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10 years later, 9/11 still shrouded in mystery

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posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 04:22 AM

10 years later, 9/11 still shrouded in mystery

September 07, 2011|BY WILL BUNCH

IF YOU THINK that on the 10th anniversary you know the whole story of 9/11 - and here I'm addressing conspiracy-minded "truthers" and the 13 percent who approved of the job Dick Cheney did as vice president - actually, you don't.

Time has upheld the broad story line of how hijackers loyal to Osama bin Laden hijacked four planes and killed nearly 3,000 people on Sept. 11, 2001 - claims about holograms being used to attack buildings instead of jetliners.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 04:22 AM
This is a good list of questions everything from the what the CIA knew. To the 1st responders and just who was in the command that day.10 years later and most of the former staffers and commissioners have said they were not satisfied with the investigation.Now we have former counter-terrorist czar Richard Clark saying that the CIA withheld info from the WH and him.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 04:41 AM
Why is it a mystery ? The Government wants to kill your sorry bum, you're surplus to them. How's that hard to understand ? It's sad but it shows how disposable we are to the mirthless psychopaths.
edit on 8-9-2011 by Heartisblack because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by mike dangerously

Not much of a mystery really, just people who can't accept the reality of the situation, that is all.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by mike dangerously

Not much of a mystery really, just people who can't accept the reality of the situation, that is all.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 05:09 AM
To my mind ...the oddest thing was the convenient camera placed in the exact convenient position to catch the plane going into the tower...whats the odds of that?
Yes they were doing a documentary but the way the camera just panned up there without hardly any centering or shaking.
How the camera was raised to the right height first time....mmm strange.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:32 AM
I believe that the attack happened on behalf of the government; that is, that they wanted it to happen, and probably even paid for it to happen. Beyond that, however, it gets murky.

Assuming that the controlled demolition theory is accurate, there are still a lot of things which I at least don't know.

  • Who planted the thermite?
  • When was it done? How long before 9/11?
  • How was security compromised to the degree that they were able to do it?
  • How much damage did the planes actually do to the towers, and how much was caused by the explosives?
  • Who was really flying the planes? Was it really the 14 hijackers, or was it parties unknown?
  • What really happened at Shanksville? There was no plane wreckage found, and no bodies. Did the military simply detonate something in the ground, to make it look like the indentation caused by a crashed plane?
  • Who was contracted to perform the Pentagon bombing?
  • How was Pentagon security sufficiently breached, that they could be permitted to do it?

Etc, etc...

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:00 AM

10 years later, 9/11 still shrouded in mystery.

Should be

10 years later and where are the whistle blowers?

To pull off the incredible delusion, I mean attack, there would have been 20K? 30K involved? How exactly do you get that many people to keep their mouths shut? Answer: You Don't ! Period!
edit on 8-9-2011 by DanielCarver because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by DanielCarver

To pull off the incredible delusion, I mean attack, there would have been 20K? 30K involved? How exactly do you get that many people to keep their mouths shut? Answer: You Don't ! Period!
edit on 8-9-2011 by DanielCarver because: (no reason given)

Well let's see... they were running drills on that day that centered around among other things hijacked planes so most didn't know if it was "exercise or real world". Also you obviously can't wrap your brain around the concept of departmentalization... only the very top tier needs to know what's actually happening, everyone else thinks it's just part of a drill.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:04 AM
10 years later you are still using this to get pity from the rest of the world.

Seriously, its getting old and tiring fast.

We are tired of hearing about how hard done by America is.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Anonymouth

10 years later you are still using this to get pity from the rest of the world.

Seriously, its getting old and tiring fast.

We are tired of hearing about how hard done by America is.

Because the lie needs to be exposed...

Recommendation: Don't read or post on 911 threads if your "tired" of it.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by mike dangerously

Why were those Israelis dancing on 9/11. Thats the question I want answered. There's your Mystery!

edit on 8-9-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by xXHORUSXx

Originally posted by Anonymouth

10 years later you are still using this to get pity from the rest of the world.

Seriously, its getting old and tiring fast.

We are tired of hearing about how hard done by America is.

Because the lie needs to be exposed...

Recommendation: Don't read or post on 911 threads if your "tired" of it.

You are preaching to the choir. Eventually even the choir becomes deaf from the organ pipes.

Where do you think most of the "it was an inside job" shouts came from? From EUROPE. Denmark etc even had poster campaigns equating it to the Reichstag in Germany.

Not America. So quit deafening us with the shouts of pity, WE in EUROPE "told you so" 10 years ago when you didn't want to listen, when you where too busy calling us anti-american for saying what you didn't want to hear at the time.

Quit abusing it for pity and manipulation.

Frankly, the time for pity has gone long ago, we are sick and tired of hearing about it day in and day out, ESPECIALLY when you throw it in our faces when we were the ones that tried to tell you in the first place. You are frankly, ungrateful, manipulative and down right selfish.

All the pity we had, has gone out the window, frankly now a lot are just glad you got fcuked over.

Why? because of the way you treated us when we did tell you the truth.

edit on 8-9-2011 by Anonymouth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 09:14 AM
RIP to all those lost in 9/11

I hope they are at peace.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by CherryV
RIP to all those lost in 9/11

I hope they are at peace.

Peace? How can they have peace when everybody keeps digging it up every 3rd week for one simple reason, political manipulation.

It is now just another JFK, Moon landing etc..

Go find truth, but stop waving it in our faces, come back to us when you actually have found the truth.

edit on 8-9-2011 by Anonymouth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Anonymouth

Originally posted by xXHORUSXx

Originally posted by Anonymouth

10 years later you are still using this to get pity from the rest of the world.

Seriously, its getting old and tiring fast.

We are tired of hearing about how hard done by America is.

Because the lie needs to be exposed...

Recommendation: Don't read or post on 911 threads if your "tired" of it.

You are preaching to the choir. Eventually even the choir becomes deaf from the organ pipes.

Where do you think most of the "it was an inside job" shouts came from? From EUROPE. Denmark etc even had poster campaigns equating it to the Reichstag in Germany.

Not America. So quit deafening us with the shouts of pity, WE in EUROPE "told you so" 10 years ago when you didn't want to listen, when you where too busy calling us anti-american for saying what you didn't want to hear at the time.

Quit abusing it for pity and manipulation.

Frankly, the time for pity has gone long ago, we are sick and tired of hearing about it day in and day out, ESPECIALLY when you throw it in our faces when we were the ones that tried to tell you in the first place. You are frankly, ungrateful, manipulative and down right selfish.

All the pity we had, has gone out the window, frankly now a lot are just glad you got fcuked over.

Why? because of the way you treated us when we did tell you the truth.

edit on 8-9-2011 by Anonymouth because: (no reason given)

Anonymouth, I can't recall any media coverage indicative of European concern that the American government was guilty of slaying its own citizens. Can you provide a link to anything which could substantiate your claim? I'd really like to review it - thanks.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Anonymouth

May they rest in peace.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Anonymouth
10 years later you are still using this to get pity from the rest of the world.

9/11 isn't really used internationally to get pity much any more, as such. These days it's more used to try and convince people that the "terrorist threat," is still real, so that various domestic populations, but primarily America's own population, will do what the American government wants.

Of course, those of us who know better don't believe that the terrorist threat was ever real in the first place. I don't believe that Al Qaeda exists, personally; and I never really have. The whole thing has IMHO been an American government charade from the beginning, so they can conquer whatever other countries they want, and get their resources. It's pretty much as simple as that.

The American government needed a new rationale to keep the neocolonialist gravy train rolling. They staged 9/11 to give themselves one in the eyes of the public; just like how according to some, they possibly staged Pearl Harbor so that the public would be behind them entering WW2.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Anonymouth

Originally posted by xXHORUSXx

Originally posted by Anonymouth

10 years later you are still using this to get pity from the rest of the world.

Seriously, its getting old and tiring fast.

We are tired of hearing about how hard done by America is.

Because the lie needs to be exposed...

Recommendation: Don't read or post on 911 threads if your "tired" of it.

You are preaching to the choir. Eventually even the choir becomes deaf from the organ pipes.

Where do you think most of the "it was an inside job" shouts came from? From EUROPE. Denmark etc even had poster campaigns equating it to the Reichstag in Germany.

Not America. So quit deafening us with the shouts of pity, WE in EUROPE "told you so" 10 years ago when you didn't want to listen, when you where too busy calling us anti-american for saying what you didn't want to hear at the time.

Quit abusing it for pity and manipulation.

Frankly, the time for pity has gone long ago, we are sick and tired of hearing about it day in and day out, ESPECIALLY when you throw it in our faces when we were the ones that tried to tell you in the first place. You are frankly, ungrateful, manipulative and down right selfish.

All the pity we had, has gone out the window, frankly now a lot are just glad you got fcuked over.

Why? because of the way you treated us when we did tell you the truth.

edit on 8-9-2011 by Anonymouth because: (no reason given)

Welcome to another troll here on ATS.
Want to know something crazy? Theres a WHOLE section devoted to 9/11 on this website. There are also 22, yes TWENTY TWO, other sections on this website. If you are going to complain and moan about this one, then politely make your way to one of the other discussion forums.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:19 PM
One of the mysteries for me was the exercise going on that morning well out of the way. Its coincidence to the real thing always unnerved me.

Two days ago I saw an interview with a US Air Forice pilot who described how he received the order to shoot down any civilian plane if it did not comply. He said they were scrambled but did not have sufficient time to load munitions on the plane, so in a confrontational event he would have tried for a wing clip or something and then eject with fingers crossed.

So since I know nothing of this sort of military thing, I'm wondering if the reason for the total lack of munitions was because of the planned exercise? Or are the planes always devoid of munitions?

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