I was going to just make this a comment in a thread of Beezzer's but changed my mind and decided to actually reach out to tea partiers because I think
some of them have their hearts in the right place.
I feel your pain. I know a lot of the tea party members that have stuck with it don't want to let go. They are attached to something that seems new
and alive but the fact is it isn't anymore. The first thing you need to understand is you started out right, but the groups second step was it's
misstep. The first thing a subversive ( to the mainstream unfortunately) group should expect if they are doing it right is to be infiltrated
immediately by groups trying to steal the energy. You trusted too much and let the people you should have been denying from the start align themselves
with you.
I'm afraid now the tea party amounts to a much needed facelift to the republican party. THIS IS THE LAST THING YOU WANTED. The tea party was more
eager to gain ground and publicity by letting Palin's and McDonald's and Becks attach themselves when they should have been very wary of whom they let
speak under their banner. You were naive and traded ideals one at a time for speakers with big names.
You should have defected almost immediately. You guys have to be aware that all tea party candidates are simultaneously mainstream GOP candidates. If
you were going to support anyone it should have been pretty much solely Ron Paul. You started a movement and then rather than fill it with new faces
or people with real convictions you just let the same people who would have been running anyway sign up to steal your votes. Do you think Bachmann or
Palin would be doing anything differently had you not existed?
I suggest that anyone that is in the Tea Party and truly awake to this situation abandon the party that has been completely hijacked. If you really
have the brass then speak up. Trail blaze rather than allow your fellow TP members to be fooled by this GOP facade. Start fresh, reorganize, re-brand
yourselves and don't just allow these go betweens running between GOP and Tea Party. Going the route you are going you can never expect to see a real
TEA PARTY candidate. A candidate whose sole affiliation is the Tea Party. You can't rely on the small conservative, religious base you currently do,
continue this path and you will never gain the support of aware voters like myself and most communities like this one. We need a real alternative, the
Tea Party just doesn't amount to that.
You give me a group of politicians that are as truthful as Ron Paul. Candidates that are constitutionally respectful, guarantee equal rights to ALL
Americans regardless of sexuality or race and you will have a real movement in America. You are thinking way too small. No one is asking for a
compromise, but compassion. When you stop ignoring the differences of people and realize the fundamental sames of wanting legitimate change in the
U.S. not on hot button issues that were invented to grab votes (gay marriage, abortion, etc) those are a ruse to divide people and elect politicians
that don't have real platforms.
Tea Party you are just the GOP's new beard. Try again with us new thinking Americans.
For now I remain unaffiliated at heart (but technically dem, turned republican solely so I can vote in my states closed primaries for Ron Paul) free,
but New American.
Thanks for reading.
edit on 1-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)