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Video Game Allows Players to Slaughter "Tea Party Zombies" Like Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly

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posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 03:32 PM
Odd how most are kind of dodging the basic question being ask so I'll give a specific scenario and ask specific questions -

For those of you that like this game - Consider the following scenario -

A similar game is released called "Progressive Zombies" with zombies of Gore, Maddow, Olberman, Peolsi, and other high profile left wing journalists, commentators and politicians as the zombies. The content is similar except slanted to insult the left. For example, the Maddow zombie description might contain derogatory comments about her looks, talent, show ratings and sexual orientation. A level might take place in MSNBC studios.

Would you play it?

Would you be offended by it?

Would you see anything wrong with it?

Would you expect and support outcry about it?

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Frogs

I'll bite. I can't play the game now because I'm at work, but I was able to read a bit about it and see some screen shots, and it looks like a game I would like, so I think I can answer your questions about a similar game with progressive zombies:

Yes, I would play it.

No, I would not be offended by it.

Yes, I would see something wrong with it. As I do with Tea Party Zombies Must Die. It's totally wrong, but also totally funny.

I would expect outcry about it. Similar to the outcry we're currently seeing about this game. I would not support the outcry, though I can understand the reason for it. Maybe I just have an abnormally thick skin when it comes to comedy.

I would hope for a better name than "Progressive Zombies" though. Maybe "Liberal Zombies Need Brains!" or something... I'm just spitballing here - I'm sure others can come up with better ideas...

I could be wrong, but I feel like Rachel Maddow would really get a kick out of being a zombie in a video game.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 04:40 PM
everyone knows that when the dead rise and zombies ever become real

WE ALL KNOW that those liberals will be running to all us right winger republicans and teaparty members why?

because we all have machines guns,grenades and rocket launchers andtanks.

ok enough with the fantasy now to the reality of the left wingers always running to us right wingers to save their butts time and time agian.

i didnt find the zombie teaparty stupidity funny at all of course die hard liberals would.

tried and true hypcrisy of the left and sure enough they cant admit what they are and they sure arent the peacenicks they claim to be.
edit on 7-9-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Frogs
Odd how most are kind of dodging the basic question being ask so I'll give a specific scenario and ask specific questions -

For those of you that like this game - Consider the following scenario -

A similar game is released called "Progressive Zombies" with zombies of Gore, Maddow, Olberman, Peolsi, and other high profile left wing journalists, commentators and politicians as the zombies. The content is similar except slanted to insult the left. For example, the Maddow zombie description might contain derogatory comments about her looks, talent, show ratings and sexual orientation. A level might take place in MSNBC studios.

Would you play it?

Would you be offended by it?

Would you see anything wrong with it?

Would you expect and support outcry about it?

People on ATS make fun of Maddow all the time by calling her "him" "sir" "that boy" etc. Never bothered me. Guess who those people are.
Sticks and stones my friend.
edit on 7-9-2011 by Kitilani because: (no reason given)

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Cuervo

while i cant say my real thoughts on rachel maddow they would be a tc violation

i will just say too each their own and beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Yeah the left is awful and the right is so nice.

There is tons of this stuff on ATS.

Originally posted by DrMattMaddix
Well, after seeing more Maddow video's ... She's off of my Christmas List. Every one of her video's is Exposing Fake This ... Debuking Fake That...

Hey, Lady Looking Like Little Boy! Take's a fake to know one, huh?

edit on 7-9-2011 by Kitilani because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 04:56 PM
There are two elements of hypocrisy I see inherent in this game.

1) As already pointed out by others posting in this thread, the presented means of eliminating political opposition is contradictory to the ideology espoused by those seeking such political control (i.e., the use of firearms). Wouldn't diplomacy and comprimise be far more desirable means? and,

2) Zombification is a fictional phenomenon which depends on the willful suspension of the validity of modern scientific theory in order to justify its potential existence. Does this not also describe religious belief, which is so blatantly ridiculed in this game?

I'm a fan of neither left nor right--all I ask is that you both at least be intellectually consistent. I suppose you can't do that, however; lest you be exposed as the charlatans you are.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Welcome to the 21st century. Where one guy can make a video game, that frankly sucks, but it gets press because of OPs like this.

One man shop. Jason Oda.

This wannabe game programmer is just looking for attention.

Why is the right wing media giving it to him?

Oh, that's right...they were so eager to try and take one wannabe game programmer and paint half the country with his sentiments that they thought "what the heck, we can be his press agent on this one".

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by neo96
everyone knows that when the dead rise and zombies ever become real

WE ALL KNOW that those liberals will be running to all us right winger republicans and teaparty members why?

because we all have machines guns,grenades and rocket launchers andtanks.

Years of zombie movies, and countless hours in the more recent zombie apocalypse simulators Left 4 Dead 1&2, oh let's not forget more zombie comic books than i'd like to actually admit...

Have left *THIS* liberal more that ready.

Go ahead and laugh, just be sure you're not stepping foot on my land when TSHTF

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by NthOther
There are two elements of hypocrisy I see inherent in this game.

1) As already pointed out by others posting in this thread, the presented means of eliminating political opposition is contradictory to the ideology espoused by those seeking such political control (i.e., the use of firearms). Wouldn't diplomacy and comprimise be far more desirable means? and,

2) Zombification is a fictional phenomenon which depends on the willful suspension of the validity of modern scientific theory in order to justify its potential existence. Does this not also describe religious belief, which is so blatantly ridiculed in this game?

I'm a fan of neither left nor right--all I ask is that you both at least be intellectually consistent. I suppose you can't do that, however; lest you be exposed as the charlatans you are.

Sorry but...asking intelligence from a POLITICIAN is like asking for quick and timely service in any cafe in can ask...but they don't understand the question.
Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:04 PM
Interesting this thread ties in perfectly with the thread I made the other day.
6 Mind blowing ways Zombies and Vampires explain America

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:45 PM
if they really wanted a hit game, throw them ALL in there! call it "political zombies"

all the way back to nixon!

make it fun for all people to play!

haven't played a shootem' up game in a while and i hate zombie things.


let's be fair and balanced!!

i do see the op's point and some of the others.

it's hypocritical and tasteless but still just a game and sounds like mindless fun for some.

btw, i am not comfortable shooting real named people, even if they are game zombies.

and just gave it a peek, not good at all.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by fooks
if they really wanted a hit game, throw them ALL in there! call it "political zombies"

all the way back to nixon!

make it fun for all people to play!

haven't played a shootem' up game in a while and i hate zombie things.


let's be fair and balanced!!

i do see the op's point and some of the others.

it's hypocritical and tasteless but still just a game and sounds like mindless fun for some.

btw, i am not comfortable shooting real named people, even if they are game zombies.

and just gave it a peek, not good at all.

DICK would WIN! He would CHEAT....but he would win. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:55 PM

...whilst you could be starting threads about the actual politico-social factors at the root of such violent opposition to an idea (for example, the Tea Party ideology), you are pointing at a digital facsimile of reality, highlighting the flaws in its genesis...

...meaning you're concern for what is in a video game exceeds your concern for your fellow man. to take Judas Priest to court again?

...this kind of thinking leads to Salman Rushdie-type situations.

The game isn't offensive; actual hatred towards real humans that ends in terrorism is.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

yeah, lol, he was tricky!

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
Think the left is not violent, or doesn't have people advocating violence on their behalf?

Of course they are. So is the right! Everyone is violent. Every human on this planet has the potential to be violent... But not everyone has the potential to see through the BS left vs right paradigm.... It's pure crap..... Don't let it get you confused.

That said, it's a video game. So what? Video games have violence. I have played games in which I killed prostitutes and cops, stolen cars. Video games in which I go to war. etc....

There are games on websites in which you can shoot the president....

They are just games....Get over it.

Oh, and before you accuse me, I am not on the left.... Not on the right either. I think for myself.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 09:55 PM
I welcome this game, just as i welcome Hoffa's 'take us out' comment, Biden calling us terrorists and barbarians, Maxine Waters telling us to go to hell, etc.

It makes it very easy for us Tea Party members to show how violent and hate-filled the left really is. For example, after the shooting of the National Guardsmen in Carson City NV yesterday, normal ordinary people were asking if the shooter was a Teamster and if he had seen Hoffa's 'take them out' speech.

Every time the people on the left pull something like this, it makes it that much easier for those of us on the right.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

and how many will try and find some way to excuse or defend it.
Dude, they are zombies...they MUST DIE!
PS - The Sarah Palin Zombie is hot!

edit on 7-9-2011 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 11:05 PM
I think it's a good way to let out your political frustrations! Instead of arguing politics, take it out on characters of the other party. I think a lot of members who enjoy partisan bickering on ATS could use a game like this.

I would recommend a game where you have all the political parties represented as zombies and a Ron Paul character being the destroyer.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by WeRpeons

at least if you name names, include them all!

i can hear the horrified gasps from the paulites, right now!!!

ya, at least palin looked good for a zombie!

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 11:53 PM
Liberals aren't the traitors to America. In fact, conservatives who insist on sending American troops into the Afghanistan slaughterhouse to watch some blood-n'-guts "towelhead" ass-kickin' are the traitors. Most of them could care less about our troops, no more than Mao or Stalin cared about the safety of their own soldiers. In the neocons' view, these young boys and girls are expendable test dummies. They're dying for virtually nothing, so that the hicks in the Obama Admin can make good on their campaign promises to their buddies from the petroleum and infrastructure-rebuilding industries. By revving up the Arab threat, these MFs can scream "national security" and "freedom" as smokescreens, while getting their hands on a diminishing resource: Middle Eastern fossil fuels, which power everything from your lightbulbs and computer that you leave on all night, to your stupid gas-guzzler pickup truck.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by neo96
everyone knows that when the dead rise and zombies ever become real

WE ALL KNOW that those liberals will be running to all us right winger republicans and teaparty members why?

because we all have machines guns,grenades and rocket launchers andtanks.

ok enough with the fantasy now to the reality of the left wingers always running to us right wingers to save their butts time and time agian.

i didnt find the zombie teaparty stupidity funny at all of course die hard liberals would.

tried and true hypcrisy of the left and sure enough they cant admit what they are and they sure arent the peacenicks they claim to be.
edit on 7-9-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Oh yeah, I thought guns were no-nos to the Progressives and yet here they are using them in a graphically violent manner.

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