Yuh, If that was me, I would changed my mind and gave him the ticket.
But, him flying off the handle like that, wow, he has got some mental issues. It's like in that one split second, he had no clue how to do his
job and got angry about it.
I do disagree about the remote location because that could have been dangerous situation for him.
Cops are F^&*ing nuts just like the rest of us, thats why i go armed at all times. Would you trust yourself with a cop knowing he`s is packing a .45
now? I get pulled over im keeping my hand ready.
Yet another fine example of the outstanding and honourable people working in law enforcement today! I feel at ease knowing these fine citizens are
looking after me.
Cop: "That #$%$%& CONSTITUTION! F*KK You Founding Fathers! If you were &^%^^&% alive I would KILL you for being F*kin terrorists and INTERFERING with
a F*kin police officer!!!!!"