posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 01:04 PM
pre·cog·ni·tion [pree-kog-nish-uhn]
knowledge of a future event or situation, especially through extrasensory means.
I am curious to how many users believe this phenomenon to be real. I think most of us have had at least one occurence in our lives where we had a
feeling that something would happen, and it did, whether it was an old friend calling you on the phone after many years, or a gut feeling to avoid a
certain place or event, only to learn later that something bad happened there.
I'm guessing science would chalk this all up to coincidence, a hunch with no basis in reality. Precognition often strikes without warning, and is
therefore difficult to prove by most scientific methods. I guess psychic ability falls into the same category as ghosts and demons, most people will
always have a 'show me or it doesn't exist' attitude about these things. And any proof will be swiftly 'debunked.'
So...... how many of you have had precognitive experiences? I ask because I feel like this sort of thing has been happening to me lately, almost every
day. It is almost always something nonsignificant, but it still weirds me out as I have no idea whether to classify it as 'just coincidence.' Lately
it's been happening with baseball scores. I don't have a tv so I listen to the MLB games on the radio. If the game is already in progress, sometimes
I 'feel' what the score will be, and it's usually right. Not such a big deal on its own, but the other day I had a 'feeling' that the first
batter of the game for the other team would hit a home run, and he did. I also thought that the away team would hit a home run in the 9th and rally,
and they did. I've had a few more 'coincidences' happen in the past couple weeks. It feels kind of weird/silly that most of my not-so-great
'psychic' moments have to do with baseball!
Now, I am
not claiming to be psychic. But I am wondering, if coincidences are totally random events only given meaning by non-rational
thinking, what are the odds of them increasing in frequency?
I also used to work at a restaurant. Often, when running a customer's credit card, I would try to guess their first name before looking at their card
or receipt. This almost never worked when I outright guessed, but sometimes I would get a feeling or an image of a name in my mind, and it would be
correct. Oddly enough this happened most when a man was named James. Ok, common enough. Once it happened with a woman named Priscilla. Not a common
name, and she was eating by herself, so there was no one around to say her name out loud.
Coincidences? Precognitive moments? Thoughts? I would love to hear your own experiences.