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You Want The Truth About ET ?

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posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:18 AM
Here's how it all got started.

During WW2 when Hitler was in power and the Germans were terrorizing the world, their military was working on war technology that no one else was privy to. Because of their occult connections, they used a different kind of science to create some of the most remarkable technology man has ever known. The United States and her allies sought to find out what that technology was in an effort to take it. After the war and Hitler was disposed, the United States and her allies , snatched up all the Nazi scientists they could get their hands on in an effort to gain their knowledge on weapons in exchange for allowing them to continue breathing. But America took the lead and received the biggest and best (sic) Nazis for themselves.

However, some of the Nazis got away. They boarded a submarine filled with gold, information on the war technology, genetics studies , occult teachings and hundreds of German citizens who they had convinced were a special race of people and headed to Antarctica. Till this day, they have been breeding these people and brainwashing their offspring into thinking they are superior beings from another planet when in fact, all of the historical and archaeological evidence they use to make this assertion comes from other cultures. All of their symbols , even the name of their race , comes from other known human races of people from Egypt to India and even among the Native Americans.

When the Roswell incident took place, there was indeed a crash. But it was not a Weather Balloon nor was it ET. The only alien connection is the fact that it was alien to American technology. It was Nazi technology and the occupants were the first of genetically manipulated human beings in an effort to create a Super Soldier. That's why they looked human , but not really. The Nazis used genetics to clone certain types of humans that would be able to breathe inside and outside of our atmosphere as well as under water. The reason why the occupants were so small was because they were children. Human children genetically manipulated in an effort to create a super solder. The little ones crashed while trying to spy on the United States and the US Military gathered everything up and took it to be analyzed.They came up with a story because they didn't want us knowing about the Nazi technology.

The reason why the United States wanted everyone to believe that they were from outer space, and allowed the general public to carry on with this conspiracy of ET's because America is the worlds Super Power because of it's superior military might and there could be no other technology that is superior outside of America . Therefore, Nazi technology is a direct threat to that status and knowledge of superior war technology among the American people is a direct threat to national sovereignty and security. That is why the US has so many black projects today. America is still working on the technology with the forced cooperation of captured Nazi scientists and perfecting it. We have seen evidence of that perfection with various sightings across America of new craft. But, we are not the only ones. That refuge Nazi group has been working on and perfecting their war technology as well.

The refugee Nazis have been able to also use war technology to conduct a massive psy-ops (sp) on the American people. Using their crafts, brainwave technology , nano bot technology and holographic technology, they have been able to deceive people into believing they are being visited by and experimented on , by aliens from other worlds and the messages they bring are Nazi ideology wrapped in New Age thinking. The reason why they all look like the little grey men is because that is what the children who died in the Roswell crash looked like and they know that's what made Americans believe in ET so they keep that image going as a false confirmation. This technology has been what the United States has been working on since then. The reason why they looked like that is because their genetic manipulation malfunctioned in the Arizona heat, turning their skin grey and the air pressure caused swelling and enlarging in their brains and softened craniums.

I know many will say that this is all just a huge load of crap that I pulled from my butt. Indeed you may be on to something. But ask yourself. Is what I am saying any different that what you have been reading this whole time ? Is what I am telling you any wilder than the assertions made by others ? What I am saying makes more sense when compared to the various stories you have heard over the years. It would explain the interests that UFO's have in military bases. It would explain why abductees (sp) seem to all be of the same race . It would explain why the bodies that were seen were so small and strange looking. What of the nurse who said she interviewed the live alien through telepathy? Perhaps, that brainwave technology was built into the child and that is really how he or she communicated.

Or, maybe that was the United States testing that technology on her to see how the Nazis did it ? There is no doubt that we have tested things on unsuspecting citizens before. We tested drugs. What is to say we have not tested technology on unsuspecting humans ? She was just a nurse. It is common practice for a government who obtains the enemies technology to try to dissect it and re-engineer it in an effort to learn how it was made and then perfect it for their own use. And who greater than the greatest nation on earth would be in the best position to do that ? Anyway, I have no links or pictures. Just a vast number of stories and facts put together in a soup. The scary thing is, I may be closer to reality than many of you think I am.

So, hows the soup ?
edit on 4-9-2011 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
Is what I am saying any different that what you have been reading this whole time ?


Is what I am telling you any wilder than the assertions made by others ?


If only the X-files had you as a script writer.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:30 AM
Nazi`s has terrorized world in WW2,now US is terrorizing world with things they picked up from nazi`s.... i dont see any difference between nazi germany and USA.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:32 AM
hmm... your soup tastes pretty good. We are all waiting for disclosure, and we are all part of a system, but in reality, in essence, we are the system. Thanks for the enlightened fresh look on this study. Did it take long to cook?


posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:34 AM

I'll give ya da truf. He phoned home, homey.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:35 AM
About Roswell, I once heard a theory that it was actually staged by the US government trying to fool Russia ( Then Soviet Union) into thinking we had stumbled upon Alien technology.... In an attempt to give us a bit of a psychological advantage....

Not saying that is what I believe, but I always thought that was an interesting,lesser heard conspiracy.
edit on 4-9-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:40 AM
Already posted & discussed in numerous threads, eg)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by tawewe

I've been thinking about it for months.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by Shar_Chi

Nuh Uh. Not about the children and the details of why they look like that and the nano bots. Nuh uh.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:49 AM
i advise you to read w a harbinsons project saucer series of books
very close to your thread

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by hypervalentiodine

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
Is what I am saying any different that what you have been reading this whole time ?


Is what I am telling you any wilder than the assertions made by others ?


If only the X-files had you as a script writer.

I LOVED The X-Files. Hated to see it end actually.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by jod73

Will do. Thanks.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:03 AM
The roswell crash wasn't german tech it was alien tech.
Everything we have from there on in, like computers, was based of the reverse engineering of whatever crashed on roswell that day.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:21 AM
So.....when these Nazis escaped in that submarine filled with gold and headed to Antarctica, where did they get materials to build ufos? Where did they get materials to build labs to continue their experiments? Where did they get materials to build dwellings for everyone? How are they keeping warm? Etc.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:27 AM
This is just based on Operation High-jump and Paperclip. Some people claim that certain elements of the Nazi party escaped to a secret base in Antarctica called "Neuschwabenland." Most of this isn't new. Other theories claim the Nazis left earth and eventually went to the moon, on the dark-side no less.

A recent book claiming Roswell was actually a crashed soviet saucer containing children has also just been released, i cant remember the name of the auther, sorry. Anyway she claimed that Roswell was a bluff that advanced soviet tech along with children, who wad been surgically altered by the notorious German doctor of death, Joseph Mengele (the angle of death). This theory and book have been universally panned by peers and respected researchers in number. I do not buy it either, I always felt and Roswell was either future humans or ET, probably ET.

However i do think Operation high jump is an interesting story, i think you should concentrate your efforts there.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:06 PM
You realize that you, as the old saying goes, "...Are preaching to the choir?"

Can you go back and underline any original though your provided in the current text?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:08 PM
Well for one this would make a great movie..

In fact, there is an effort going on to make just that - a movie on refugee nazi's fleeing to the Antartctic and even to the moon.

It's called iron sky and I can't wait till it's finished.

Gonna be an epic B-mov.

I like the moon twist they give it in iron sky, but hey, you could offer your theory to the makers of this movie. Who knows they have still room to fit it in.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:51 PM
This theory could be close to the truth, but it doesn't really jive with all the accounts of ET before the 1900's, where you couldn't blame black ops, or Nazis, for these encounters. So even if Roswell was entirely human related, it doesn't really say much as to the "truth about ET".
edit on 4-9-2011 by OMsk3ptic because: (no reason given)

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