posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:04 AM
It's a D*** SHAME. Last night on Jeff Rense's show, some a****** called in --while-- the guest was a psychic woman, giving readings to sad lonesome
people, and this shmuck began railing about how Alex Jones won't let this dude rave on Jones' show about the Palestinian plight, and how Jones
won't activist for the Palestinian plight. Rense encouraged this disruptor. Alex is trying to --save-- this country. THIS country. Excuse me, but
it's not easy to try and save two. And at the same time, no-the-hey. And then, I saw on the WhatReallyHappened site, a short while back, someone
had made a viscous parody vid of Jones. It wasn't funny, it was only downright despicable.
You jerks. Jones is a human being with his own beliefs and ignorances. Yes, and ignorances. And oh my god, -- limitations. But would Rense or
Rivero charge into the State Capital with a bullhorn, would they be calling George W Bush and his Secret Service out, from right across the street,
would they rush headlong into an ongoing Globalist Elite ritual? People who are trying to be Awakeners, have their own focus and schtick of doing
so. Instead of ---jealously--- sitting there gibbering in resentfull ninnying, you other Awakeners should be pointing out the good things to admire
of your fellow soldiers in the war for truth and justice. And then they will in kind do the same for you.