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Guess where Obama will be on 9/27 (next major ELEnin alignment) ???

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posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by boncho

Unless they needed to sink those buildings?!?!?!

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:08 AM
I would be fascinated to get some feedback on a little survey. How many people who have any opinion on Elenin have ever read Mensur Omerbashich's actual papers on the subject?

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by yourmamaknows

I hope it's not a nine minute video of that damn lens hair. I've seen that one too many times. And it here and I shall look.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Melyanna

Yes, I have.

Yes, very interesting and entirely believable. Yes, they were even papers submitted at a proper intellectual institution. Amazing. Yet little discussion and the usual skeptics.
edit on 5-9-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by InnerPeace2012

Originally posted by boncho

Originally posted by Signals
reply to post by boncho

The D.U.M.B.'s are way below the actual airport, Boncho...

Not buying it, the alleged leaked photos that first surfaced by the people who "discovered" the bunkers, turned out to be pictures of the underground baggage and transport system. Which is now just transport.

Any links to go with that claim???


The airport was covered extensively in this this thread, and others.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by yourmamaknows

I hope it's not a nine minute video of that damn lens hair. I've seen that one too many times. And it here and I shall look.

GLP tolerates more descriptive phraseology as many posts show. Name calling, insults, you name it. Has a good collection of smileys.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Signals
Just to put this somewhere, my eldest daughter (who never has weird dreams, just normal ones about her boyfriend and eating cheese and things), dreamt that there would be a massive earthquake on the 25 sept this year. We'll see.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by ConspiraCity

Originally posted by InnerPeace2012

Originally posted by boncho

Originally posted by Signals
reply to post by boncho

The D.U.M.B.'s are way below the actual airport, Boncho...

Not buying it, the alleged leaked photos that first surfaced by the people who "discovered" the bunkers, turned out to be pictures of the underground baggage and transport system. Which is now just transport.

Any links to go with that claim???
I take what ever Boncho says rather insignificantly. He seems to believe we are living in a fairy tale world where corruption is impossible, the governing powers are ran by saints and we are at our peak of technological efficiency.

I guess that would make you ignorant. Not calling you stupid, or idiotic or anything demeaning. But you choose willful ignorance in your assessment of me, thereby making you an ignorant individual. Unless of course, you can show where I said these things...

He doesn't think open minded about alternative information, but rather blatantly ignores anything other then the status quo. Innovation is not made by those who think based off statistics, Innovation is made by those who push boundaries, think unconventionally and raise questions. Its better to be an outlier then one among the median.

With all this speaking on my behalf, you are starting to remind me of someone.... Who could that be? (I expect about 5% to know the answer)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by yourmamaknows

Was it the video of the photo taken from camera phone in neg and infra-red?

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Signals

Home of the world famous Denver International Airport, deep underground bunkers, rumored new capital of the U.S. in the event of a major collapse.

Muhahaha.... looks like our disinfo plan is working!!! They have fallen for the ruse-- hook, line and sinker. They have their fully-stocked bunkers in place, and we've got the heavy duty padlocks ready! As soon as the evil ones 'escape' underground, work swiftly to secure the exterior locks.
(Boncho, have you completed the analysis on the Intel concerning their alternate escape routes? Leave no stone unturned!) People of the world, pure of heart, the time draws nigh... man your stations!

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by theson
Dont shooy the messenger,but I was reading on the ufo blogger and it shows elenin in the shape of a triangle

Yes, Arthur C. Clarke predicted Elenin's arrival.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Deplume

No, you have to allow for atleast 2-3 days either side because we dont know the forces at play, if any at all.

The Japan quake wasn't a perfect alignment, but maybe other factors were involved to kickstart that one. The 2010 Christchurch and Chile earthquakes are dead on 2-dimensionally speaking, but maybe thats all that is mentioned, we don't know the forces at play, if any.

So from Sept 24-Sept 30. Yes, it should be a big quake. It seems the force was getting stronger the closer it got. Keep in mind the Christchurch fault wasn't very active until this quake, as far as I can tell.

We've already had big quakes last weekend when Earth Sun and 'Nibiru' align, if that exists. Vanuatu and Alaska had big ones. Over 7s.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by galactictuan

Yes, Arthur C. Clarke predicted Elenin's arrival.

How so? Or are you being sarcastic?


ETA: Sorry i'm thinking of someone else.

edit on 5-9-2011 by ALOSTSOUL because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by galactictuan

Are you just gonna keep posting this pic in various threads...get a life.

Think that's a trapezoid, not a triangle.
edit on 5-9-2011 by cluckerspud because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by cluckerspud

Why shouldn't he? Most of the Elenin threads are re-hashed. Comments and pics may as well be.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by LightAssassin

No. It's not that one. This one is made by some guy looking across a busy road. Cars are buzzing by. In the setting sun, you can see an object near the sun. I think this is where Nibiru is supposed to be now on the other side of the sun from us, coming straight in. Elenin has started turning, so she is somewhat out of Nibiru's line of sight from our perspective.

I believe the guy has captured Nibiru on his little film. The clouds may have caused it to be more visible from it's infrared showing. There will be more items like this. Seen the trailer for "Melancholia"? It won't be released until November. Looks like an artsy, film the critics will like. Academy award nomination for best actress and screenplay, I figure. I think we will be around to see it. But soon, someone may have to draw the "short straw" again. Who gets it this time?

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by yourmamaknows

I need a link. Lest I cannot watch it.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:03 AM
why would the queen come to denver ? I imagine thay could build a nice little bunker under one of her palaces

the DIA stuff is the worst kind of internet rumors. it all came from one guys article which originally had the dauphin prince angle, now they have changed that to the "US leaders who have been knighted" angle


don't forget, if you buy the DIA story, you're getting reptilains in the deal

unless you want to conveniently brush that off, lol

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:07 AM
While I am not surprised in any way that Obama and his handlers will be in Colorado, what most conspiracist who follow such events don't take the time to consider beyond the thought that Obama is going to be in some underground bunker is that the Denver International Airport is much more that some underground complex.

I will also have to state here at the beginning that I don't for one second think that any comet made of ice is going to effect anything that denotes earthquakes, volcanoes, or anything for that matter.

Now if you were to say that perhaps something much larger, with much more mass, that is behind Comet Elenin, well, then and only then would I have to agree that something much bigger is perhaps causing alignment problems,but not some Comet made of ice if indeed it is a comet at all.

While I have been looking ahead to Obama's public schedule, I too have been looking for times and places that would denote the elites headed to their underground bunkers.

Obama in Colorado to me signifies that he is in his campaign mode and while raising money is important, it does afford him the opportunity while being in Colorado to visit by means of the underground tunnel system other states if he so chooses to do so and in secret no less.

Denver International Airport is a central hub for the secret underground complex and so, from Denver, Obama could go any number of places without the public knowing and do it at mach 4 or better speeds. He could even be shuttled to his secret lair where he will hide out while Americans face the consequences, but to assume only that Obama is in Colorado so as to be in his bunker is too limited an excuse that I just don't accept on face value.

I feel I must elaborate based on what I just stated.

Shortly after the AZ shooting spree with Congresswoman Gifford, I looked into the underground tunnel system and concluded that perhaps new tunnels and new routes had been established after many years of secret tunneling and building underground bases. A new tunnel system from Arizona that connects to the main tunnel system is possible, but the new system that runs from Denver to Grand Island Nebraska is where I feel that the elites will be located when all the fun begins on the surface of planet earth.

Grand Island is also where I personally think that the super computers running the show are located, so please understand, this to me is why I give so much importance to Grand Island, Nebraska as the final secret location that such a tunnel system travels to.

Here is an image that shows the underground tunnel system and the red lines show where I believe new tunnel system connections have been established. Please note the ultra secret location in Nebraska, because it is where I personally suspect many of the elites will be located during the crisis.


While Obama and the press media will no doubt speak about this trip to Colorado, I personally think it will be to travel to other states, meet with other secret parties that have flown in from across the world and in such a way, Obama can have a secret meeting, or a secret briefing about what is going to happen in the coming weeks.

I don't think for one second, at least today that is, that Obama and his henchmen are headed to the secret underground bunkers just quite yet.

Besides, Obama may need to go somewhere private or perhaps to the secret and protected location that will appear as if he is speaking from Washington, D.C. and the Oval Office on November 09, 2011, when in fact he could be at some secret location made to look like the Oval Office, so that Obama and others can practice their emergency broadcast speech that will be given on nation wide assets to all of America on 11-09-11.

Obama could in effect be going to where his emergency broadcast sessions practice sessions can be recorded, controlled and kept entirely secret from the public and even the media types that travel with him because on the day Obama gives us his emergency broadcast, it may look like he is in Washington, when in fact the images we see and hear could have all been recorded in some secret underground location prior to the big date of 11-09-11.

Obama will no doubt sooner or later mention campaign fund raising and political speeches to select groups that will provide political contributions. Obama may even visit some other key locations, but if you keep up with where he is in relation to the underground tunnel system map I have provided, we just may see that he is visiting secret underground locations for reasons not yet known by the public.

Anyway, this is what I wanted to add to the discussion. I hope it affords a different perspective and some new food for thought on the matter.

Thanks again for the thread and thank you for considering these thoughts on the subject matter thread at hand.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

Freaky apocalyptic horse at entrance...check.
Freaky gargoyles in suitcases...Check.
Freak prophetic murals of freaky sh_t...Check.
Masonic references...Check.
Grand hall with black object moving in front of sun on the floor...Check.
Large owned land area...Check.
Small airport...Check.
Built buildings, then decided they didn't need them and 'sunk' them into the ground...check.
...and there's more.

And I'll take that Reptilian and raise you a SHET-I.
edit on 5-9-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

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