posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Grey Magic
The pyramid represents a true total of 4 sides (sacred in its own right) and represents a merging of the holy numbers of 3 and 4.
3, or the triangle, is holy for several reasons. This is how it works. The more coincidences a number has to important things, the more holy the
number is. The number 3 is holy, for among other reasons:
In the beginning there was just 1: the male/female balanced aspect of nature. Male = destructive, female = constructive. Then this was destroyed
when the destructive force gained control, bursting into existance and destroying the prior equilibrium. immediately after this, the female force
began creating things. 1, 2, 3. Male, female, androgynous.
Of course, there is the numerology aspect. First there was 1. But you cannot have 1 without the other (2). Together, they create awareness and
consciousness (3).
There are so many other aspects as to why 3 is important. Pythagoras is a good place to research this.
Some of what you write is insightful. Other times, downright insane. Perhaps understanding the minds of others, with proven abilities in reason and
logic, might inspire your thoughts a little more deeply?