posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:54 AM
First and foremost, I want to know if I'm alone?
When I am getting sick, overly tired, injured, etc... During the transitional period between awake and sleep, sometimes before my eyes even shut, I
start to moan.
I'm not talking a little whimper, i've turned heads on an entire train car several times before realizing I even dozed off.
My girlfriend and I laugh at it, she finds it cute and funny. My softer rhythmic moaning actually helps her to fall asleep.
But secondly, WHY?
Why did I start doing this? What causes it?
My theory...
I've deduced that much like when a person converts to zombie state; they attempt to speak, but the brain no longer properly forms words so we hear
groaning. I think that when I am "crossing over", so to speak, I attempt to verbalize in this world what I'm experiencing in the other and it comes
across as garble moan garble moan!
I'd very much like to be studied in this regard. So very curious, not even interested in stopping it like those who suffer from similar conditions. I
embrace it, I just want to know more!