of this question and always walk this line between both. If someone were to torture, and kill and institute a long slow death to someone I loved, like my child or any other child for that matter...I'm pretty sure I'd have it in me to take 'em out. I know, sounds harsh but that's where I'm at, in all honesty. Hard question to answer.

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