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A special thank you to those who have talked and/or warned us.

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posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Beamish

Exactly right Beamish.

The only answer to the dilemma has to be one of evidence or rarely proof to back up the claims.

It's not a case of 'proof or it didn't happen', those parroted lines annoy me as much as they do the OP of this thread, but the only way to tell whether or not a post is a clever construct designed to deceive, or worse still discredit ATS and by association all of it's material in general *has to be* with something tangible to go on.

Otherwise, it is just a story.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Magantice

I agree. For those that demand proof, I would say, "You want it? Go look for it." then they put their own effort into looking for the proof and it sticks with them.

The dis-informers, please stop, your cause to put a lot of truth-seekers in chaos is very painful.

The low-IQ people. grow a brain and learn, it helps.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Magantice

I totally agree with what you say. I for one have posted my account of my fight against cancer in an unconventional way in order to help others and I hope that by providing the information, some good will come from it. If you are interested, the link is in my signature.

Great work!

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by FreedomCommander
reply to post by Magantice

I agree. For those that demand proof, I would say, "You want it? Go look for it." then they put their own effort into looking for the proof and it sticks with them.

The dis-informers, please stop, your cause to put a lot of truth-seekers in chaos is very painful.

The low-IQ people. grow a brain and learn, it helps.

You're doing exactly what the OP is arguing do realise that don't you?

Those that refuse to accept an anonymous story, which may be a true account or may be a complete fiction you seem to think are 'low IQ people with out a brain or learning'? Or because they won't accept anything on blind faith, they are 'dis-informers' as you put it?

Truth isn't a story posted on a website with nothing to validate, it may be personal truth to the poster, but to the reader it's an unsubstantiated story.

The real danger is that the poster of a story that cannot be factually verified, may actually be the 'dis-informer' relying on 'low IQ readers' you speak of, to aid in setting a proverbial cat amongst the pigeons.

Ever considered that? Or was my post a page or two back not self explanatory?

I'll try again if it helps?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Magantice
Posting your knowledge or experience on ATS is not very rewarding when you have disinformation agents and people with low Iq's posting snarky remarks. Then there are those who want proof. Example: pictures or it didnt happen. Aside from all of this, there are those of us who want to hear what you have to say. We can do research on our own. We dont need proof. We just need enough for you to tell us in your own words, what happened to you or what you believe you know. This is the one place where the truth can be told . Most people who really do know something, end up dead shortly after they share the information. Hopefully those of you who dont want to die keeping secrets from those who need to know, will take the chance to share here. For those of you who have already shared what you know, I for one thank you. I believe very little of what I read on ATS but having said that I can also say I've learned a lot. The truth IS IN HERE. Anyone who agrees with me please let our informants know.

While I agree with the sentiment here, I do take some issue with the approach.
Rewarding. Well, It is if you get some sort of "reward" i.e. self satisfaction, from "sharing". This is, not unlike the hundreds of thousands of other messgae board-type sites, a place for sharing. ATS is, and we can agree on this, a little different. We, as people, love to share. We are social creatures by our very nature. In any form, communication is rewarding. We all want for human contact. Whether a handshake, a conversation, or a stranger reading what you write. There is a certain pride in sharing, especially sharing your thoughts. So, is there a "reward" for posting on ATS? Yes, I would say there is.
As for my issue. I find fault with labeling people as "disinformation agents" or as having "low Iq's [sic]".
What, pray tell, is wrong with wanting "proof"? Proof If I am to believe something, or even take the time out of my day to "do research" on my own. While"hunches" and "intuition" on a subject can be entertaining or even interesting, it really adds nothing to the collective knowledge of said subject. There is a danger inherent in spreading "thoughts" or even "expiriences" as fact. People may report a ghost sighting, or they may have seen an alien or believe themselves to be "abducted" but lacking any proof outside of "expirience" is simply not enough.
Granted, a "conspiracy" is going to be, by its nature, lacking in hard fact. But there should, at least, be something to base it in the "real world". Without some basis of truth one could claim pretty much anything one wished to. This is not condusive to "uncovering" the truth.
As i said, there is a place for the unsubstantiated story. It may intrigue someone and I don't deny people the right to express themselves, but far too often people, if not "make up" stories, embellish or exaggerate them.
I come to ATS, not for fiction or for, frankly, the "expiriences" of the mentally disturbed (which, and be honest, many such stories are. Not all, but many.). i come here to learn. Does that mean I need ALL of the facts? no, not neccessarily. But if i am to spend my time looking into something I would hope that those exploring the topic are doing the leg work. Researching before they post and not making claims that they have absolutely no proof of. Passing on fiction does nothing but muddy the waters for those looking for the truth.
Another issue i have with the above post are the lines:

"Most people who really do know something, end up dead shortly after they share the information. Hopefully those of you who dont want to die keeping secrets from those who need to know, will take the chance to share here. ".

This statement is. i'm sorry, pure sensationalism. Could you provide real world examples, where it is shown the person was killed for what they said. This is a sort of fear mongering. Not that I accuse the poster of fear-mongering, per se. But claims such as these, couched as they are amongst talk of posting on ATS, are misleading at best. I personally doubt the veracity of the claim of "deaths" for those who have "shared the information". To connect it with posting on ATS is, to me, absurd. The OP implies that posting on ATS could, under certain circumstances, get one killed. I'm sorry, but that is far fetched.
One part of this post that I can whole-heartedly agree with is this line:

I believe very little of what I read on ATS but having said that I can also say I've learned a lot.

The best piece of advice I can give to those reading or posting on ATS is this: BE A SKEPTIC. (A dirty word amongst conspiracy lovers).
We should always question any information given us. As the OP'er implies, the ATS is a great place to learn. It's not an end but rather a jumping off point. People should post their ideas and experiences here. Sharing is important.
I just don't want to read fiction.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:59 PM
I'm talking but know one is listening to me or my comments. I'm your smoking gun! If I were around during Egyptian times the drawing on the wall would be me an egyptian a looming ufo and waves of thought going from the egyptian to the UFO and back down to me to get me to move speak or whatever the egyptian wanted me to do. I know leak secrets get killed cause the technology is paid for in blood. Simple as that. I hold Earth and Earth's fate in the lines of the palm of my right hand.

"By far, reality is the best invention yet!" Terrestrial Officer Denver on The Intelligent Design! and The Now! or the eternal presence of military perfection.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by UFOOWNER
I'm talking but know one is listening to me or my comments. I'm your smoking gun! If I were around during Egyptian times the drawing on the wall would be me an egyptian a looming ufo and waves of thought going from the egyptian to the UFO and back down to me to get me to move speak or whatever the egyptian wanted me to do. I know leak secrets get killed cause the technology is paid for in blood. Simple as that. I hold Earth and Earth's fate in the lines of the palm of my right hand.

"By far, reality is the best invention yet!" Terrestrial Officer Denver on The Intelligent Design! and The Now! or the eternal presence of military perfection.

I come to ATS, not for fiction or for, frankly, the "expiriences" of the mentally disturbed (which, and be honest, many such stories are. Not all, but many.).


posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 07:24 PM
Agreed. Here's to the Fox Mulders of the world. The brave souls who are endlessly derided as cranks and crackpots, but who work tirelessly to bring us information that is vitally necessary to our continued wellbeing.

To the whistleblowers, and those who are willing to spend their entire lives standing in the shadows, in order to expose them to the light. You are warriors, all of you, and we owe you our thanks.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by UFOOWNER
I'm talking but know one is listening to me or my comments. I'm your smoking gun! If I were around during Egyptian times the drawing on the wall would be me an egyptian a looming ufo and waves of thought going from the egyptian to the UFO and back down to me to get me to move speak or whatever the egyptian wanted me to do. I know leak secrets get killed cause the technology is paid for in blood. Simple as that. I hold Earth and Earth's fate in the lines of the palm of my right hand.

"By far, reality is the best invention yet!" Terrestrial Officer Denver on The Intelligent Design! and The Now! or the eternal presence of military perfection.

I read your post 3 times. I'm not any less confused than when I read it the first time. Perhaps it's that low IQ of mine...because surely I must be suffering from that.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 07:39 PM
Conspiracies are conspiracies because there is either little evidence, no proof, or the overwhelming evidence is being stonewalled and oppressed by "TPTB".

So asking for proof of a conspiracy theory is like asking Bill Clinton the definition of "is". You aren't going to get it in most cases. And in some cases you never will. No matter how true the conspiracy may be.

I know there are some on this board who could share some things they know for a fact. But it's unlikely they ever will. Why should they? No one will believe it anyway.

To me, the OP has the right approach. Listen to peoples stories. Make a mental or physical note. Because down the road what may seem implausible now, might all of a sudden tie in with something else and become an accepted theory or fact. Or not.

The conspiracy theorists job is to play connect the dots the best he/she can, and wait for evidences that confirm or deny your connections. You can't do that properly if your mind is closed to evidence from either side of the argument.


posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 07:40 PM
thank you to all of my brothers and sister who share Truth, thank you

the more light you shine the more protection you get


posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Magantice

and very well written. I thank all who have had the guts to speak up on ATS as well

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 08:05 PM
I know personally I have stopped myself from posting certaing threads about experinces i've had. I know I am definitely not the only one. Just think of all the topics, information, discussion we are robbing each other from. I've actually seen a more "welcoming" attitude towards personal experinces regarding comspiracy related topics on other sites no focused on the matter. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the groups and people that we expose have paid people who spend their time on the boards discrediting and downplaying anything with some substance.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Klassified

As much as I love ATS, I like to balance myself out with things like this:


too many conspiracy theories can make you go looney tunes.
It's good to remember, sometimes, that they aren't out to get you.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:20 PM
Well, put. People who do reveal sensitive information are often times at great risk. thanks for helping to spread the truth.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
reply to post by Magantice

Me IQ is purdy low. I hope I aint a ruinin yu post.

Don't sweat the small stuff Dean, Here's Yer Star! Your concern
merits your reward, and I believe with a Van Heusen blue/white
pinstripe shirt and showin' some cuff besides, I'd like to thank ya
for exposing the Uncle Usurper as a Wall Street shill.
Next thing you know they'll Photoshop Michael Rennie's face
to Sam's for the next generation; and change the text to
"I Want YOU to remember, 'Klaatu Bravado Nicoban'."
That should get robot police lieutenant Gort from Mars to turn
a good 2/3 of us into carbon cakes just on general principles.
Jeez we're so scrUd they don't even need bombs fer here
Peace Love and a fresh stock for th' 1884 Nitro Express bud...

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by MuchTooSerious

See that's the thing, they are out to get you. The New World Order's white papers prove this. If you just listen to someone like Kissinger talk, its blatantly obvious. The Eugenicists are everywhere "More than 100 million people on the earth is too much" if you guys would listen to the Alex Jones show on occasion, I know you downplayers have probably labeled him as a "nutjob" in your heads already, but if you would listen to his show, he tells you what these NWO Globalists say and do in their own words and actions. It is blatantly obvious where we are headed with our current corrupt fiat money government. You must do the research yourself. The patriot act was a big blow to the side of the head of the constitution and bill of rights, but we've been giving up freedoms way before that with our trade laws and the drug war. DO YOUR RESEARCH, IT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE MORE THAN LIKELY!
Ron Paul 2012, our last chance.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:29 PM
If you want an my post called A Breach of Treaty..
Its something I held secret for 40 the responces..
My story is the truth I have no reason to lie ..see for yourself

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:41 PM
Wow... Thanks for the gut check...

I can have a tendency to be "snarky" but it is not because of my low IQ.... It's just how I relate to things.

I come from a long line of smarta$$es and I make no apologies for that. I guess I'll make it my New Year resolution to be less "snarky" but that means I have four more months to mouth off and be myself.

It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

Seriously though thanks everyone for sharing this place would not be the same without you all... Even you "snarky" wannabe trolls!!!

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:15 PM
i try to be honest and helpful so i feel better about things

dont forget to flush

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