posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:00 PM
WHEN the earthquakes that are destined to tear America in half happen (and you better believe they will, I've been seeing it coming for at
least three years now, and the escalation of the signs of it in just the past month has been terrifying), all the people who are now
pre-programmed to think it was Elenibiru will run around screaming "Told you so!" The problem is, everyone else with a theory will also be
screaming whatever they believe. HAARP, moon perigee, God's wrath, Satan's mischeviousness, Rothschilds, Bilderbergs, Masons, Illuminati,
chemtrails, solar flares, heavy rainfall, heavy drought, man-made climate change; why, some might even believe it's just another earthquake, with no
non-natural causative element at all. It will be an exquisite bedlam of anger, sound, and fury signifying nothing. When it happens, if you
survive it, your only concern from then on should be how to keep surviving it... AND how to help others survive. After this nation
plunges into chaos, the only hope for the survivors will be each other. We sure as hell can't rely on any government officials coming to the
rescue (especially since D.C. will be an early casualty), and nobody will be able to survive this on their own. Just going to sleep could be fatal.
So maybe, rather than trying to pre-program ourselves with baseless beliefs about who to blame for it, we should be organizing our own survival plans.
Trust me, the cause won't concern you at all once you're caught up in the middle of it... and no matter what, there is no way to prevent it
from happening, no matter what the cause turns out to be. Even if someone guesses the eventual trigger mechanism(s) correctly beforehand, they'll be
powerless to stop it, no matter how many nukes they take to the Earth's core and set off. If it's natural, we can't control it; we don't have that
much power over nature. If it's man-made, we can't control the men making it; we have even less control over those guys than we do nature.
Therefore, the best thing, the absolute best thing you can do now to help yourself and your family, is finding a way to not be here when it
happens... but I'm not at all certain it won't also cause world-wide quakes, making everywhere unsafe.
Yes, I have a theory about the cause: all those millions of years that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge has been spreading wider and wider without any of that
pressure being relieved. The pattern looks like the American East Coast is just as much of a subduction zone as Japan: two very long lines of quakes
separated by a few hundred miles where nothing's happening. Or maybe it's China's iHAARP system, or the hand of God... but whatever the cause, the
effect will be the same: total devastation for whoever gets in its way. Hasn't anyone else noticed how many politicians and pundits have been
moving to central Texas lately (a place that's had so little rain this year that almost no Fukushima fallout has fallen there)? They're getting out
of the way. The coasts are doomed, guys; the rats are deserting their beachfront condos.
Blame whoever or whatever you want when it happens, or nothing and nobody, but it won't change a thing. Concentrate instead on things that
will make a difference in our survival. Yes, OUR. No man stands alone for long. As LBJ said, "These are the stakes: to make a world in
which all of God's children can live, or to go into the dark. We must either love each other, or we must die."
Yeah, it was a campaign ad, but he wasn't wrong.