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Survey Results: The 9/11 Attacks & Conspiracies - September, 2011

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posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:33 PM
I think its very interesting 3/4 of people werent interested in conspiracy theories before. I guess 911 is the lazy mans "conspiracy" to uncover, seen as it is near impossible to keep the lids on such a huge operation, people just had to lean back and let the information flow.

By now I dont think conspiracy is the appropriate therm. Its more of an operation, where those who executed it couldnt really give a hoot who figured out what, being a the very top of the foodchain.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by morder1

Yes, i have to agree with you. 9/11 is really what got me into conspiracies thanks to Alex Jones for opening my mind with his great doctumentary's

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

The result for: 'I never thought two aircraft could bring down two modern skyscrapers' says it all.

It shows us that most of us have common sense and that we possess internal alarm bells that started to ring like crazy at that moment.
These bells rang despite the concurrent shock to our sense of humanity and brotherhood/sisterhood.

We all knew deep inside that this was not only a shot over the boughs but a highly suspicious-looking attack that we were unable to discuss with any like minded people at the time.

We were silenced by the sheer quantity, speed and gravity of what we were being told in the media.

Only time, research and discussion allowed us to make sense of what we now know.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:50 PM
It´s pretty much along the lines you´d expect.

A bit troubling that one in five clearly has a purely faith-based opinion of the nonsensical official story, thus rejecting elementary physical laws of nature. Still, overall very encouraging result.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:55 PM
I laughed when I took this so-called "Poll." The questions seemed too leading and the result all too predictable. Multiple choice answers from a extensive list would have been a a better model and would have weeded out the real trends.

The question relating to something being awry as they watched live news seems particularly skewed as I am one of the people that actually did smell a rat. A lifetime of aviation experience sent my nose up in the air like a rocket ship.

And I can tell you for a fact that there was no one, anywhere, saying that... and I spent years being accused of being a "terrorist sympathizer" over my views.

But frankly, I don't care when you jumped on board this Cause, just so you're finally here and committed to work in every human contact to expand 911 consciousness. The emotion of this issue makes it the one event that can bring down the criminals and their worldwide treachery.

That they could pull it off in broad daylight and get caught with their fingers in the pie and yet still get away with it confirms Americans as Lemmings and a laughingstock.

edit on 6-9-2011 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by lostjohnny
The result for: 'I never thought two aircraft could bring down two modern skyscrapers' says it all.

It shows us that most of us have common sense and that we possess internal alarm bells that started to ring like crazy at that moment.

Or perhaps it shows that most of us aren't structural engineers with detailed knowledge of the WTC construction and the propagation and effects of fires.

Common sense is a great thing, but only for common events in common circumstances. It fails in extreme conditions and corner cases. For those cases, you need specialized knowledge--or at least awareness of your own knowledge gaps, so you can withhold judgment. Critical thinking is wary of common sense in uncommon situations.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Brown Bear

The question relating to something being awry as they watched live news seems particularly skewed as I am one of the people that actually did smell a rat. A lifetime of aviation experience sent my nose up in the air like a rocket ship.

I'm curious - exactly what did you see on 9/11 during the live broadcast relative to your avaition experience that sent your "nose up in the air"? I know what was seen on 9/11. There was very little actual footage of the planes except pretty much at the moment of impact. No video from DC or Pennsylvania.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:13 PM

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

There are only two conspiracy theories listed in these two responses, and each response asks if this is the only probable conspiracy.

The agree, and strongly agree for these two responses shouldn't add up to over 100%, but they do, right?

63% agree or strongly agree the only conspiracy was, they let it happen
49% agree or strongly agree the only conspiracy was, they made it happen
24% agree or strongly agree there was no conspiracy

133% is the sum of the above percentages, but it shouldn't be over 100%, right?

I'm assuming this is not an error of ATS adding the numbers but rather of some poll takers agreeing with both, when the wording of the questions should have excluded that. A better designed poll might have prevented the total from exceeding 100%, since it should have been below 100% for the sum of those three questions.

The problem is actually worse because there are even more conspiracy theories that weren't even on the survey, so taking that into consideration, the total of just those two should have been significantly under 76% (after subtracting out the 24% who agree or strongly agree there was no conspiracy), not 112%, right?

ATS did a nice job providing the member versus guest composition this time, that was interesting information.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by jburg6
Results not too surprising to me, except for the question addressing use of 9/11 to wage war outside the context of a conspiracy. I thought for sure it was quite obvious that the attacks were used to justify war and taking away personal privacies, but apparently 1/2 of nonmembers don't agree.

I agree it's nice to get nonmembers' perspective on voting as well, but keep in mind to take it with a grain of salt, as the results are still somewhat skewed as a lot of nonmembers visiting the site are the types of people that likely subscribe to various conspiracy theories, and will not represent the views of the public as a whole.
edit on 6-9-2011 by jburg6 because: to address nonmember voting

Also it should be noted guests can be the same person on several different computers. The fact their is like 35k worth of non-member information, for me, skews the numbers greatly. I can skew that poll simply by gathering proxies and spamming the form (but i didn't)...

Ill rely on the membership numbers, but that's biased too as most who join here are mostly conspiracy believers.
edit on 6-9-2011 by EspyderMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-9-2011 by EspyderMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by FurvusRexCaeli

... Or perhaps it shows that most of us aren't structural engineers with detailed knowledge
of the WTC construction and the propagation and effects of fires...

And that was why I answered in the negative for that question.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 03:08 PM
Ha just as I thought.
Also I like the graphs
Cant wait for the next...

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 03:17 PM
I think the survey is adequately presented and that it produces meaningful results.

Looks pretty fair and predictable to me.

The argument that people on a conspiracy site would yield a conspiratorial result is very correct. However, the supposed premise that this would somehow denigrate to result is totally wrong. What is under attack here is the official story of how nineteen hijackers wielding knives successfully took over control of 4 out of 4 flight crews. Already the story seems very far-fetched. The flight crews are heavily trained and motivated. Some of them are ex-military I believe. The probability of hijackers taking over four flights in the same day is zero. Add the 75% success rate of those hijackers hitting their objectives and totally taking out 3 out of 2 skyscrapers along the way and you should see how silly the official conspiracy theory is.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Brown Bear

That they could pull it off in broad daylight and get caught with their fingers in the pie and yet still get away with it confirms Americans as Lemmings and a laughingstock.

edit on 6-9-2011 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

Its like that in every society. There is always a top, which is above the law. It might not be the cancellor, it might not be the president, but there is one. If you were a german and stabbed somebody in Nazi Germany or were a pedophile you risked the death sentence. But good luck trying to find a court that would take your evidence of war crimes and concentration camps.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 04:04 PM
Thanks for the poll.

I find the outcome of all the questions really interesting but also as the ones below very disturbing indeed.

And regarding this one,

I find this very recent poll of New Yorkers really quite remarkable, in fact really quite shocking.

New poll of New Yorkers finds lingering doubts about official explanation of 9/11 attacks, including third tower’s collapse.
Siena Research Institute Poll Commissioned by “Remember Building 7” Campaign Shows Significant Skepticism of Official Account June 8, 2011

• 28 percent — more than 1 in 4 — believe the Twin Towers were brought down with explosives or some other demolition devices in addition to being hit by airplanes.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 04:06 PM
The survey results were pretty much what I figured they would be. Can't wait for the next one.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 04:07 PM
All of the results are what one might expect however one result is particularly telling IMO.
The question about whether the US gov has taken full advantage of 9/11 to strip the people's freedoms.
That is a heart warming result as it suggest that people can agree on the end result and maybe do something to counter it because if the American people lose control of the gov then the gov will try to control the whole planet just like every totaliterian has before.
Keep the bastards honest and accountable America.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Mimir

Not so sure that Bush knew, but I do believe Cheney knew. I believe this was a pretense for war, AND, the day before, on September 10, 2001, Rumsfield held a press conference during which he stated that $2.3 trillion dollars was missing from the defense budget. No receipts, had no idea where the money went. Whatever hit the pentagon, destroyed the part of the building that does the math; the billing, the financial records, and the computers. Oh yeah, those people were killed. They probably knew where the money was going. Coincidence? I think not.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

The results were pretty much what I expected.

Kudos to ATS for conducting it.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 04:56 PM
I must admit that apart from the complete chaos on 9/11 nothing else really seemed out of the ordinary, imo.

In the aftermath, as much as I didn't particularly like George Bush, I felt solidarity with the U.S was the way forward and in fact supported everything they done in the war on terror, including the invasion of Iraq. Well, we were told about the WMD's and that missiles could be fired at Cyprus which was well within striking distance. Also, Iraq were part of the axis of EVIL, a part of the conspiracy against the U.S and Freedom.

When NO WMD's were found and it was becoming more apparent that they never really existed, I started to research and I suddenly woke up to the BS we were being fed.

I discovered so much that contradicted what we had been told about 9/11 and I feel more and more people are doing the same. The more they try to push their agenda, the more things become clearer.

9/11 was the springboard for the NWO to bring about more control within the land of the free and push the enslavement agenda throughout the world.

Look at Libya, they have removed the Muslim banking model and replaced it with the Rothschild model. They will soon be buying # they don't need with money they don't have and have to pay a n nice healthy interest rate for the pleasure.

It's happening people, time for peaceful non compliance.

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