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TheLonePhantom - An Introduction

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posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:06 PM
Hello, I live in western Maryland, USA at the edges of the DC area. I work in West Virginia as a computer security consultant, and have been officially working in this field for the past 5 years. Unofficially, much longer.

I can't tell you who I work for. Please don't ask.

I've been a lurker on this forum for many years. Only recently did I find a topic which wasn't already presented here which I felt was worthy of mentioning.

I am a skeptic. I question everything. I also frequently will take the "devil's advocate" approach. It has always been my belief that in order to successfully speak/write on a topic you support, first you must speak/write on a topic which you don't support. If you can successfully convince others that it is your point of view, contrary to your actual beliefs, then you can successfully support a topic you do believe in.

Don't be surprised if you don't get many posts from me. For the most part, I am an observer. I stand back, see how events are going to unfold, and prepare for the outcome.

Besides this site, the only other site I view regularly is

I do not have any "insider info" for anything. I do have a level head on my shoulders (my wife doesn't think so though).

One of my favorite web tools is Google Trends.

EDIT: Oops, forgot to mention. One of my specialties is image analysis and enhancement.

edit on 5-9-2011 by TheLonePhantom because: Forgot something. DOH!

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:11 PM
hey buddy well come to the hole

"Oops, forgot to mention. One of my specialties is image analysis and enhancement."

awsome gonne remember you for the orb threads

im curious though what if the topic one wants to talk about is unicorns on the sears building ?

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by TheLonePhantom

Explanation: Flagged!

Personal Disclosure: Welcome! OL is sure a mod will be along soon to help out with an informative post etc. I also recommend utilizing the green chat voyuer function on the ATS tool bar to the bottom of most ATS webpages [aka the ribbon]! It will enable you to watch who and what is being posted in chat but unfortunately you wont be able to join or chat back until your post count reaches 200 posts or so.

Reply to this post with the reply function up top right of this post and that'll be another post towards your mandatory 20 posts before you can start your own threads

Peace and much love!

Sincerely OL [OmegaLogos]

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:21 PM
A little more about me:

I am one of the 2%ers. I am an Eagle Scout.

I spent most of my youth in the woods, building fires in the rain, and practicing survival and first aid skills.

I am very knowledgeable about emergency preparedness.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by seedofchucky

There are indeed unicorns on top of the Sears building, as well as many other places in the world.

However, the unicorns can only be seen while in flight during humid days. Unicorns do have wings, but do not have the ability to fly for long distances. Instead they "leap" from one location to another, covering a distance of several miles.

The unicorns magical wing dust, similar to dust which comes off a moth, interacts with the moisture in the air and will create a rainbow. Many believe that rainbows are caused by light reflecting off moisture, however, now you know the true reason that rainbows exist.

Thank you.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:31 PM
Hi and welcome

I work in West Virginia as a computer security consultant, and have been officially working in this field for the past 5 years. Unofficially, much longer. I can't tell you who I work for. Please don't ask.


edit on 5-9-2011 by loves a conspiricy because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2011 by loves a conspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by TheLonePhantom
reply to post by seedofchucky

There are indeed unicorns on top of the Sears building, as well as many other places in the world.

However, the unicorns can only be seen while in flight during humid days. Unicorns do have wings, but do not have the ability to fly for long distances. Instead they "leap" from one location to another, covering a distance of several miles.

The unicorns magical wing dust, similar to dust which comes off a moth, interacts with the moisture in the air and will create a rainbow. Many believe that rainbows are caused by light reflecting off moisture, however, now you know the true reason that rainbows exist.

Thank you.

i want what your smoking

Look forward to reading your posts

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Heard it all before dude.....zzzzzzz
I work for *censored* too, but my boss *censored* wouldnt allow the *censored* to take flight, until i had inspected it thoroughly... shhh now dont be asking any questions...ok....OK?

My apologies, should have been a little more clear on that.

Unofficially, I've worked in the computer security field through my own private research.

As far as telling you who I work for, it's not that I'm not allowed to tell you who I work for...
I can't tell you who I work for, because if they ever traced any posts here back to me, I will be labeled as a conspiracy nut, and ruin all chances of ever receiving another promotion.

I don't work for some super secret government organization, or anything like that. No thanks! I really wouldn't want to spend my days in a room with concrete walls and no windows.

I lead a dull boring life as a computer security consultant, and actually spend most of my time at work waiting for someone to complain that AntiVirus is preventing their program they downloaded from the interwebs from working because it's blocking all the spyware that comes with it.

Sorry about the mixup, nothing "super secret" was meant to be implied. But I'm honored that you thought so!

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:40 PM
Welcome welcome..... the thing about West Virginia that most do not know is that it is the new "belly of the beast" so to say...... the pan handle has become the heart of the military industrial complex in my short lifetime....

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by TheLonePhantom

Hi TheLonePhantom, and welcome to the Introductions Forum, a place to say hello to the ATS community. For now you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as send & receive (PM's) Private Messages to Staff only for now.

Once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be able to start your own threads in the appropriate forums and additionally send & receive messages to and from fellow ATS members.

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Take your time and enjoy. If you have any questions just ask.


posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by threestepsmr
Welcome welcome..... the thing about West Virginia that most do not know is that it is the new "belly of the beast" so to say...... the pan handle has become the heart of the military industrial complex in my short lifetime....

SHHHHH! Stop saying that! There are no military facilities in the WV panhandle. Nothing to see here! Move along!

...I don't want my backyard to be a war zone if China invades.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:47 PM
Welcome and hope you enjoy the show .

Image analysis hmmmm , enhancement hmmmm x2 , have some lunar images that have been altered intentionally . Perhaps you could change them back to the way they originally were .

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by watchdog8110
Image analysis hmmmm , enhancement hmmmm x2 , have some lunar images that have been altered intentionally . Perhaps you could change them back to the way they originally were .

I'd be more than happy to, but unfortunately restoring the images would require visiting the site they were taken at.

So, if you have a spare rocket and lunar lander handy, I'd be more than happy to do that for ya.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:46 AM

I question everything.

That is unfortunate as in some areas people are reluctant to disclose information in order
to keep it amongst themselves an not give out any points to the conspirators say in
the anti Tesla cartel network. I can naturally give out already disclosed information that
has either been taken away from view or made difficult to see on the net.
Thanks for any contribution you can make.
ED: I try not to give out points to agents in the anti Tesla cartel network.

edit on 9/6/2011 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

I've always been interested in Tesla, but don't have a lot of knowledge on related topics, because my wife is afraid I would electrocute myself. And she's probably right.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by TheLonePhantom
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

I've always been interested in Tesla, but don't have a lot of knowledge on related topics, because my wife is afraid I would electrocute myself. And she's probably right.

Same here. I only read his books and publications posted on the net and check up on some
of his researchers on the net. Never went too close to those old TV sets with tubes so not going
close to sparking coils like Tesla.

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