posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 12:42 AM
It appears that until we have put Elenin's passing, or its demise beforehand, behind us, there will be no end to this being the be-all-and-end-all for
some die hards out there. I'm tired of being cranky when I see the same idea, over and over and over and over - with no critical thinking skills
being utilized. So I have decided to put my angst to better use.
I know of no better place than the ATS community to come up with the best reason we will be given for its coming non-event. Will it be
A cloaked alien ship brought about its demise in cooperation with earth reptilians and ______________ (fill in the name of your least favorite
Or maybe TPTB rerouted it to time its collision/gravitational pull/whatever with 12/21/12?
Or HAARP created a glitch in the matrix so we all believe the world is still here, but it actually isn't?
Please post your ideas and we'll see who nails this one -
AAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG - Oh, I feel so much better!!
edit on 9/6/2011 by Open2Truth because: because I never seem to get it right the first