posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 07:56 PM
This may have been posted before but a real web site never emerged from it. You propose a site with audio/video for folks to download / view. I think
its an excellent idea.. I notice you got blasted right away..well almost. Is there someone that makes this oath that wishes not to uphold the truth?
Imagine that. Well, welcome to reality.
RE the web page. The cost would be pretty high with high bandwith which raises the cost even more. Who will pay?
You? Me? those who post the video and audio? And it would immediately draw the scrutiny of TPTB. Not Good.
So how would one proceed? Well YouTube. You could go to Youtube and start your own area of only the oath that is taken by higher ups. Otherwise it
is a good idea, but keep in mind. If they lied from the start, they have no heart. It will matter not to them if you expose them or not. They don't
believe anyone will believe your videos, and many will be thinking the audio and video has been doctored. Welcome to the NWO. Good idea, but do you
really think TPTB will let anything like this remain on the web? anywhere? There are many that take that oath, and believe it and do their best. Many
fail, but they do try. Unfortunately it seems that in this generation that oath is trashed by our leaders.
There is little left. Not even now. We are just biding our time. there is one thing left only. Are you prepared for what is about to come? I will
not entertain anyone who asks me what that is. You all already know if you have been on ATS for a while...
OP you said you were new to ATS and got blasted. I think you meant you were new to posting. I am only here a couple of years. I will never start a
thread because of the trolls. I use ATS to watch them ..that is the way I follow the truth and the lies. I can tell the troll right away. I am quite
aware there are those that are sent to derail a thread. Your thread is not acceptable to them. expect to be derailed. They can't handle the truth
Good post with star and flag.