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Out Of Body Experiences

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posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 10:07 AM
I have these quite frequently, and it's not something I really like to talk about (it's scary as hell), but I wonder if anyone else has experienced them while just sort of walking around? Most seem to have them while lying down, and this has never happened to me. I can leave my body for up to 10 minutes (not by choice) while just walking down some stairs
So..has anyone else had them while going about their normal lives, i.e. not lying down/sleeping?
No offence but, only genuine replies please.


posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 02:44 PM
Hi Becs, don't scary, be quiet and logic inside yourself

if it's possible. Diferent person, diferent system, and di-

ferents feelings. Try longs distances, not only around

your room/ home.

Bon chance and nice voya

Sorry for my self-made English.

regards chapo





posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 02:57 PM
kind of

I get it when im walking somewhere,

I feel like im walking ajacent to my phy/body
like im a few feet away ,
or sometimes when im walking outside i feel really light
and i seem really tall, like a few feet higher

and my arms feel really long and in different possitons than they really are.

occasionally a feel like my (mind? astral body?)
has already gone a few feet infront and my real body is lagging behind.
like i could almost see around corners before i get to them.

are these the feelings u get?

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 03:44 PM
Thanks for your responses guys, though I have to say Chapo, you're very cryptic

TrentReznor, That's not quite really what happens to me, though it sounds plausible for an OBE.

Interestingly enough, I did have a similar sensation last winter (I was convinced my body was deforming..too much Kafka
?), when it felt like, as you say, my arms were too long and in a different position, like bent upwards.

As for my OBE's, they're either split second shots where I'm standing a few feet away looking at myself, or 20 minute experiences with a lot more detail to them. I perceive my limbs as being plastic, and..ugh, it's such a shock. Recognise any of that, Trent?



posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 04:27 PM
sadly no

i dont see my self from outside

just the feeling of being displaced.

do you feel vibrations? feeling like miner tremmors?
i get these when lying down

vibrations are said to be the oncomming of an obe.

but i carnt seem to get past this point.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 05:18 PM
I've never had tremours, no.

Well, during one serious OBE, I was in a state of shock and was probably shaking, but that's an isolated occurance. My OBE's seem to be very different from everyone else's, which concerns me


posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 07:55 PM
The way i see it is nobody has to have the same sort of experience with OBE as others do. Some get the vibrations, some don't; some find it easy, some don't; some have them spontaneously, some have to try for years with no success.
I'd put your experiences down to the state of your energy, Becs. Maybe your energy levels are at a high frequency more often or they reach a higher frequency easily. I know one thing - if i were in your situation and had these spontaneous OBEs i'd take full advantage of them.
If it's fear that's stopping you (you said they are scary), I believe that there is nothing to fear unless you believe there is. In other words, since when one is out of body, thought = action, if you keep positive and realise you are controlling the experience, you may find things less intimidating.

I have a question for you. You say you may have an OBE while you are simply walking down stairs. When you are out of body, are you still aware of your physical body? I mean, if you're walking down stairs and you suddenly have an OBE and lose awareness of your physical body you could siffer a very bad fall. So i'm thinking you probably have that dual awareness thing going on.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 08:09 PM
Thanks for your response, The Eagle:

I'm not sure if I can ever regard OBE's as positive or benign, because the two most serious experiences I had were absolutely terrifying, mainly because I was confused and didn't know how to control the situation at all. I just kind of floundered about, I think. You have a point though, that if I realise that I can control what's happening, it won't be quite as scary. I really don't know's like it's totally out of my hands, and all I can do is 'float'.

As for high energy levels, what precisely do you mean? That I'm stressed or? That would most certainly be true a lot of the time, and I'm not the most sane person on the planet, but I have a feeling that you mean something entirely different by 'energy'.. Also, how do you think I should take advantage of them? It's like a complete paralysis. Basically I see my physical body looking confused, wondering what the heck is going on, touching my limbs in a dazed manner, while I'm floating above or below myself like air, feeling just as terrified. During my split second ones, it's like looking in a mirror. I can't explain it doesn't feel right.

Regarding the stairs, I've been extremely lucky in the sense that we have almost none, and the times it has happened I've been at the bottom of them. Also, my physical body tends to freeze, it's not like my legs buckle under me or anything.

I don't understand why anyone would try to have them
They're a curse.


posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 08:51 PM
When i say energy levels i don't mean like iron level or B12 or anything like that (although they could all be tied in). I'm sure you're familiar with the chakras or energy storage centres throughout the body. Those are what i mean.
I don't know how familiar you are with any of this so i'll just put it to you as if you know nothing (sorry). You should also know that i've never actually had a completely success OBE myself, so much of this is just arm-chair theory and ideas gleaned from the small personal experience i have had. I'm no expert.

Basically what i think happens during an OBE is that the energy of the energy body/etheric body or astral body gets raised so one can reach these higher dimensional planes. You might like to think of it as vibration. Everything vibrates at some sort of frequency, and the frequency at which energy vibrates can dictate it's physicality. Does that makes sense?
For example, x-rays vibrate at a frequency that is almost imperceivable by any natural human means. This could be a reason for why people feel so light when they are out of body and why gravity does not effect them.
So basically when i say your energy levels might be high i just mean that your energy body is vibrating at such a frequency that it allows some of your energy to be raised to a higher plane.

I'm not sure how you could take advantage of your situations since i've never been there myself. Perhaps your inability to move is because of your fear and confusion of the situation. Maybe if you are calm enough you could be a lot freer?
It's like with lucid dreaming i suppose. If you get too scared or excited with lucid dreaming you can lose lucidity or wake up. Maybe that's what's happening here - you are losing "lucidity"/control because there are obstacles.
This is purely speculation on though.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 08:01 AM
Thanks for your reply.

Perhaps your inability to move is because of your fear and confusion of the situation. Maybe if you are calm enough you could be a lot freer?

This is probably true, but it's so so difficult to keep calm when it feels like you've been ripped out of your physical's such a strange sensation, very uncomfortable. I'm going to work on keeping calm though, definitely.

Chakras are a completely new concept to me. You see, I don't really quite believe in the paranormal (well, maybe in a sense I do), and so I've not done much research on the subject. Why would I have very high energy levels? (Sorry, it feels like I'm interrogating you here, that's not my intention..I'm very curious now though
!) It feels like I am always tired though..wouldn't elevated energy levels make me feel hyperactive? Edited to say: This may be due to depression and stress. However, it often feels like I can't communicate with people, because I need to ensure that my mind doesn't 'float off course'. I need to stay focused all the time, or I completely space out. Not necessarilly an OBE, but just a state of complete and utter mental paralysis. This is strange, because I used to be able to concentrate so well, and I'm still top of my year at school, but I honestly feel like I'm losing myself.

It's like with lucid dreaming i suppose. If you get too scared or excited with lucid dreaming you can lose lucidity or wake up

Sorry, what is a 'lucid dream'? Is it when you have partial consciousness and can control it, or?

I really appreciate your help


[edit on 23-8-2004 by Becs]

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 10:16 AM
Hi Becs, for sure I am cryptic - and more I am hermetic. Once
again my english is too bad. The Eagle explain to you exactly
the things. Vibrations is important!! Look once more what I
writhed. Diferent person, diferent feelings, diferent '' system''
(system-under methaphysical point of view ) You must be open to the
UNIVERCITY. You are your teacher. Understand??
hemi-sync cassetes will help to you.
You have the institut for psychical reasearch in London.
Look for the books. And don't analized on logical way

regards chapo

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Becs
Thanks for your reply.

This is probably true, but it's so so difficult to keep calm when it feels like you've been ripped out of your physical's such a strange sensation, very uncomfortable. I'm going to work on keeping calm though, definitely.

I can appreciate that. It must be pretty horrifying. Good luck with it

Chakras are a completely new concept to me. You see, I don't really quite believe in the paranormal (well, maybe in a sense I do), and so I've not done much research on the subject. Why would I have very high energy levels? (Sorry, it feels like I'm interrogating you here, that's not my intention..I'm very curious now though
!) It feels like I am always tired though..wouldn't elevated energy levels make me feel hyperactive? Edited to say: This may be due to depression and stress. However, it often feels like I can't communicate with people, because I need to ensure that my mind doesn't 'float off course'. I need to stay focused all the time, or I completely space out. Not necessarilly an OBE, but just a state of complete and utter mental paralysis. This is strange, because I used to be able to concentrate so well, and I'm still top of my year at school, but I honestly feel like I'm losing myself.

Hmmm there may still be some miscommunication of what i mean by energy. It's probably quite a confusing term to use now that i think about it. Basically i'm using the word 'energy' instead of the word 'matter'. So when i talk about vibrational leves of energy, i'm actually talk about the density of matter. Since the human body is made up of matter too, when i'm talking about the energy body, i'm talking about a 'body' that is less dense in matter than the physical body. So when your energy levels are raised, the vibration of the molecules of the matter of the energy body is high enough that it can percieve and join with planes that are likewise vibrating at a high leve of matter.
Now, something i've hardly even considered is how the physical body's energy levels (iron, vitamins etc.) come into this equation. I will say that during the time that i meditate and attempt OBE, it feels as though my energy body (matter) is becoming lighter and expanding, yet i'm as calm as ever. To really investigate this we'd probably have to start talking about brain activity and that's too much to go into right now.
Let's just say that, by my thought, the vibrational level of your energy (matter) body would not necessarily mean that you would become hyper-active. I'm not sure why this is, i only speak from personal experience with meditation and OBE.
Perhaps it's just a case of you being naturally 'gifted' with this connection to higher realms.
Perhaps it really is a case of your body's energy levels (iron and vitamins etc.)
Let me know if any of that is confusing and i'll do my best to straighten it out.

I can relate to what you say about losing focus and your mind floating off. The same has happened to me. Perhaps it's due to our similar circumstances of being involved with these metaphysical aspects of life, or maybe it's just a general life experience thing that happens as peopel grow. Who knows?

Sorry, what is a 'lucid dream'? Is it when you have partial consciousness and can control it, or?

Yeah that's right. A lucid dream is when you are dreaming and aware you are dreaming. During full lucidity you should also be able to control the events that happen.

I really appreciate your help

It's no problem at all

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 04:48 PM
Hi Eagle,

I find you very interesting to read

Do you think it would be very easy for me to OBE at will, through meditation? Now it just happens randomly, and I can neither induce nor interrupt it.

Also, sometimes when I dream I find myself realising that it's just that: a dream, but I can't necessarily control what's happening. Would that be the same thing as a lucid dream? I should probably work on becoming more proactive in situations like these, so that maybe I actuallu could control what happens around me?


[edit on 24-8-2004 by Becs]

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 06:27 PM
Well thanks, Becs. I'm all talk though

It might be quite easy for you to OBE at will, sure. One thing that seems to be a factor for everybody who i've seen try it though is fear. If you are affraid of what's going to happen once you are out (perfectly natural of course), then it's very very unlikely that you are going to be able to settle your mind enough to voluntarily get out. Although since you can do it spontaneously without relaxing it might be a different story for you.
If you need to know some techniques let me know and i can either link you to a few websites or just tell you myself, or both!

Oh and you don't necessarily need to do it through meditation. You could, sure, but it's not necessary. Actually, i suppose it depends how you define meditation really.

Well by my thinking that is a lucid dream, but you don't have full lucidity. Some may argue differently, but that's the way i see things. If you can bring yourself to talk at will in your dream you could try telling the dream what you want. For example, i've heard statements like "Increase lucidity now!" or "Increase clarity now!" to be pretty effective. I can't personally speak on how effective they are for me because every time i've been lucid i've completely forgotten about them

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