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Who is Thedala Magee?

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posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 05:34 PM
TSA Scumbag Rapist?

Thedala Magee suing her TSA victim

Amy Alkon had a federally sanctioned rape.

Nearing the end of this violation, I sobbed even louder as the woman, FOUR TIMES, stuck the side of her gloved hand INTO my vagina, through my pants. Between my labia. She really got up there. Four times. Back right and left, and front right and left. In my vagina. Between my labia. I was shocked -- utterly unprepared for how she got the side of her hand up there. It was government-sanctioned sexual assault.

Upon leaving, still sobbing, I yelled to the woman, "YOU RAPED ME." And I took her name to see if I could file sexual assault charges on my return. This woman, and all of those who support this system deserve no less than this sort of unpleasant experience, and from all of us.

It seems that this TSA thug, Thedala Magee felt up the wrong woman. Amy is an advice columnist and active blogger, and she insisted on knowing and publishing her attackers name.
Thus, the suit brought by Thedala. But, she may wish she had just left well enough alone. Just key in her name in a search engine. Soon, we will have a "mugshot". She is now the poster child of anti-TSA sentiment. Great advice she got from her attorney. Not.

edit on 7-9-2011 by SirClem because: speeling

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 06:49 PM
Who is Thedala Magee?
Where does it go from here? Viral?
Anyone care?


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