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Is America The most Hated Country on The Planet?

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posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by stellify

So you think i'm trying to be cute? Well that is simply not the issue with my thread and the topic. I will say it again. I think there is a unbalanced bashing of America on ATS and beyond.. If you read the threads and posts that I am talking about, no one thinks it is cute to speak their mind in them.. PS Your not a mind reader by trade are you? Cause you have me all wrong thx for your post. Your opinion is noted and respected for just that. Your opinion..

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Are the Yankees the most hated team in Baseball?

Are the Patriots the most hated team in Football?

When you are good, people get jealous and root against you.

Can you imagine how this world would be without the United States of America?

Think about your average 3rd World starvation plagued African country.....that would be the norm.

America - Barbarism to Decadence with no intervening period...

Says it all for me.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by seedofchucky
Everyone wants to come to america and party and live free like the americans ..

This is what annoys me. The assumption by many Americans that this can't happen elsewhere in the world - only in America.

Excuse me, but I can do that in my own country thankyou - last time I checked we are just as free as you, as are most other western countries.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by CherubBaby
reply to post by stellify

I think there is a unbalanced bashing of America on ATS and beyond.

So you believe that because America takes the lead on many issues, war being the primary one, that you should NOT be held more accountable as a result?

Can't have it both ways mate. You want to be a world leader, be prepared to take the flak when it all goes wrong.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by CherubBaby
reply to post by stellify

So you think i'm trying to be cute? Well that is simply not the issue with my thread and the topic. I will say it again. I think there is a unbalanced bashing of America on ATS and beyond.. If you read the threads and posts that I am talking about, no one thinks it is cute to speak their mind in them.. PS Your not a mind reader by trade are you? Cause you have me all wrong thx for your post. Your opinion is noted and respected for just that. Your opinion..

I think you need to re-read my post, writer.

My point is context and you've missed it.

My opinion.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 11:01 AM
I do not think America is the most hated country in the world!!!

I think when talking with people though, Americans show an incredible amount of arrogance, which is irritating as hell, and provokes others to try to bring their feet back on the ground with pointing out the weakness and faults of that country.

If the american wouldn't make comments like "everyone wants to be american and be free like us 'cause we're the greatest country in the world." no one would bother focusing on its faults and weaknesses! Everyone has those, we're all aware of it, so what? But such unrealistic arrogance makes it seem that some of us aren't aware of that fact and need a wake up call......

Add that to the fact that they are hypersensitive to the slightest criticism- it seems other nationalities take criticism in stride without being too traumatized. But Americans get worked up into a revengeful angry knot if the slightest disagreement or criticism is mentioned. This is a problem, considering the comments they bring up first which insult and put down other countries all the time tend to provoke the same in response.

People don't hate America, they just show the negative side to Americans that seem to be unaware they have one. (other countries came to grips with that reality earlier)

-And americans LOVE to claim victim of jealousy, so making a big deal out of the slightest disagreement and calling it jealousy is another tactic of convincing themselves they are better than anyone else.

I think, if they calmed down and didn't spend so much time bragging, they'd find others reflecting back a much more positive attitude back.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

May I ask how many American People you know personally enough to validate your opinions of them? Did you take a survey? I would love to know the percentages..Also if possible, do you think The American people do anything right? If so can you post on that please? thx

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by kennylee
America is the greatest country in the world. Its the tyrannical people who run it that makes it worthless. The citizens for the most part are a great bunch of people. We need to clean out the White yesterday....

There's a lot more cleaning out that needs to be done such as reminding citizens they have the ability to think and make decisions for themselves. In all honesty I would say Somalia is the most hated country in the world.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by CherubBaby
reply to post by Bluesma

May I ask how many American People you know personally enough to validate your opinions of them? Did you take a survey? I would love to know the percentages..Also if possible, do you think The American people do anything right? If so can you post on that please? thx

I am not sure how many I know. I am american, and I have a quite big extended family! I take in american guests all summer, every summer. I am just recovering from the latest stay of a cousin from my native California (currently living in New York for college). She actually said that in front of a group of french people 'Everyone wishes they were American, of course!" Darn it, I thought, they do this EVERYTIME! Here we go... the others around will have to point out that they don't dream of being american, and all the reasons they wouldn't want to be there..... when only minutes ago they were curious, open minded and wanting to share what they LIKED about America!

I used to do this too, at first. I was brainwashed into thinking we were the stars of the world and all others were jealous oppressed poor people dreaming of coming to our country. So yeah, I know intimately what I am talking about. I know why foriegner responded to my naive ignorance with defensive replies.

Of course america does a lot right! It has many great characteristics, but we don't need more ego boosting, we know that- we just tend to blow it up too much and need others to bring us down to earth.

I don't have statistics, I have just personal experience and anecdote, which of course can be rejected by you if you wish. But I stand behind it anyway.
edit on 5-9-2011 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 11:29 AM
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Kryties

Originally posted by seedofchucky
Everyone wants to come to america and party and live free like the americans ..

This is what annoys me. The assumption by many Americans that this can't happen elsewhere in the world - only in America.

Excuse me, but I can do that in my own country thankyou - last time I checked we are just as free as you, as are most other western countries.

you can do that in your own country ... but remember all the trends fads and phases in your country are just back logged american influences...

heance why the kids all wanna learn english ?

heance why the music , fashion , reality tv shows people watch are american

its because everyone wants to be american , todays teens all over the world clearly show that ...

nobody wants to be a german , or italian , or greek , or afghan , on hindu

everyone is shooting for the american dream and freedom ?

i know it sucks espically if your not from america to have such a global impact

but thats the reality of it ...once you pull your ego out your rear you will quickly realize that...

i was not born in america , live in america , but i can still accept reality ...

party all you want in your country but just remember the american influence behind it

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 12:04 PM
Your instincts are correct - the USA is certainly the most hated
country on the planet, as you put it. Just ask around.

The standard reply to this, is that "people hate America because
they are jealous of our freedoms."

Freedom to do what? They have been so relentlessly censored in
every way that they now think it is normal, and take over the job
themselves; the self-censoring is so obvious to outsiders. I have
seen, on this website and others, the word 'h*ck', meaning hell,
and G-d meaning God. Isn't that just a bit strange?

The American fear (and distrust) of authority is taken to bizarre
lengths. They allow their Police to terrorise them - taze, handcuff,
guns drawn, ... for a traffic stop! If you show them the slightest
'disrespect', you can expect your face to be on the road and their
knee on your back. G-d help you if you forget to say 'Sir' in every
one of your sentences.

It's hard to believe, but Americans actually allow their Government
(their employees) to kill off some of them as examples to the rest.
But it's normally only the poor and minority groups, so that's OK.

The real problem to the rest of the world, though, is how the USA
has exported violence and acted for 'American interests' with no
regard to anyone else's.

OP, if you want to understand the answer to your question, have a
go at answering these questions (I have no idea of the numbers):

1. How many countries has the USA bombed since World War II?

2. How many people have American forces killed since WWII?

3. How many troops, in how many military bases, in how many
countries, does the USA have today?

4. How many military dictators has the USA propped up?

Again, to preempt those standard answers:

1. All good wars, fighting for freedom and democracy, and we only
turn up when help is asked for.

2. We didn't count them, but no more than absolutely necessary.

3. We only station troops in countries that invite us, to protect
them and fulfill our international obligations; see point 1.

4. None! Anyway, we bumped off the ones that turned out to be bad.

I know that this post will be dismissed as an anti-USA rant, but
really, can anyone say that the above is not true?

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Fabless

Thanks for your post and saying what you feel. I sometimes feel like there is "Herd" Mentallity that at times changes to "Mob" Mentallity on here when America or American's are mentioned.. I mean what happened to "The Beach Boys" and "Be True To Your School?"

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 12:14 PM
One could try to defend America and it's people,but it would fall on deaf ears.
Americans through their blind faith and apathy have let the MSM guide their way of thinking, let liars ,cheater and thieves run their government and economy into the ground, let corporations rape and pillage America and the entire world under the protection of Americas military.
Americas fate is the same as Germany's after WW II
The world will punish America and it's people, and harbor those responsable for the mess to start fresh again, as did America , England and Russia, with Germanys stolen wealth, scientists and technology.
History will repeat it's self.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by seedofchucky
you can do that in your own country ... but remember all the trends fads and phases in your country are just back logged american influences...

OMG!! Where are you from? Where have you been for the last 50 years? The influence of the Brits in music? you didn't notice that? The influence of the french and Italian in fashion? That in America, if you are going to go out to dinner, the first question is- "what do we eat? Mexican? Italian? Thai? Chinese? Indian? Japanese?...."
We get just as much influence from other countries as they do us.

heance why the kids all wanna learn english ?

Don't know where you see that. I used to see parents that wanted their kids to learn english (and the kids had no interest). I point out that English and American are not considered the same here, and it is English that is taught. My kids speak american, and were reprimanded for using it in all their classes, forced to learn a British accent and vocabulary.

The big trend now is learning Chinese. That's what everyone is getting their toddlers into, that is what our city is offering free courses in, that is what my daughter and many of her friends are majoring in.

heance why the music , fashion , reality tv shows people watch are american

Not one american reality tv show is shown here. Music shows have some american, some spanish, some italian, and some arabic, but mostly french. Fashion is considered completely out the american reach or capability. They are seen as having no fashion sense, nor culinary sense. (that is not to say they aren't seen as excelling in other areas, but those are considered their weaknesses).

edit on 5-9-2011 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2011 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by seedofchucky

heance why the kids all wanna learn english ?
heance why the music , fashion , reality tv shows people watch are american
its because everyone wants to be american , todays teens all over the world clearly show that ...
nobody wants to be a german , or italian , or greek , or afghan , on hindu
everyone is shooting for the american dream and freedom ?
i know it sucks espically if your not from america to have such a global impact
but thats the reality of it ...once you pull your ego out your rear you will quickly realize that...
i was not born in america , live in america , but i can still accept reality ...
party all you want in your country but just remember the american influence behind it

Oh where to begin....

English lanuage...your assertation is quite the slap in the face to the British Empire. The Empire that spread the English language around the globe...including to America.

Fashion...still centrally located in France and Italy. Although, there is starting to be some strong showings from Asia and Brazil....come on Brazil

Nobody wants to be German? Correct, they all just want Germany's ability to mesh modern manufacturing into a high service economy. Can't be German, just want German systems. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I guess.

I know it sucks that there is a whole world outside of the US...

The United States of America has done some very great things. They have also made some very grave errors. Don't use BS to illustrate, takes away from the actual accomplishments (modern media, modern structure design, etc.)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by seedofchucky

you can do that in your own country ... but remember all the trends fads and phases in your country are just back logged american influences... they most certainly are not.

heance why the kids all wanna learn english ?

The English invented English - haven't you noticed the similarity in the names?

heance why the music , fashion , reality tv shows people watch are american

Wrong again. I listen to as much British and Aussie music as I do American. Your fashion doesn't really travel outside yoru country - unless your talking about the 'homeboy' look, oh and you can keep your silly reality shows.

its because everyone wants to be american , todays teens all over the world clearly show that ...

LOL. Seriously? Do you honestly believe this? You, sir, are completely deluded.

nobody wants to be a german , or italian , or greek , or afghan , on hindu

LOL again. This is getting better and better....

everyone is shooting for the american dream and freedom ?

Everyone in America yeah - we don't need freedom we already have it.

i know it sucks espically if your not from america to have such a global impact

The only thing I worry about is how America is royally screwing up the rest of the world.

but thats the reality of it ...once you pull your ego out your rear you will quickly realize that...

Ego? Lol.

party all you want in your country but just remember the american influence behind it

Yeah that's why Aussie culture doesn't even remotely resemble American culture......for the final time LOL.

edit on 5/9/2011 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by seedofchucky

Originally posted by Kryties

Originally posted by seedofchucky
Everyone wants to come to america and party and live free like the americans ..

This is what annoys me. The assumption by many Americans that this can't happen elsewhere in the world - only in America.

Excuse me, but I can do that in my own country thankyou - last time I checked we are just as free as you, as are most other western countries.

you can do that in your own country ... but remember all the trends fads and phases in your country are just back logged american influences...

heance why the kids all wanna learn english ?

heance why the music , fashion , reality tv shows people watch are american

its because everyone wants to be american , todays teens all over the world clearly show that ...

nobody wants to be a german , or italian , or greek , or afghan , on hindu

everyone is shooting for the american dream and freedom ?

i know it sucks espically if your not from america to have such a global impact

but thats the reality of it ...once you pull your ego out your rear you will quickly realize that...

i was not born in america , live in america , but i can still accept reality ...

party all you want in your country but just remember the american influence behind it

Haaaa! I just spat out my drink.
You are hilarious.

Have a word with yourself.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:13 PM
America imprisons more of its own people than anyone else, kills more foreigners than anyone else, is always late to a world war but falls all over itself to get into a war with tinpot dictator who doesn't stand a chance, and while some countries might have people dying from not eating enough or from eating too much, we manage to have BOTH! We are seriously seriously backwards. And we insist at the top of our lungs that we are number one while we circle the drain. There was a time when we could have fixed this. If we are willing to go through the ordeal, we might still be able to fix it. But instead we insist that we've got it better than anyone else and that makes it OK, and we seem to actually believe that to be both true and acceptable.

I don't blame anyone who hates America in the abstract. This American hates America. I don't hate Americans. Nobody should hate anybody. You have to go out of your way to inform people about eachothers backgrounds and all of their connections to people and places and events and ideas to make them hate eachother. Otherwise they are just people, and almost everyone is capable of respecting and getting along with another person, whoever they might be, but America is a massive object moving under poor control- it's normal to be upset and worried about it.

Are we the MOST hated on Earth? Depends who you ask. Probably the most broadly hated- we are very widely known and have very broad impact.

China has more people under its direct jurisdiction, and if they are not pleased with their cirucmstances perhaps China is in the running, and Americans sure hate China... so there's that.

And the Russians do draw some hatred from Europeans and Arabs but I don't really think they could make number 1.

From there the list goes down hill fast. While North Korea might engender a stronger hatred from some people, the actual threat they pose is fairly narrow, and a lot of people probably forget that Korea even exists sometimes until it actually comes up on TV or in conversation, etc...

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by eNumbra

Lichtenstein? mere pussy cats compared to the Cayman Islands just mark my words! evil every last one of em

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