On November 11 of this year, at 11:11:11 the time and the date are all "1" (11:11:11 on 11/11/11) this is a ONCE in a lifetime event,
Millions of folks all around the world are now seeing these amazing 11:11 prompts. They are folks of all colours, all religions, all beliefs. It's
spreading, and becoming far more common; it's become a major phenomenon. Someone or something is causing all these folks to look at clocks, number
plates, phone numbers or any source of numbers even when they make no effort themselves to look for these things. You can even change your clocks in
the house, and you will still be prompted, at the "wrong" time. You can't stop it, because YOU aren't doing it. Sometimes you will even see these
numbers flashing after a power outage, even though digital clocks are supposed to reset to 12:00, not 11:11 or 12:12!
The base numeric number system lends itself to some interesting peculiarities as relates to the number eleven.
Base 10 for example:
(2 digits) 11 x 11 = 121
(6 digits) 111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
(9 digits) 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
Base 16 (hexadecimal) for example:
(2 digits) 11 x 11 = 121
(6 digits) 111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
If you multiply 1111 by 1111 you get 1234321, representing a pyramid, and number 11 is a sacred number of the pyramid with the proportions of the
great pyramid being of the ratio 7:11. Eleven is also a number harmonious with Pi. Therefore, it seems that number eleven is of central importance in
understanding the mathematical infrastructure of the universe. This appearance of an abundance of 11:11 sightings on clocks seems to be is about
thinking out of your box and letting your mind stretch outside it's comfort zone.11:11 does not allow you to forget about the larger questions
because it is always popping back into your reality, acting as catalyst to distract our consciousness away from the sublime and on to something far
more challenging.
The Illuminati, is a secret organization composed of rich, powerful individuals acting in tandem to gain control of the world. Every president, with
the exception of Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan (who were, by the way, all shot) was part of the Illuminati, and that is how and why they rose to such
positions of power. The two Bush presidents, both members of Yale University's Skull & Bones secret organization, are members of the Illuminati as
the Illuminati find special significance in the number 11. their code number.
a bit of spooky new math.
It was on Sept. 11, 1990, that the senior George Bush mentioned before Congress the phrase "A New World Order" for the first time. Eleven years
later to the day, the World Trade Center was destroyed. The Madrid bombings were on March 11, 2004 - 911 days after Sept. 11, 2001.
They especially like their 7's 11's and 33's. The 33 degrees of Masonry of which the 33rd degree praises Lucifer.They think they know what they are
being taught, but they don't really know what they are being taught. Only the princes of masonry shall know the true knowledge."
John F. Kennedy was killed over currency right next to the 33rd degree latitude line in the 11th month on the 22nd = 2 x 11 right when he entered the
pyramid. Where they killed him, with a triangle hit of masonry, they erected an Egyptian obelisk with the eternal flame of masonry on top.
11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time
of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up
Hi thanks for reading if you have got this far my Names Edward Yuill Born 11 / 11 /84 ,they reason i made this thread was i was watching a Simpsons
episode which so happened to be season 11 episode 11 and if you pause the frame at 11 mins and 11 secs on the wall behind homer you can see the
masonic compass and square and someone else wanna take a look and tell me what you think ? thanks . www.watchcartoononline.com...
I would like to conduct my own Survey so in your post can u indicate your answer to the following questions
What do you believe will happen on 11/11/11?
A) Something good will happen on a global scale.
B) Nothing will happen (just another day in the Land of Nod).
C) Something bad will happen on a global scale.
My Uncle has always tool Me that He has seen 11s on restroom walls, and He knows why. He said whenever they run out of arse wipe they use 2 fingers
and wipe it on the wall.
"Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day, Armistice Day or Veterans Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries to remember the
members of their armed forces who have died on duty since World War I. This day, or alternative dates, are also recognised as special days for war
remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the official end of World War I on that date in
1918, as the major hostilities of World War I were formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month" of 1918 with the German
signing of the Armistice. (Note that "at the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 a.m.)"
B) Nothing will happen (just another day in the Land of Nod).
it's 2011. if the year was 1111, i'd be more partial to your train of thought.
people get excited about numbers like this and that's fine. i look at times and dates as not more than man-made references of convenience.
wristwatches are man-made, as are wall calendars. one more thing mankind has cursed and blessed itself with.
2011 represents the transition from a dualistic view of reality, passing through a singularity, and re-emerging again viewing ourselves as One again.
Though at this stage of human collective consciousness, it will be two different camps, those seeking what is often referred to as "Service to Self"
and those seeking "Service to Others".
It is the wake up from the Dualistic (us vs them, me vs you, black vs white, good vs evil) to an eternal sequence of ever more compressed Oneness into
2011-11-11 11:11:11.1111111....
edit on 7-9-2011 by ErgoTheConfusion because: Went with the simpler/cleaner version.
First off, my mind is pretty blown. I have heard of this 11:11 but never really read much about, so good job on putting all that together. Now I am
I have noticed in people on here and in my everyday travels, a lot more hostility and anger. It's spreading like wild fire! I hope that on 11.11.11
something for the good happens. I prefer happy people, people who actually want to get along.
I haven't watched the videos yet, but I thought I would mention that stair-steps (by code) are also on a 7:11 ratio. It seems that's our natural
step ratio when ascending or descending. Just a thought...
On 11/11/11 I intend to be enjoying a monster of a hangover from my birthday party the day before. Well, it's not my birthday actually; it's
the 236th birthday of my beloved Marine Corp. OOH RAH!
I've heard about service to self/service to others, but the thing I don't understand about this 11:11 thing is, what about the people of this world
who don't go by the same calendars or timeline as us?
The calendar and all its coincidental numbers are an invention by man with an imaginatry starting date and an imaginarty end date using an imaginary
base 10 counting system.
11/11/11 could just as easily have been 13/45/24 if the calendar was made differently.
Do you really think a transcendent event of mass proportions would really coincide with a date based on the numbers of a man-made calendar?
Deny Ignorance.
edit on 7-9-2011 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)
Nothing will happen. Don't forget, when it's 11:11 on 11-11-11 your time it's 8:11 on 11-10-11 somewhere else and 4:11 on 11-10-11 yet elsewhere,
etc. Times & dates are only relative to the place you're standing at a given moment.
I've heard about service to self/service to others, but the thing I don't understand about this 11:11 thing is, what about the people of this world
who don't go by the same calendars or timeline as us?
Well this gets into quirky aspects of who is "running" the timeline of the world and setting these schedules. Is there a higher
dimensional/spiritual aspect that is providing the "negative" catalyst... primarily through the spread of the Western World via the United
Furthermore, I personally don't actually know what's going to happen on any one day and have stopped caring to guess. I see the big picture... and
personally I believe that those things are there to draw attention of consciousness and awareness... causing people to start seeking and asking
questions about whether there is something more going on. Once you reach a certain awareness, those cues like dates and such stop mattering anymore
and you realize that regardless of any sort of ascension process... we are *already* enlightened and ascended... and can return anytime or stay here
as long as we like.
So that gets into "We each will get exactly what we believe".
I do believe we are at a bifurcation point. I don't believe (or have no reason to believe so far) that it will truly be a single moment from the
perspective of every consciousness being on the planet. So those who believe that nothing will happen and are just interested in the sports scores,
will probably find themselves in that level of awareness. Those who have woken up to either the positive or negative higher level of being will then
be given the opportunity to transition into this next level of awareness. You can make up your own mind on what "being given an opportunity" looks
like to someone who believes that everything going on right now is nothing special.
We are given the free will in this region of Infinity to believe whatever we want... and we *will* find it. It is the free will of some portions of
infinity to stay here (though "here" isn't necessarily exactly what they believe it is). Those who are freely choosing to want to move on... will
find that.
So we all become one on 11:11? Can you be a little more specific?
Is this where the aliens come down and we unite as a race, wait a second, that is independence day staring Will Smith and that other guy. Oh god, lets
hope this isn't the case.
Originally posted by smithjustinb
Do you really think a transcendent event of mass proportions would really coincide with a date based on the numbers of a man-made calendar?
Considering reality is generated by the collective consciousness... and thus whatever symbols, metaphors, signposts are buried in our collective
awareness will become manifest into reality... then YES. Just as it has for those who have the eyes to pay attention... throughout our entire history
that we are aware of (and more that we aren't because much has been distorted to maintain the illusion that we're just a hunk-o-flesh on a
hunk-o-rock orbiting a hunk-o-fire).
i always see 11:11, along with 9:11 and 2:22 ect...but i also see 12:52 and 3:45, so i dont know if there is something else going on or if its just
our fascination with seeing those numbers all align. with that said, when i do see 11:11 it just happens. i dont wonder what the time is or see its 11
and i wait for it to be 11:11, i just have look at my phone for whatever reason and i see it. strange
by the way ive had a few beers sorry if i made any spelling or grammer mistakes! haha!