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Monsanto's Dirty Little Secret: Anniston, Alabama

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posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by isthisreallife

Well I've said it before.

Sometimes I'd like a nazi-like dictator to rise to power, making these corporate "people", rather than innocent poor, the scapegoats.

Can I honestly say I would be against that?

edit on 4-9-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 11:39 AM
World leaders get input from "see-ers", "Prophets", and "mystics".

Adolph Hilter was told the world will be polluted over GREED and human DNA will be destroyed.

He took the information and did away with the GREED (jews)....even killed those of his own country born with bad DNA (handicapped/mentally retarded).

He put health first for his country.

But to be kept alive he let his private doctor poison him. Which is where he went wrong. He should have used the nukes he created...but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Read Von Braun's quote about giving the Nazi nukes to "Christian America hoping they would never use those weapons".

The prophets told him where humanity and Earth was headed. Even the Mayan's knew. This world ends in 2012 and there will be another for humanity....but after over.

We killed ourselves, polluted the world...destroyed our very DNA. GREED. There's no putting humpty dumpty back together again.

Humans always struggling to topple the other tribe....was this species downfall.
Any "Aliens" if they viewed humanity, would not deem us as an intelligent species.
We're a sad species...always killing and making our own suffer.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
This is just one of the many skeletons in not only Monsanto's closet, but ALL of the petrochemical/Agricultural companies in the world.
Oh and just so you know..They've been feeding our livestock bacteria and other forms of chemical 'Feed' for 30 years or more! It started in the hog farms and has spread to nearly all livestock used for consumption!


We vegetarians are not safe from it either because they are not required to tell us what they have done to our food and if it is modified and I would like a list of the chemicals used in all growing. we use organic but only when we can afford too it is way more expensive and from all i have read you cannot always trust that it IS organic just because it says so. They have taken away our choices by allowing growers to hide what they do.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 11:54 AM
Monsanto, the one company on Earth responsible for the most misery next to Hallibortion.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by isthisreallife
Sometimes I lose hope in Humanity. We seem to be so caught up in greed that we lose sight of our fellow individuals.

Sometimes I suspect that at the base, many are not Human at all.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Pervius
We killed ourselves, polluted the world...destroyed our very DNA. GREED. There's no putting humpty dumpty back together again.

I contend that was not "all of Humanity." I contend that where We are at is the result of some few, lizard hearted, I call Them, and We Humans are either the toadies, the slaves, the starlettes, or the cast-offs.

When released from the soil (the need for money), with a Betterment Ethic in the place of a work ethic (the slave's ethic), Humanity will shine. The soil is that in which the root of all evil grows - the LOVE of money(/power/energy).

Humans always struggling to topple the other tribe....was this species downfall.

In a scarcity paradigm, yes. We clamber for the products both petrofuel and Human energy has brought forth, and are subjugated into putting Our energy into the System. That is fine for One who is following One's bliss, but "TGIF" would not be a recognized acronym with much agreeable sentiment attached if most were "in Their bliss" while working.

Any "Aliens" if they viewed humanity, would not deem us as an intelligent species.

[I raise a brow] I would not presume to know what a non-Human species might make of Humanity as a whole. I would have to ask Them. Do You have insider info or something?

We're a sad species...always killing and making our own suffer.

No We're not. Most of Us are under the yoke. Our energy and creative bent, Our loving hearts, are saddled with the need for money - and the solution is kept hidden from Us.

If We were such a sad species:

1. We would know personally someOne from every category of crime We see on TV (a vanishingly small percentage of the Humans on this planet)

2. Society could not function. Any more than a rather small percentage of Ones who cannot accept simple Ethical (the three Laws) and civil rules (do not do unto Others that which You would not want done unto You), and society has issues.

So. Yes, there are some evil [explitive deleted]s out there and I deduce that They may lack a Human heart, or are so twisted by the lure of money/power/energy that all pathways to the heart are gone. But I cannot acribe these traits to Humanity as a whole.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by isthisreallife

Well I've said it before.

Sometimes I'd like a nazi-like dictator to rise to power, making these corporate "people", rather than innocent poor, the scapegoats.

Can I honestly say I would be against that?


How about chaos-driven self governance with no need for money? With a Betterment Ethic instead of a work ethic? Just add free energy, baby.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by wrathofall
reply to post by stirling

Holy Hell! That is frightening! We are all so screwed on so many levels. Get me off this rock!!!

Edit: My boycotts comments were dry sarcasm. I think it is virtually impossible to avoid their evil hand. That was the point I was trying to get across. Monsanto is but only one part of the evil grip upon this Earth. We let it all go to far.
edit on 4-9-2011 by wrathofall because: (no reason given)

My understanding from the links is that the simplest way to boycott Monsanto and their ilk is to buy organic. Its getting easier all the time to find organic alternatives; especially if u stay away from stores like Walmart.

I know the majority of consumers out there are clueless, but for the rest of us there is no excuse to continue buying from the corporate oligarchs. Supporting local small business and organics is the way to go for now.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by isthisreallife

All I can say is... we can either start taking these threats seriously as empowered CITIZENS... or we can leave it to our corrupted/limp government to do it. Or we can be total dupes and leave it to the market (i.e. those corporations) to magically stop polluting out of the goodness of their hearts.

The time is now, you either want change or you don't, people. Will it be YOUR lifetime?? Or... someone else of some other generation, hopefully... maybe in the future, gradually, magically?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by dantanna

it is not 'humanity' it is sociopaths making these decisions.

Well, sort of ...

The sociopaths only reach their positions of power because most of the rest of the population is too stupid, lazy, selfish and self-absorbed to care about anything beyond their immediate needs and desires.

We, the average Joe on the street are not without blame; at least while we sit idly by and let this continue. Mind you, Europeans seem to be doing a bit better at keeping their food safe than we in N. America. If they can do it, why can't we?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
Nicely done video - GREAT music track. How about some music credits, I might want to find some of that for my iPod.

Thank you. The music tracks are sound beds I found in Apple's SoundTrack which I have as part of the Final Cut Pro Suite. Every time I post something good from it on youtube for some reason I have to dispute a "matched party content" and explain I have the rights to it. When the companies respond they always agree. It's those that don't grrr. Sorry off topic rant.

On Topic: I'm glad to see so many people finding ways to fight this evil. Who can deny some form of evil exists when you see soulless corporate scumbags that actively allow this to happen.

We all, at least me personally, owe a debt of gratitude to the folk who saw this early and have been fighting to bring it to our attention. I wanna keep doing my part too except exponentially so.

Again GREAT JOB OP! Congrats on frontpage...that's BIG in this fight.

Special shout out to ATS burntheships a true warrior and friend of the world.

So...who's gonna be my on camera talent?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

And like I keep saying to you, repairmen still want to get payed.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by stirling
Monsanto now owns the former Blackwater private army.
The name has changed to Xe but they bought Blackwater out last year.
Why do you suppose that an agricultural company needs a private army?

Stirling you always come up with great stuff. I didn't know that. I'ma check it out.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by isthisreallife
reply to post by CynicalDrivel

True. I've seen many, many mentions of it in threads before, but never an actual thread on the topic. I live(d) in Birmingham, Alabama so I often heard people mention it. But, most people know little about it. Its as if Monsanto just swept it under the rug.
It's more that they don't seem to realise how close to home the monster is. If we called their most evil chemical by it's better known name (AGENT ORANGE) we'd get a larger reaction. If we'd point out that this same company MAKES LYSOL, we'd get more attention. If we'd point out that lysol, in the past, WAS CONTAMINATED with worse chemicals than what Lysol already has, people might, just might start to worry. But Lysol is a beloved brand that people trust more than any other brand to kill all germs. It's an uphill battle to get this through most of humanity's thick skull. People are not just complacent, they tend to erroneously believe in their invincibility.

Put it to you this way. I know the dangers in detail of messing around with Lysol, so I don't buy the product. At the same time, if I go in someone's house, and that's what they have on hand to kill germs, I use it, knowing fully well that lysol is one of the most disgusting products on the market. I use it knowing that my lungs hurt after being exposed to minute ammounts. Why? Because it happens so infrequently, that overall, it's a minimal health risk. That does not change the fact that it's still a health risk.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Cargil also has their own private army! They protect their interests with zeal only seen by our Navy SEALS!


edit on 9/4/2011 by ZindoDoone because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 02:04 PM
So I thought I'd engage in some wild s&f type speculation

We know that any plant which contains the monsanto patented gene's automatically becomes their property, we also know that most of their crops are not utilizing terminator seed technology (this is to ensure their gene spreads and contaiminates the competition ... look up the spread of GE Canola).

We know that the BT Toxin gene (with it's antibiotic resistance gene) has been shown to be taken up into the DNA of human gut bacteria from the GE food we eat (Dutch scientists discovered this) and hence now produce BT Toxin inside us. Bacteria share DNA in a few ways one of them is via small circles of free floating DNA called plasmids, so far only known to be taken up by bacteria . Our Scientisits have also been working on gene therapy using cold viruses that cannot replicate ... so lets just imagine somehow a human virus manages to pick up a Monsanto gene, which gets inserted into our DNA .... Does that Mean that Monsanto now owns all our DNA and hence us ? Will he have to ask them for permission to have children ... ?

Yes in our brave new world, our children may not be able to replicate by themselves (enough animals GE feeding studies show generational infertility),may need their permission (and to pay) to attempt in vitro fertilization. All food grown will belong to Monsanto, all our soil and water will be containated with their toxic chemicals (we'll have to use more and more because the amphibians will have been killed, whilst super pests continually threaten biblical famines - see corn borer pests and how quickly thay've adapted) so nothing but their seeds will grow, plants will have to be pollinated by hand (bee's and bats dead) ...

They will own all the water (they are buying this up and then they will send the price skyhigh ... see more and more people die), all Scientists will toe their line (just google how many Scientists have died mysteriously over the years and you may be surprised to see how many micro biologists / virologists have met with stange untimely deaths.) Any Scientist trying to investigate any human / animal /plant will have to have their permission to do research (as there gene's have infiltrated everywhere) - this is already the case for the plants they currently have. Everyone will be totally beholden to a Company that had no problem producing chemical weapons and polluting peoples homes.

The only safe food will actually be grown in biodomes and ordinary people will not be able to afford this organic food that doesn't kill you via chronic disease process. Big Pharma will only keep folks alive that can afford to pay.

Welcome to the World owned by Monsanto ....

Currently both Repubs and Democrats and the FDA are in their pockets ... so it really is up to us to boycott GE food if we want to remove this "Axis" of Evil ... avoid CORN/CANOLA/COTTON & SOY. Each shopping trip pick one of your usual buys and search around for that product that doesn't have any of the above if you can not afford Organic.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by stirling

Wow - thank you for posting this information - I had no idea.

For those who want to read more on the relationship between Blackwater (Xe) and Monsanto, here are a few links:

The source most reports I found are quoting:

There are also threads here on ATS from last year:

While not surprising, this is frightening on so many levels.

edit on 9/4/2011 by Open2Truth because: because I never seem to get it right the first time.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 02:22 PM
If your read the wikileaks cables, our government goes to inhuman odds to sell Monsanto's GMO products too - like there was one cable about how Spain didn't want it, so they artificially inflated real food prices and caused a ton of people to starve in order to force Spain into accepting them.
You can search Monsanto in the cables.

It goes beyond Democrat or Republican. Both sides have perpetuated this. BUSH 1 was in bed with them, Clinton was in bed with them, it goes on and on. Every congressman that I've got for years has just LOVED them even if I write saying I want to know what's GMO and what isn't on the label, I get back form letters glowing with how they will save the world.

Either the politicians are stupid and believing that bunk, or there's something really, really nefarious going on.
Or both.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 02:29 PM
It was in the paper that Monsanto was buying XE, but I got to looking and didn't this other company?

I think they are associated with Monsanto though - I know they contract services to them.
I think they did it to muddy the water. says that John Ashcroft is in charge.
edit on 4-9-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by AliceBlackman

Most excellent thinking there, Alice, if I may.

With the connection to Xe--goonsquad subservient SS types--I can see 'em almost as an important and particularly sinister tentacle of an NWO octopus.

For example Halliburton being another tentacle of the same creature as another poster above astutely pointed out.

Chuck Norris, and man I hate to say this--would even finally need the help of another hero like Ron Paul or somebody. James Bond.

Oh, and maybe we can help and use all our channels of communication to spread all the excellent proofs of what kind of scum that these morally corrupt poisoning bullies are.

The pen is mightier than the sword and the internet is mightier than a piece of paper. On guard Monsanto.

Edit:Great info and deduction from hadriana too!! Go ATS!
edit on 4-9-2011 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

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