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Fear in US as drug shortages mount

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posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:00 AM

Fear in US as drug shortages mount

Shortages of vital drugs, particularly cancer-fighting medication, have raised concerns in the United States, where regulators often have to race to try to find replacements.

A recent report by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that the number of important treatments that are difficult or impossible to find nearly tripled from 61 to 178 between 2005 and 2010.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:00 AM
Something truly bizarre is happening right now involving pharmaceuticals. Companies are shutting down production of numerous life saving drugs, supposedly due to quality issues. Meanwhile, we have people getting less than adequate treatement and some even dying due to these production cuts and stoppages.

Is this simply a financial move, i.e. greed at work, looking for the highest profit margins and intentionally inflating prices at the cost of people's lives? Could it also be that something much more sinister is happening, motivated not by greed, but social control?
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 5/9/11 by MikeboydUS because: is

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:03 AM
Simple answer.

They are shutting down because everyone is broke, no money to pay for drugs or health care.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:04 AM
They buy patents that either cure or greatly reduce tumors and then shelf them so no one gets them.
There is only one mentality behind that logic, greed with an agenda. I'd also call it a crime against humanity, or just plain evil.

There really isn't anything good I can say about big Pharma.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Not social control. (Business model is about earnings not influence) Perhaps price controls?.

There is a ridiculous amount of chemicals, rare and plentiful, that go into pharma manufacturing. I am wondering if it is something at the bottom of the supply chain that is causing this...

Or perhaps rising costs not being covered by consumers. "We don't make more until you foot the last bill." Which is understandable, just lousy in relation to healthcare.
edit on 5-9-2011 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

There doesn't seem to be a shortage of psychiatric medications, in fact more Americans are on psychiatric meds than ever.

Yet, the drugs we need to actually treat people for physical ailments are the ones we are lacking.

Antipsychotic drug prescriptions triple in the US (15 January 2011 )

Mass psychosis in the US (12 Jul 2011)

... In 2008, with over $14 billion in sales, antipsychotics became the single top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in the United States, surpassing drugs used to treat high cholesterol and acid reflux...
edit on 5/9/11 by MikeboydUS because: links

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

They buy patents that either cure or greatly reduce tumors and then shelf them so no one gets them. There is only one mentality behind that logic, greed with an agenda. I'd also call it a crime against humanity, or just plain evil.

Agenda? Could I suggest Agenda 21 perhaps? We have all heard the word "sustainability" come into vogue lately. Does anyone think it is a haphazard occurrence?

George Bush Sr. allegedly signed off on it on Prince Charles yacht during the Rio Conference and then Clinton shortly after his first term started commissioned the President's Council on Sustainability. So much for the Democrat/Republican rivalry huh?

This is how I heard about it.

And here is the sequel

Something to think about. Will see if I can find some more on Agenda 21.
edit on 5-9-2011 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:24 AM
Nice way to approach population control.

Let the sick die off and keep the drugs for the elites living underground until it's all over and safe to resurface.

Just like the rats they are.

edit on 5-9-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:26 AM
Strange. Maybe China is buying them?

Or like Boncho said, it could be due to some shortage. Phamaceuticals are made with oil, for example, so when oil prices go up it effects medicine. I'm sure the same is true for all kinds of exotic ingredients.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

They are serving very negatie entities akin to darth vader/dracos. For real, have been summoning and dealing with them for thousands of years. They have made numerous nuclear disasters and though big pharma makes money on these meds, note they get paid even if the government foots the bill, and the US is only one country. Ours has no shortages. They should be open for business. However, what is going on is a deliberate selling out of cancer patients to dracos to leave them dying in even worse agony, while upping the radiation to increase the cancers because they are behaving with very evil intent. Its up to the US/American citizens to STOP IT and demand cooperative government pharma serving peopel and the best medical system going, and that all nuclear and toxins in food and environment be cleaned up, and that their paid employees, do their jobs or go to jail. Period.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by Partygirl

Or like Boncho said, it could be due to some shortage. Phamaceuticals are made with oil, for example, so when oil prices go up it effects medicine. I'm sure the same is true for all kinds of exotic ingredients.

Yeah, Boncho does have a point. Drugs do have an expiration date, they can't afford to let them sit around for too long without a user. I would say this is another strike against free market economy, money is more important than victims. Sad.

As for the oil in the drugs I am glad to hear you mention that. When I got my teeth pulled in preparation for dentures I kind of made friends with the Student Dentist who was working on me. When it came time for the pain meds he wanted to give me Vicodin. I said no, just give me old fashioned Codeine and he asked why? When I told him that Vicodin was made from oil (petrochemicals) he had no clue.

I had never actually seen Vicodin listed as a petrochemical drug, but knew it was safer to stay away from artificials. I mean you will have to talk to me for a veeeeeeeerrrrrry long time to get me to think eating oil is a good plan.

Also have found Agenda 21, but it is a huge publication from the U.N. I will go through it but this will take some time. But that is for another thread.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 02:06 AM
I found this thread from a few weeks ago:

Shortage of key hospital drugs a "major crisis"

Didn't get much attention at the time...the OP posited as possibility hoarding for some kind of SHTF scenario among those in the know (i.e., militaries, governments, etc.)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 02:13 AM
This was an interesting read. First of all I would not but it past the Pharm. companies to let there drugs become unavailable. I am not in a position to know why but my guess would be greed. Second I am sure that in most cases these drugs are being manufactured else where in the world. So if there is a shortage in one part they ought to be able to be imported from another. I do hope that is in the bill the source article talked about.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

You are absolutely correct. Case in point: my family makes what many would consider a very good income, but what goes unrecognized is that thanks to government interference in our business, my wife has been laid off and my salary has been cut almost in half. We have made numerous downsizes, multiple financial concessions, and was even forced into personal bankruptcy. Still, because my job is considered "professional" I make too much money to qualify for any assistance with medications my family needs. I am fully aware that we are lucky to have as much as we do and in the grand scheme there is no room for us to complain. The point is still valid, however, that just because someone makes a higher wage than others it does not mean they are not making as many concessions as possible and still failing at being able to keep up with skyrocketing pharmaceutical prices. I will find a means to care for my family, but I know there are others not so lucky through absolutely no fault of their own.

One more quick addition: surely the drug companies wouldn't be guilty of creating any shortages to ramp up the prices, do you? You mean they can work less and make more gross profit?

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 03:47 AM
Maybe they are being stashed by the government for the end times..

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 04:36 AM
It's the next stage in the population cull.

I'm truly amazed that people still believe the nonsense information given to the public. This is deliberate. There is no real shortage, just like there is no real shortage of money.

edit on 5-9-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 04:41 AM
First of all they crack down on natural remedies, then they withdraw conventional drugs.

Anyone who can't see their agenda here needs to remove their head from the sand.
edit on 5-9-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:38 AM


posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by jude11

yea,but when they come out of their holes theres going to be a big surprise waiting for them

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:54 AM


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