posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:03 PM
I live in Los Angeles CA and my first post is inspired by the Cryptozoology/Mythical Beasts forum. Does anyone pay attention to the normal creatures
in their neighborhood? Maybe it's because I'm a smoker, I tend to be outside more often. There is a large flock of pigeons (110+) which is always
being harassed by a solitary hawk. There is also a group of crows (18) and seagulls (5) which are seemingly drawn to the choice restaurant dumpsters.
Whenever the hawk shows up it's aerial battle time as the seagulls and the crows dive bomb the hawk for 20-30 minute intervals. This happens on an
almost daily basis and it's funny to me that these daily animal struggles happen right under peoples noses and no one notices/cares. Your thoughts
and stories of the animals in your neighborhood are welcome.