posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 06:01 PM
Originally posted by nusnus
reply to post by boncho
The problem with Google search is any date you put in generates way to many results and the real results just get, well, watered. Its like looking for
a needle in haystack.
And inherently, this is the problem with many predictions and/or prophecies. You take a date like tommorow and say, "Something bad will happen on
9/7/2011". Now if anything (and I mean ANYTHING) that can be taken as a bad thing were to happen, my prediction rings true, I'm hailed as a new
prophet and yada yada yada (well maybe not this last bit, but, you get my drift
Such broad and generalized predictions are left open for interpretation. It get's worse when you have a cryptic prediction. Where things can be
looked at and found to match up with events after the fact. The biggest issue is that you only find certain things that match and then spend the rest
of your time linking the remaining text with additional happenings that are similar to the original prediction, i.e. taking a twenty dollar bill and
folding it a certain way to show the twin towers on fire.
Either way, we are still here, some have died and some have been born. Life goes on within it's cycle.