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Who is really to blame????

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posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 06:10 AM
So Which President do you guys believe was the worse?

What if we had a Dictator? with everything that happend in the past 50yr, do you really believe we wouldnt be exactly like the whole Middle East including China and Japan who are all going through the modern day American Revolution because of the lack of freedom and the rights being stripped.

Do we really have a choice who our president is? We get 2 options every 4yrs, "We the People" only get 30% of the vote anyways, the electoral College gets the majority of say...

So is there really a President to blame? Bush for the 10year long Middle Eastern War that kills civilans and our young men daily?

Its time "WE THE PEOPLE" take responsibility for our lack of action.... We are fighting a war with countries that had NOTHING to do with September 11th, 2001!!!!!! They say its because of the Leaders takeing the peoples freedom. What about AFRICA??? MEXICO???? GERMANY?????

We are to blame... YOU AND ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for allowing this to happen while we cowwer like curs.... We need to take back our Freedom!!!!! we are no more free than any Middle Eastern Country..

US Government is proposing a law to which we must get some sort of passport to cross state lines!!!!!!
They want to plant GPS nano chips in our bodies to locate us at all times....
They illegally violate our rights by simpily assigning a branch of government to have the power to do so...
They control all MainStream Media, You hear what they want you to, see what they want you to...
Farmers are being forced to sell their land and or us the pesticides and seeds the governments prefer.

I can go on for days...... Its bad!!!! but we are affraid to stand up becasue we dont want to get set back and loose our daily lives we complain about?

As long as they build Hospitals for our elderly and sick, Schools for our children to learn THEIR history (all txt books are formated only in Texas, one of the most raciest states in the US you think its gonna be biased?) As long as they give us these things we will be inslaved by the "kindness"

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by lyrc07

You are exactly right........but people seem to enjoy paying others to tell them what to do.

The Government works for us..........It tells us what to do........We must be choice.

You work for an Employer.........You will be asked to do have a choice because you can leave if you want to.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by lyrc07

governments, politicans and presidents are merley puppets.
you have to look behind the spin because your right we dont have a choice.

its all about the way you look at things and the msm does a good job making sure we dont focus on the important issues.
instead of worrying about the people we worry about the presidents social life...
instead of caring that we are using an unrenewable resource we fight about wether it causes global warming.

its important we look from our own perspectives
because thats really all we have
edit on 6-9-2011 by UniverSoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by lyrc07
So Which President do you guys believe was the worse?

What if we had a Dictator? with everything that happend in the past 50yr, do you really believe we wouldnt be exactly like the whole Middle East including China and Japan who are all going through the modern day American Revolution because of the lack of freedom and the rights being stripped.

Do we really have a choice who our president is? We get 2 options every 4yrs, "We the People" only get 30% of the vote anyways, the electoral College gets the majority of say...

So is there really a President to blame? Bush for the 10year long Middle Eastern War that kills civilans and our young men daily?

Its time "WE THE PEOPLE" take responsibility for our lack of action.... We are fighting a war with countries that had NOTHING to do with September 11th, 2001!!!!!! They say its because of the Leaders takeing the peoples freedom. What about AFRICA??? MEXICO???? GERMANY?????

We are to blame... YOU AND ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for allowing this to happen while we cowwer like curs.... We need to take back our Freedom!!!!! we are no more free than any Middle Eastern Country..

US Government is proposing a law to which we must get some sort of passport to cross state lines!!!!!!
They want to plant GPS nano chips in our bodies to locate us at all times....
They illegally violate our rights by simpily assigning a branch of government to have the power to do so...
They control all MainStream Media, You hear what they want you to, see what they want you to...
Farmers are being forced to sell their land and or us the pesticides and seeds the governments prefer.

I can go on for days...... Its bad!!!! but we are affraid to stand up becasue we dont want to get set back and loose our daily lives we complain about?

As long as they build Hospitals for our elderly and sick, Schools for our children to learn THEIR history (all txt books are formated only in Texas, one of the most raciest states in the US you think its gonna be biased?) As long as they give us these things we will be inslaved by the "kindness"


U people of US unfortunately DO HAVE a dictator(s) who is(are) "behind the curtains",u havent just realised that yet. But there is time....

Do some research on finances of your country if u want to know who really is the "boss" in US. There is an proverb: "If u want to know who rules,just follow the money"

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 02:23 AM
Well yeah thats what I was trying to say... just in a nicer way

To believe the US Government has controll is ridiculious!!!
If they did the Contitutions first 3 words, IN BOLD 'WE THE PEOPLE" would still be reliavent... Just incase you havent been informed they white out that part and put "WE THE CORPERATIONS" IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME ASK THE JUDGE THAT RULED A CORPERATION IS A PERSON...... THATS LAW NOW LADIES AND GENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 08:19 PM
You are one aspect of the Creator, providing the Creator with a particular experience through the locus of your perception as an individualized aspect of the Creator. If you must "blame" anyone, you must blame the Creator. If you must be angry, you must be angry at the Creator. Everywhere you look, everything you see, is the Creator-in-expression. The people who die are the Creator. The people who kill them are the Creator. If you can just "get" this, you will have peace, you will transcend the phenomenal reality, and you will be that much closer to "home."

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