posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:18 PM
I believe that beliefs shape how you perceive and interact with existence... I believe.
I believe that we are intelligent energy which literally translated means we have the capacity to do intelligent work. I believe the entire universe
and any form of energy is intelligent energy.
Seemingly inanimate matter has the ability to organize itself into an ever-increasing complexity of forms in order to more efficiently and effectively
carry out its purpose which is intelligent work i.e. teaching, learning, and working.
That is what the universe does.
Now, learning is a process. It is a progression. Knowledge halts that forward acting progression of learning and assumes the role of teacher for the
form possessing knowledge.
Knowing doesn't necessarily mean that what you know is true in objective reality. So you can have false beliefs and still halt your progression in
the direction that that learning was going before you assumed you knew.
Eventually, you will be burdened by the fallacy of living a lie. In fact, the only truth is forward progression which is always the act of learning.
So never know anything, because at the point of knowing, learning stops, and you aren't designed to know, you are designed to learn.
However, knowledge applies a filter over your mind so that whenever you look out into the world, you constantly perceive things that are in accordance
with that knowledge. So if you know something like the future, you will, depending on how much you actually know it, inevitably cause that future
event to take place. Hence the idea, "if man had faith as small as a mustard seed...".
But you have to actually know it without a doubt, and the degree of impossibility is proportional to the degree of faith you must have.
Why do you think the electrons hit in a two slit formation instead of the wave formation in the double slit experiment when the observer was
introduced? Don't you think it behaved like that because the obserer knew it would? If the observer knew it would hit at one of the other
possibilities, then it would have.